Be Hungary

>Be Hungary
>Irrelevant Central Euro country
>Have more nuclear power plants than the Baltics, Denmark, Poland, Austria, Italy, Moortugal, Ireland and Greece combined
>Plot twist: Hungary only has 1 nuclear power plant with 4 reactors (+2 in the future)
Seriously guys, it's 2018 tomorrow. How come you still don't have nuclear power plants.
Even worse: why did Italy and Austria shut all of them down?

Other urls found in this thread:,_1987,_2011

Communism is fun

There were plans, but no one wants one in the near vicinity of their own home. Also everything costs 8 times more to do here if it's made with public money

Austria built a reactor but never started it up after a referendum.
Today 99% of the population (lefties and righties alike) believe that nuclear energy is the most dangerous thing that ever existed. They are even against the idea of importing electrical energy that was created in nuclear power plants.

Our mining industry provide energy for country and if we closed mines, miners would get really mad so yeah no nuclear power plants

There were some talks with frenchies to sell us the technology, but it fall apart because people don't want shit like this in their towns

As far as I know, nuclear power was pushed by the commies before Chernobyl.


Because we would need to buy them from either Russians or French and we don't want to bend the knee to either of those.

We don't need them

>padding your list with countries that have 0 nuclear plants to make yourself feel better

Because retarded govt. made a referendum on nuclear energy right after Chernobil and people voted based on that. A real shame that fucked over our industry and allowed for mafia infiltration in our energy sector

So you just dumped a pile of money and lit it on fire?

This is some impressive incompetence, here at least we decided to not build it in the first place

We had a referendum after Chernobyl, in 1987, and it was decided to shut them down and end all research on that front.,_1987
Another referendum in 2011 confirmed that choice, because people are stupid and easily scared.,_2011

Basically, yes.

Nah mate, this is a good thing. Imagine if the nuclear reactors were built in the south, we would have a nuclear catastrophe a year. and the mafia would also infiltrate this business with devastating consequences for the environment.

1) We're too poor
2) Too small land area. Nobody wants it near their home thx to the cheeky breeky reputation of nuclear power in the public eyes.
3) We wanted the lithuanian power plant to go on and were willing to support it's modernization but they closed it down nontheless.

Also fuck off, we're full.

Hold my beer

There were plans to build one in the 80s, but then people realized that there isn't a damn area in this shithole that is safe from a massive earthquake in the long term. So it would be Fukushima times a trillion, and instead of a lot of open ocean, the entire Med would be a radioactive lake. But some people still pushed for it, as it would still be much safer and cheaper than fucking lignite power plants.

Then Chernobyl happened, and the normies protested against it, and the government passed a law limiting nuclear material on Greece which is why even nuclear weapons aren't allowed in Nato bases or exercises in Greek territory and airspace.

They would be built here in the north because that's where most of our industry is (or more correctly was. Our indistry is in China, Bangladesh and other shitholes now). And nuclear is one of the safest energy production methods so far with moderate environmental impact in the long run

I think we had one in Lithuania, or were thinking of building one, or was it shut down because it was Soviet """Quality""" or whether it was not up to EU """Standards""".
I think we get enough power from Hydro and we had one scientific Reactor somewhere in Latvia.

Nah, I was just sarcastic, no need to take everything personally.
So why don't you have NPPs? I'm genuinely interested.
>Poland doesn't want them because it's too expensive to construct and importing fuel rod from Russia or France is a no-no
>Austria became paranoid in the 90s and wasted a lot of money
>Italy got spooked by Chernobyl and shut down their power plants
What's your backstory?

I remember the leftist butthurt about it. Muh nucular radiashun, muh green future, why dont we just buy muh cleeeen nergy from germoney, russian your rainum is ebul, it might hack your servers etc.

It was so fucking obvious that it was an eurocrat ploy to deprive us of our energy independece. Paks is our base load power plant, running 100% load on almost all time and at peak efficency, supplying 40% of the power to the country while also storing enough fuel for years ahead. They want us to be dependent on westcuck energy so they would have leverage on us.

Nuclear energy is so 2000's.

Keep the fuck up pseudo-yuros.




I named my dog "Paksi"

who needs nuclear powerplants, when you have coal master race powerplants?

>that leftie impression
my sides
It's true though, we'd be fucked without Paks.

