Proper scanlation thread since that other thread was made by a dumbass

Proper scanlation thread since that other thread was made by a dumbass.

What are you working on? What do you need help with?

Other urls found in this thread:

Translating some fantasy mango.
Paying my electric bill.

Same old same old

Tell me your opinion of ESL translations

Proper dead thread

Get a TL-check.

Who the hell wants to translate stuff to English while being ESL? You can do it justice to your native language.

Gooks looking to make a quick buck. Plz doughnut

Back to my days, scanlation was free and made by enthusiasts who actually wanted to share their favorite stuff with others.

>tfw the new series you were about to pick up gets put out by another group

Well, so was anime back in the day, kind of. But then the industry realized there was way more money to be made by pandering to obsessive types than by making inventive stuff. Once you realize you can make money off of something, it's not hard to sell out.

Do it anyways.

You first, ESL-kun.

Nothing like the ol' first chapter rush.

Parallel Paradise?


>Whew, that saves me a lot of work.

Please do it, I really don't want to read the shit those gooks produced. The translations look as if they came out of google translate. Psylocke Scans did the first chapter before them, but said they're not interested in doing any more.

Recommend me two better fonts to use for the scream and "snap"

Proud ESL.

No, fuck it. If I spend several hours translating that shit I want it to be seen in all of it's ESL glory.

In terms of writing, actually have more confidence in my English. I spent so much time on the internet and consuming media in English that I just started to think in English at some point. I don't speak to people all that much. Sure, I have a really hard time with tenses, but at least I can express any thought I want.

Oh no, what gave it away?

Still looking for a cleaner for this. First volume is scanned and translated but no one is willing to touch it until it's cleaned.
#teammoe on Rizon

Might want to get better scans first. Is this out of print?

It's been out of print since something like 2006. Getting it rescanned is definitely on the table. Used volumes are sort of easy to find and fairly cheap from Japan. Otherwise I could try and get in contact with the guy who scanned those in the first place but he's elusive to say the least.
Also I forgot to mention this time around but the image I posted is 25% size, they're actually 8k tall but they look pretty bad anyway.

Should be finishing up the translation for the entirety of this within the month, seeing as it's only had the first chapter done for the past three years.

I love it, not commanding the language and translating it shows me they are passionate.

I love it when scanlators snipe others, the best content always wins. If you don't want to get sniped, do good work and release it consistently.

>What are you working on?

Anyone interested in a Kindle rip vs scan comparison?

>manga you love that you're scanlating gets picked up in another language

Love that feeling.

>the best content always wins
More like the fastest content wins.

Knowing they don't have the skills to do it well but doing it anyways shows they don't five a fuck about the author or the readers.

>get very self-conscious because if you made a mistake they'll carry it over to their translation

Leecherfag willing to lap up all the piss poor shit that gets thrown his way.

These are bad scans? What the fuck are you guys talking about? These are already decent scans, it takes like 3 minutes each to clean them

Compared to what they could be, yeah they're mediocre.

Ureshon when?

Is any group picking up that manga about sciencist who makes female clone of himself for a bride?
>past three years
user that manga started recently, three years ago was oneshot by Teri Terio and later short shoujo manga.

When you can make money, why not? Passion won't pay for rent and groceries.

errr regardless. i'll be finishing up the latest chapters soon seeing as they're untranslated.

Say that to the author whose manga you're making readily available for everyone without paying a single cent. And then you morons have the gall to profit from it instead.

>Well, so was anime back in the day, kind of.
No, anime was never made for free.

I am spreading their work worldwide. They should be thanking me for my work. Heck, they should pay me for my work.

I think he's referring to fansubs, but what he's saying still doesn't make sense.

ESL and I are proud. Can't wait to do more translation works for everyone.

>that series you were considering doing when your nip got better gets picked up by another group
>the ESLs do such a terrible job of it that you might as well have done it anyway

This translation are wonderful, I do not think it is wrong with it. Stop hating!

How in demand are editors? I'd love to get into scanlating but I only just started learning japanese (still on the kana) and my photoshop is from 2005. I'm pretty good at english and would love to put a stop to some of the stupid shit I see when I read shit online. pic related

Editors get in the way of creative freedom. Stop spreading lies!

Not him, but what he's saying is fansubs are kill because the industry came to the realization that they could make big money by hiring (shitty) translators who attract the majority. Translators who use to do fansubs for free are more inclined to do it for money.

I don't think that's what he's saying, though. He was talking about content creation and lack of inventive material. That's not a fansub/translation issue.

You mean script editing? First you'll have to find a group that's convinced they need help in that area.

Exactly, he responded to something about fan-translations then starts going on about the actual creative side pandering for money.

