Was the National Socialism the real political solution for the workers and farmers?
The commies always claim that their system is for the "working class", but in reality bolschewik, chinese and even nowadays north koreans communists are only opressing the proleteriat and giving the fruits of their effort to the (((comunist party elites))), leaving the common folk they claim to take care of to starvation and misery.
While the Hitler's thought united the workers and farmers, improved their life from post-versailles and great depression, and united the entire German volk in a one idea. Gave them forests and fields, land and bread. Gave the unemployed good work in a good conditions they needed.
So isn't National Socialism technically... the only real system trully for the working class?
>getting rid of trash and degenerates >something bad
Jack Williams
>>>/leftypol/ bolschewik subhumans
Brayden Torres
Quality bait, 10/10
Oliver Peterson
You wrote the sentence in a way it sounded like you do.
Anyway, Sieg heil!
Noah Cooper
No, because even if all that was true the Nazis would just start a stupid war and get fucked sideways, along with the workers and farmers. Failure is inherit in the system. No matter what your intentions are it's all useless if you're too stupid to realise them
Luis Parker
hitler's ideal was a highly regulated and subsidized economy. that employed everyone and produced so much that it was all affordable to the working man.
much like the modern US Democratic Party.
Cameron Sullivan
>Was the National Socialism the real political solution for the workers and farmers? They saw their standard of living FALL under nazism you fucktarded chimp. Yes, even before the ruinous war.