Too bad the referendum also prohibited ENI from investing and building nuclear plants in other countries, effectively crippling research on the Italian front.
We're going to be even more dependant on Germany when they finish their work on a viable fusion energy plant, because the 2011 referendum also shut down any and all research in that field.

>be Serbia
>neighbour has electricity, unlike you
>neighbour has internet, unlike you
>"TRAITORZ!!!!11 warz on bulgaraland naw!!!2"

Italy has decided to remove all its nuclear power plants in 1987 after the cherbobyl accident, at least do some researches before posting this shit, oxymoron

Sheesh, no need to be so trigerred from an innocent question

We have enough coal to supply our needs for the next 500 years.

>if we closed mines, miners would get really mad
How old are you? You know about global rule number 2?

Is being massively cucked so.ething inherent in the german genetic code?

>Plot twist: Hungary only has 1 nuclear power plant with 4 reactors (+2 in the future)
Further plot twist: Finland has 2 nuclear power plant with 4 reactors in total (+2 in the future).
Isn't it Baltic enough for you to consider?

yeah, instead we built airports in middle of nowhere, which costs as much and no one uses them. At least Austrians might start reactors some day xD

>implying finland is a baltic country
recycle yourself

>Austria shut all of them down?
we never shut it down because the only plant ever built was never in use

I thought Germany had shut down theirs?

Just a reminder that the godfather of atomic bomb was Enrico Fermi.
Where are brilliant Italian physicists now?

I start to believe KGB intentionally blew up Chernobyl to sell you dummies more oil and gas.

>tfw had like a hundred nuclear warheads but our cucked transformation gov gave all away to Russia
We wouldn't need murrican multi billion toys now if we had nukes. And Russia bleed us dry for long enough to count them and technology as a payment.

>guize its $currentyear++ tomorrow
In all seriousness, in our case it's because of dirty hippies that even pressured Sweden into closing the Barsebäck plant.

Where are brilliant physicist, scientists anyway? Feyman, Einstein, Maxwell, where are the guys of this caliber?

we have one too. It's in Slovenia

Not until 2022.
fucking idiots. They are throwing years of progress out of the window. Right now Germany would be even able to make nukes by itself.

Every country able to operate a nuclear power plant would be able to make nukes desu. Its not even the question of technical expertise just the amount of money thrown at it and the immense political pressure aganist it.

delete this you gypsie

>yfw your country does not have nuclear plant

But the referendum was before Chernobyl.
The green is strong in this country...


seems like all Germans need some kind of dictatorship to deal with their autism

>Even worse: why did Italy and Austria shut all of them down?

Retarded leftist voters

>Where are brilliant Italian physicists now?
All going to other European countries because our government has money to invest on illiterate third world migrants, but apparently no money to invest on research. Most go to the Netherlands

First Enel owns nuclear power plants in Eastern Europe.
Second with the mentality don't do thing because of mafia in the future we will become even more irrelevant

nehézvíz, urán centrifuga, uránbánya, reaktor, sok pénz.
nekünk ebből csak a reaktor van meg, a bánya pedig romokban.

Not really.
Operating a foreign-built plant does not mean you have all the technology.
But building one by yourself pretty much does.

Romania got one..

Building one is easy. The problem is facing the anger of local residents and "green" groups.
It costs votes and there lies the problem. We had a couple of projects failed because of this.

When the referendum was held in Austria in the late 1970s we had a socialist government who built the plant. The opposition against it was conservative at the time - it was also seen as a vote against the chancellor at the time.

Now the opposition to nuclear energy is almost universal here, everyone is greenish in some way.


Developing and building enrichment centers really is just a long and tedious busywork of solving a gorillion trite technical challanges, nothing groundbreaking. It would be actually harder to build modern subs or high tech ships than building a nuke.

It would be of course, still completely impossible to get one just because the political oppositon so its a moot point.

>Operating a foreign-built plant does not mean you have all the technology.

But we do, the license was sold to us. We even have an entire empty reactor assembly AND a training reactor at Budapest just for that. We actually train a lot of nuclear engineers here for a large variety of tasks, last time I was there they were we were training vietnamese dudes.

draw me a reactor, then we can negotiate
Ja, és kell még egy teszthely is, amire Magyarországon nemigen van lehetőség.
A nemzetközi szervezetek pedig grammra pontosan ellenőrzik, hogy mennyi urániumod van. Ha csak a gyanú is felmerülne, hogy atombombát akarunk készíteni (amiről 1947-ben le kellett mondanunk) röktön ránk küldenék a vizsgálóbizottságokat és olyan szankciókat varrnának a nyakunkba, hogy az egész ország éhen döglene 1 hónap alatt.