If this is your idea of freedom I'd rather an authoritarian regime. The box had plenty of room for full text and I have no clue why they called them trump cards. I'd have put
>with Jacks, Queens, Kings, and Jokers removed, 40 playing cards will be used.
You could probably just put cards instead of playing cards since it's obvious from the context, but there's room for it and I think it flows better.

The glance and step are unnecessary, but other than that I think it looks fine.

The Glance Step is the whole problem.

>The box had plenty of room for full text and I have no clue why they called them trump cards
The Japanese would have just used the initials of each card so they can fit single characters in vertical text, and they use "trump" as a loan word to refer to playing cards. It's just an example of a group writing down exactly what they see instead of actually thinking about what it means.

Yeah, only problem is a lot of the time I see shit like this in older or less popular stuff so by the time I get around to reading it the group is dead or dropped the project. Occasionally they get better which is always a nice surprise. It also seems like everytime a group is recruiting they're just looking for translators and re-drawers, which is understandable but faster translation and better looking pages don't mean anything if the script reads awfully in English.

I'm not a fan of English fx since they always seem to stand out too much compared to the Japanese version. Might just be because I don't read too many western comics though so who knows.

Unfortunately if they're too dumb to use an editor they're usually too dumb to realize that they need one, or at the very least that they should put a little thought into their translation.

What to do with pic?
Can I repair it somehow?

Get better scans. But seriously, I wouldn't bother.

Dodge, burn, sharpen but still it'll not look good.

dodge and burn

How much effort do you put into making your scans look good?

For things I a really like, I go the extra mile. And I make sure there is no dust at all in either the blacks or whites.

Unfortunately these are the only available scans of this work.
Does that looks better or I should just leave it as is?

Can't tell when you show us like, 1/20th of the page.

retard question here, but is it even worth to use jpg for lower res scans when an optimized png is small enough anyways?

Hell no.

Fix your TL first.

>is it worth it to use lossy over lossless

You're right, that was a retarded question.

W-what's wrong with it?

How do you feel about doujin translations?

What's even the question here? What's there to feel about them?

They're easier to read than raw doujins.

they're better than any regular manga could ever hope to be

I don't read them like I don't watch porn movies for the plot or listen to their bullshit. I only masturbate to a few scenes and then forget about it.
I think translating doujins is a waste of time.

How can I convince a monkey to typeset for me so I can focus 100% on my translations, which generally take 1/5th of the time?

Have you tried offering it bananas?

Not if you can actually read the raw.

>did the first chapter but not interested in more
Why even do the first then? Most scanlators don't want to pick it up after someone's done a chapter, sloppy seconds are gross. Nice way to ensure no one touches it.

Why is there a demand for doujin translations then? Right now, there's over 300 requests on the ehentai bounty system alone.

Typesetting is half the fun though :^)
I scanlated this. Did I do okay?

I don't know about that, user. Some doujins have very nice plot and relationship development and are not just a quick/long fuck.

Because some people want to read them. Sadpanda is like a hospital. You can't judge how ill a country is because you're in a hospital and you see lots of ill people. Something similar happens with sadpanda. It's a place where people with the same interests concentrate.

>That font
>That huge text inside the speech bubbles

Could be much better.

If they explicitly say that they're not doing any more, then think of it as just doing the first chapter to make people aware of the series so it might catch someone's interest.

What should I have used? I only have three fonts presently.

the grammar is okay, but that font doesn't really fit your doujin

>I only have three fonts presently.

That's an even bigger problem.

Start by looking up these font guides and building yourself a sizeable font collection.

Looks great. Thanks.


I dome times do that if there is no other option.
But I try to avoid it as much as possible.

>English release
>catch the interest of tl's reading the originsl moon mags

Just gonna review the typesetting on the first page. Also ignoring font choice and font size.

Do you actually think every translator reads every moon mag and knows about every new series?

It does work. It brings attention to the manga.

Here's how I rule it:
You put ellipses on a separate line if they are simply separating a single line which runs across multiple bubbles.
You put ellipses on the same line if they are intended to function as a traditional ellipses.

This system makes much more sense than stupid shit like 'we don't punctuation between bubbles lol' or 'PUNCTUATION MUST ALWAYS BE ON THE SAME LINE'.

Holy shit, that dialogue font sucks. What is it called?

>I'm just going to make up my own rules for the English language because the ones that already exist are too hard for me to comprehend

Not just English. I make up my own rules for everything.

I think it's anime ace.

Just recruit someone then. When I did I got over 10 people volunteering, and more keep asking every time I release a chapter.

Not that guy but this only works if you work on a series people actually like and care about. As someone who exclusively does SoL/shitty harems I had to try so hard to get a typesetter.

I did it for a BL series from a newbie author with no fanbase and only 1 chapter out. I don't think anybody cared that much in particular.
Have you tried asking for help in the credits page?