Is sex with Kanna illegal?
Is sex with Kanna illegal?
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Either way you look at it pedophilia or bestiality it would be illegal.
But officer she's a 300 year old dragon
Still bestiality
Yes but worth it.
fantasy beatiality
How? Beastiality is only a crime because it's a species that can't clearly consent.
Kanna is a creature of human-like intelligence and capable of human speech. There's no reason to consider it beastiality any more than sex with an alien, or an elf would be.
Good luck convincing the judge.
The answer for any loli will always be the same, not if you don't get caught
Do I look like I care?
But her level of intelligence is clearly equivalent to that of a human child's, which brings it right back to pedophilia. It's lose-lose.
>cant fuck legal retards
looks like you aren't getting laid, user
Nobody kanna fuck her
>300 year old monster
>hurr durr im just a baby give me hugs ^_^
This needs to STOP
Beefaroni beefaroni
Dumb fagposter
Beastiality is legal where I live as long as the animal isn't hurt.
Okay in Canada
Kanna is a drawing. You can have drawings murdered or raped legally because they aren't sentient.
Assuming she was a real person, it would not be. The consent laws are based entirely around age, so even though she is a child, she is above the age of consent.
>But her level of intelligence is clearly equivalent to that of a human child's, which brings it right back to pedophilia.
Actually, what makes it pedophilia is that her body is that of a prepubescent child, rather than that she has the mind of one. Pedophilia is defined as an attraction to pre-pubesents (i.e. physical maturity) rather than pre-adolescents (i.e. mental maturity). While in reality this is a somewhat meaningless distinction, in 2D it can become important, because we can have mentally immature, but physically mature characters or mentally mature, but physically immature ones.
To use an example, Komoe-sensei is mentally an adult woman, but has the body of a prepubescent child, as such sexual attraction under her would qualify as pedophilia.
kanna isnt real so you can do whatever you want to her
In fact there are already images of her getting fucked by guys
why op is such a degenerate faggot?
>Why is OP such a degener/a/te bro?
Gee, I don't know.
You could try figuring out what this lolicon board we're posting in has to do with anything. I figure that's a good starting place in answering that question.
She is much older than I am and she is MUCH stronger than I could ever be
If one had sex with Kanna, under any age of consent law except bolivia's it would be 100% leagal.
Because of her power, sex would either be 100% consensual on both sides or she would be raping me.
It's illegal to drive a motorcycle betweel traffic lines in a jam and operate an aerial RC drone without a license where I live.
Pretty sure no one is going to hear your explanations about 300 y/o dragon.
There is nothing wrong for her to fuck Kanna though: she's underage herself and there is consent.
If her age is off the clock, she's old enough for the cock
Silly user, women can't rape.
>How? Beastiality is only a crime because it's a species that can't clearly consent
Being a millennial, you might think that, but no, bestiality laws were not put in place originally because of "consent" issues. The morals that gave birth to the laws and the laws themselves were about how disgusting it is to even consider fucking an animal.
>women can't rape
>roofie or drunk guy dead
>relocate him to a safe location
>erection does not require male to be awake
>tie shaft with handkerchief to prolong the fun
>untie it if you're generous after few hours, leaving a guy with severe pains and ED for a month
>don't untie and dick rots off with much of the parts inside the femur
>fucking an animal.
Animal sentient enough to give consent can't be considered one legally.
Dolphins were taught to place mines on enemy ships in WWII and what did they do once they got released from the training in enclosed facility into the open sea?
They helped each other out of the gear and fucked off.
Sorry user, but rape is sex + Privilege, and since the guy has male privilege, he just raped that poor innocent woman in your scenario.
I don't know what asshole posted this in an earlier thread but I can't stop hearing it every time Tooru says Kanna.
Consensual rape.
He wasn't aware to give consent for sex and erection doesn't require person to be awake.
Not to mention bodily harm.
Stop trying to make excuses for that vile rapist.
How do you know xe even identifies as a man, shitlord?
Which country has an "if the species is sapient it's a-okay" clause in their beastiality laws?
Not him but
>dick rots and scooped out of femur
Well clearly options are now limited.
i wonder what the age fluid crowed would think of this
The first post used male pronouns, therefore denoting the hypothetical individual as male.
I imagine it needs a precedent to happen and while dolphins and primates are smart - they're apparently not considered smart enough.
Or lack hands to form a fist and punch teeth in a lawyer who tells they have no human rights.
>Consensual rape.
That's already a thing for children, so why not for women as well?
>age fluid crowd
That's a thing?
I feel like this character is the embodiment for a lot of things wrong with today's internet society.
Just like eating meat is a crime because animals cant consent to being brought up in a farm and then killed.
>why not for women as well
It works for women too, why do you consider it doesn't?
Some drunk whore makes bad partying decisions which involves ten dicks, regrets it and files statutory rape, claiming she was too drunk to refuse advances.
Don't tell me it never happens in your country, I hear about at least one case a year where I live.