Hydroelectricity is a thing.


You are poorer than portugal. No nuclear reactor can save you lool.


70% in 2010 (January to May) of the national production of energy came from renewable sources.


Building a nuke is also a bit of a challenge as the Norks will gladly tell you.

(((John von Neumann))) (who was Hungarian by birth) allegedly worked it out in his head, but he was named the most intelligent man to ever live on this planet for a reason.

We buy energy to France. Let them deal with the radioactive waste

Your cucked country protest against our nuclear power plant every single year but you are buying our energy like hypocrites. Thanks God we will soon build another nuclear pöwer plant near your border so we are expecting more silly protests.

We, Poland and you are on the same level. But Portugal has the ports and Poland has the greatest geostrategic location of us three.

>shame on Poland and us to some extent
>lol... Poland

they are going to build a metal cooled reactor here for experiments
nuclear is without any question the best source of energy we have

We also give shelter to exiled Hungarian statesman.

If you want to unite Austrian green and blue voters, who hate each other with passion on just every other topic, just talk about nuclear energy...

Sorry, I can't change this dumbness.

1) Not having nuclear power plant doesn't mean we don't have nuclear reactors
2) Whole bunch of reasons:
- Poland has one of the biggest coal deposits in europe => we have HUGE coal mining lobby
3) Nuclear Power energy is NOT THE CHEAPEST
4) Huge majority if not 99% of Poles is against nuclear powerplants, we were one of the countries over which radioactive cloud from Ukraine-Prypiat flew, this and hundreds of nuclear incidents across the globe (that are often kept secret by gov) makes it extremely difficult for gov to force building this kind of power plant in Poland.
5) We are eventually gonna have to build at least 1 power plant due to increased needs for energy and all this "green agenda" forced by the eu, and gov is already planning etc building one power plant for few years already
6) Some politicians thinks that at this point it would be more benefitial to wait this few years for new types of reactors to develop, like thorium reactors or this "mini/portable nuclear reactors from USA"


>Where are brilliant Italian physicists now?
Either studying in Germany, Japan, or the USA. When they "retire" they come back to Italy and teach as a hobby in universities.

>it was also seen as a vote against the chancellor at the time.

>I want to see that government go down
>I know! Let's fuck up our whole energy department. That'll teach them.

nuclear energy was illegal in yugoslavia because fear of fuckups, for some reason we kept that part of the law and just use water instead, it works, no reason to change it.

every single country with nuclear reactor is capable of building a nuke...
This is not 1950's anymore. Its not that hard to build a nuke or a dirty bomb. Its way more difficult to build ICBM or other effective mean of transporting it.

Nuclear weapon program, Poland had it, other countries had it, even Sweden had their own nuclear weapon program.

Hungary should have allowed itself to be fully integrated with Austria.

Is it a correct guess to say that Hydro is the one which does all the heavy lifting?

I just leave it here.

What does that have to do with this

italy has not so much space, so in case of incident the whole country is doomed

leftists / commies / sjws

In renewable energy sector, yes.
>Hydroelectric generation between January and March increased 312% compared to last year, supplying 37% of consumption, while wind energy generation increased 60% in the same period and supplied 27% of consumption.

Considering how fucking cheap power is these days, why do we even care?

Minejews don't want to loose profits from coal mines, so they block buliding of the nuclear plants in Poland. I fucking hate them


Spot the socialist.

But nuclear energy is racist!
We need to give money to sand niggers,imagine if we had went for nuclear energy,Saudi Arabia was still mostly goat fucking shepherds and europe didn't need to sucking muslim cock every now and then for fear of oil shortages.
Also nuclear energy wouldn't be available for low iq countries since their own low iq would become their own demise by low maintenance.

nature BTFO

I'm a socialist because unlike everyone else I know how the market today works?


"Who needs power anyways" ffs

i wouldn't trust the retards here to build a nuclear plant. they fucked up with hydro and wind already

Our country doesn't have anything and never will it have again

Power is incredibly expensive and massively wasted. People just take it as granted much like every other resource we waste.

We have a bazillion problems today and you're arguing about something that is actually kinda fine. People need to fucking learn how to prioritize.