Widespread consensus confirms the blindingly obvious: Kyoto Animation is by far the best anime studio and Doga Kobo is the second best anime studio.
What's the third best anime studio and why, Sup Forums?
Widespread consensus confirms the blindingly obvious: Kyoto Animation is by far the best anime studio and Doga Kobo is the second best anime studio.
What's the third best anime studio and why, Sup Forums?
KyoAni Do
JC staff is the best studio though.
> shows dont even have plots or stories
> best
try again. Nobody remember anything about any of their series a year after they come out. their staying power is zero
Animationwise talking, nigga. KyoAny is the most contant high quality animation AND art. Gainax/trigger is the best pure animation but not very steady as you can see with inferno cop and other shits. We're not talking plot here.
>caring about plot
You fucking pleb.
>using studios as a basis of comparison
>when every anime has different artstyle, writer and staff
I don't get this meme. Mob Psycho 100 and OPM, for example, are more comparable to me because of ONE's art and similar animation style than, say, Noragami and Mob Psycho.
Doga Kobo havent made a great anime since Mikakunin
Gainax, just due to the shows they made and how much it influenced Anime.
>Gurren Lagann
>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
I kinda agree, Dogakobo made some stupid decisions like Touken Ranbu/Luck Logic/Aria Scarlet but they are usually very fucking good.
Studio fags are the Sup Forums version of console fags.
>ONE's art
Probably Madhouse, they make a ton of stuff and obviously have talent in animation considering they made One Punch Man with a regular budget.
>adaptation-only studios
Fuck off to reddit.
I know it's drawn by Murata, but if you can't detect ONE's artstyle in Saitama's face and in the general aesthetics you must be blind.
K-ON has a plot, a story and mountains of character development.
>Mob Psycho 100 and OPM, for example, are more comparable to me because of ONE's art and similar animation style
>Animationwise talking, nigga
Then why the fuck is Dogakobo second?
> Gainax/trigger is the best pure animation
You're retarded.
>there is a possibility that in an alternate dimension/universe you are a cute girl in Ho-kago Tea Time
>you are not in that universe at the moment you read this
>neither am I
Will anime ever surpass K-On
Highly unlikely
Probably not.
Gabriel Dropout is a great anime.
>Then why the fuck is Dogakobo second?
Do you mean they should be first or that they don't even deserve second? Their animation quality is consistently excellent, like KyoAni's.
It's the least original shit I've ever seen. The definition of a forgettable season filler.
That's Urara Meirochou.
>kyoto animation is the best studio
>doga kobo is second best
What an elegantly stated, tasteful alternative choice for second best. Your post sure was insightful.
madhouse or shaft over them anyday
get out of Sup Forums
Muh filters
What about your filters?
>filters allow KyoAni to draw and animate images better than other studios
Too bad they's didn't get a filter to get a real plot. Or originality. Or character development. Or talent.
Why are KyoAni haters always mentally disabled
cause we have to lower down to Kyanim's fanboy level.
Urara is great.
Of course it is. It has cute girls and they do cute things. That makes it great. That's how anime critique works!
Madoka, Monogatari and Hidamari Sketch franchises are top notch, lad.
I liked the setting too.
Look, it's Chiya with a cock.
K-On didn't surpass Urusei Yatsura 28 years before.
When will anime manage to surpass this?
You have a point. These soulless McAnime's are so pointless.
In contrast, it's been so so many years now and I still remember Texhnolyze.
The pain will never go away ;_;
In 2010.
What does K-Off do that UY didn't? How did it further the development of the genre?
UY set off harem comedies (you know, like kyoanus has been feebly attempting of late). Love the genre or hate it, it set a trend in Japanese animation which is still continuing today. Indeed, it's still the template for anime rom-coms. And as is often the case, the followers just can't match the original.
Plus it was hand-animated; no assistance with CGI and bloom/filter effects.
>TV anime will never surpass K-On S2
It hurts, man
Dogakobo's production values have been dropping, and it doesn't help that some of their talented staff have left.
Never watched a single thing they've done and i SHAN'T be doing so in the future.
Trigger has saved anime at least 3 times now, so I'm going to say TRIGGER
seeWhat did it do that UY didn't? Hell, Lucky Star's goodbye scene was more poignant in its way.
And as for TV anime surpassing k-off...
I couldn't even make it two episodes of Grabriel, its the most generic shit i have seen in months.
Yeah, it's strange. They actually got worse after they broke from Kadokawa.
>not being happy that Keion will forever remain at the top
K-ON is the thinking man's anime.