If you're talking about a hypothetical case with handkerchief - then woman is obviously in the wrong since there is a) lack of consent from male b) bodily harm.
Yes, it counts as pedophilia. Kanna is like half a millennium old and you're not even 1/5th her age. You shouldn't be fucking people that old user.
Look at that poor woman being raped by that man.
>Animal sentient enough to give consent can't be considered one legally
Sure it can. We live in a society of humans with anthropocentric laws and morals. Regardless of how smart you perceive the animal in question to be, it is not human. Human ethics and human society/governments would need to play a lot of "catch up" to get to where that would be legal and morally acceptable to do given a race other than humans that was as intelligent or more intelligent than us. Hell, there are plenty of nations around the world where certain interracial couplings are flat-out illegal. Even in westernized, occidental, 1st world nations where it wouldn't be illegal there are always sizable portions of the countries that see interracial couplings between humans as morally wrong.
>Dolphins were taught to place mines on enemy ships in WWII and what did they do once they got released from the training in enclosed facility into the open sea?
They helped each other out of the gear and fucked off.
Okay, but I do not see how this example has any bearing on the matter at hand
You clearly have no idea what pedophilia is.
>Okay, but I do not see how this example has any bearing on the matter at hand
In tests and researches conducted dolphins are the only animals on Earth who proved to consistently recognize concept of a mirror, creative use of instrument and abstract thinking.
Some countries are pushing to admit them as co-sentient species and grant them human rights though mostly green-groups are doing it to stop overhunting and certain nip ceremonies.
Point is: it's under discussion right now, if a shit like Dragon appears with one of them able to Armageddon the shit out of humanity - you bet they'll get human rights and then some.
But officer, She licked me on the face all of a sudden. It's not my fault.
Considering she's not real, I'd say no.
Don't her and the other dragons turn into humans though? Does it still count as bestiality if the animal has a human body at the time?
You're not real either.
Prove me wrong.
Hint: you can't.
Is it wierd that every time I see this sign I think of it as a protest sign? i.e. the lolis are protesting that lolicons do not have human rights when they should.
You're not wrong.
> (OP)
>It's illegal to drive a motorcycle betweel traffic lines in a jam
Huh? That sucks. Where do you live user?
Previously cops were loose on motorcyclist violations cuz they're on road for 6 months a year tops and usually only endanger themselves.
But there were some harsh amendments to traffic laws and many motoanons fear we're royally fucked now, it remains to be seen if that's true in the next five months.
Wrong board, Harkness.
My plan of turning my normalfag friend into a degenerate neet is working. He finally accepted to masturbate to lolicon for the first time.
What are some tittles that will corrupt him to the point of finding breasts disgusting?
I'm thinking of Hizashi no Naka but I'm not sure if that's too strong for a noob.
are you a japanese politician or a retarded gaijin?
because nothing is illegal because Kanna is fictional. We'll be seeing a lot more of this stupid debate within the coming years
shes 300 years old and beastiality in canada is legal so...
something something ravioli
Sexualizing any daughterus should be.
What's your favorite animal to fuck? What are the do's and don't's of animal fucking?
I would climb the tallest mountains and cross the widest rivers to reach Kanna and smash that loli ass.
Nothing can hold me back now. I've abandoned society, friends family. All I have left is the path forward. And the thighs of god are what illuminate that path. I'll never look back again! I'll show you the strength of a true lolicon!
Would Lucoa be arrested for fucking Shouta? I assume he leaks like a faucet whenever she touches him.
Prillya obviously.
Non non biyori
I think Inuboshi or Rustle are good gateway artists.
Akari-chan is what converted me. But that might be a little too hardcore. Maybe the mahou shoujo story is better.
Is it possible
For a child
First you go Noise, then Rustle. You gotta snag them with the "lolis" first, before working your way to real lolis.
To die
From having
Too many
Please tell me
Why are you so invested in doing this, though? Don't tell're planning to seduce him with your tiny, knee-socked body.
Kana is impure
Okay/no regulations against it in about half the states in the US.
That is hypnotic.
I will make it legal.
Go fix your mpc first, user. Saturation is too high.
It's important to get him to create elaborate fantasies about lolis being fucked. Its a good idea to introduce settings that commodates those scenarios.
The world of Naruto could be used since it has elements of girl soldiers who get trained at a young age and fight men in deadly combat.
so now bestiality is the new meme spouting aside from pedos?
Her being a few hundred years old doesn't make it legal
If she was a vampire loli, or an immortal loli or some form of human who has been locked into loli mode for centuries then it you could get away with it.
But most readings of the law would dictate underage as being defined by the natural lifespan of the child in question and not the adult.
Thus a 300 year old dragon is still a little girl by dragon terms and thus should not be sexualized
Hurr hurr durr pedo pedo huhuhu
Why don't you take a seat?? *posts Chris Hansen pic* LMAO
She is for hug not for fug
Why mods are this incompetent ?
Are you ok user-kun