Why is her only defining character trait,"rape-bait"?

why is her only defining character trait,"rape-bait"?

She's brown

because berserk is a bad manga with detailed( i dont think its good) art

She had a personality pre-Eclipse, but you'd have to have actually read the manga to know that.

yea, but now she's just a blob who gets kidnapped a lot and almost raped. I don't like any of the female characters I've met so far, except maybe Luca

If you read the manga at all you'd understand. She serves as a motivator for Gats, because he knows that if he dies, she'll die easily as well. Beyond that, she's his love interest and he obviously wants to have some deep companionship. He has to drive people away from him because he attracts evil, but since Casca is also marked he's obligated to be with her. The guilt of putting others in danger will be lifted from him, because he's actually protecting her the whole time. Even the new chapter reveals that even in her subconscious, she knows that Gats is protecting her, even if she hates him.

Bitch sucks ass at fighting tho and that was true even during the Golden Age let alone now that the power level has spiked. Fucking Judeau did more than she did in regards to combat.

Other than that she just a romantic interest and motivation for Guts, pretty simplistic all around.

>gets kidnapped a lot and almost raped

The troll arc was more than fifteen years ago, and her last attempted rape (by Guts, no less) was in 1999.

Judging by the imagery presented in Casca's dream, I'd say she hates herself far more than she hates Guts. In the dream, Guts appears as a crippled Doberman who is friendly to Schierke and Farnese whilst also being fiercely protective of the coffin that he presses forward with. The broken, hollow doll inside the coffin is Casca herself, and her low opinion of herself is plainly obvious throughout the Golden Age.

How the fuck do you get her name right and not Guts?

she's not really anything other than a token

she's a reminder of his shame of being human

>she's a reminder of his shame of being human

Are you high? Guts feels no shame no shape, but he does deeply regret abandoning Casca for his revenge. That's why he wants her to be safe and protected in Elfhell.