Be Hungary

>Be Hungary
>Irrelevant Central Euro country
>Have more nuclear power plants than the Baltics, Denmark, Poland, Austria, Italy, Moortugal, Ireland and Greece combined
>Plot twist: Hungary only has 1 nuclear power plant with 4 reactors (+2 in the future)
Seriously guys, it's 2018 tomorrow. How come you still don't have nuclear power plants.
Even worse: why did Italy and Austria shut all of them down?

Other urls found in this thread:,_1987,_2011

Communism is fun

There were plans, but no one wants one in the near vicinity of their own home. Also everything costs 8 times more to do here if it's made with public money

Austria built a reactor but never started it up after a referendum.
Today 99% of the population (lefties and righties alike) believe that nuclear energy is the most dangerous thing that ever existed. They are even against the idea of importing electrical energy that was created in nuclear power plants.

Our mining industry provide energy for country and if we closed mines, miners would get really mad so yeah no nuclear power plants

There were some talks with frenchies to sell us the technology, but it fall apart because people don't want shit like this in their towns

As far as I know, nuclear power was pushed by the commies before Chernobyl.


Because we would need to buy them from either Russians or French and we don't want to bend the knee to either of those.

We don't need them

>padding your list with countries that have 0 nuclear plants to make yourself feel better