
What does Sup Forums think of Portuguese people?

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We had our golden age. You are just a penal colony.

Penal colony which is better than you by every metric

>What does Sup Forums think of Portuguese people?

As I said, we had our golden age.

Your country will never achieve anything similar to what we achieved in the past.

They aren't truly Meds, are they?

genuinely, i don't dislike it. beautiful scenery, nice food, rich history, though compared to french and latin american spanish, ugly language. met a few portugese guys, nice lads. love vinho de porto and some other local wines which names i forgot.

But, explain one thing please, how the fuck are you a post-communist state by every metric possible but you haven't had communism?

They are Atlantic I guess.

Portugal 99% are niggers. Same with Spain/Italy/Greece.

The people were brainwashed into being pretty left wing.

Since we had a right-wing dictatorship, everyone thinks that right-wing politics is inherently bad.

oohhh the buthurted colonial+abo, cherrypicking some maps and joining some pictures of gypsos. Imagine then

They sound like deaf people trying to speak spanish.

I think you're a decent bunch but it kind of boggles my mind that you are not richer. With Spain as your only neighbour, stable democracy and economy you should be doing better, to be honest. Poland may even overtake you in GDP in 10-15 years.

t. Alberto Barbosa :)
jokes aside they are bro-tier
i see what you did there

Portugal is way better than other western european gay countries. All artificial countries such as the USA, Canada and Australia suck at.

Yes we are:

a meme flag mut came to explain us.
We love your buthurt grandson of slaves

try to understand what x/y means in your graph first. fact is, you have to much african blood to be considered white.

Let me tell you a joke from New Bedford, Massachusetts, an area where there are a lot of Portuguese:

"If Santy Claus, the Eastah Bunny, and a smaht Portugee were to have a fight, who would win?

No one. 'Cuz there's no such thing as Santy Claus, no such thing as the Eastah Bunny, ... "

Let's just wait that the 1 million non whites that immigrated here since the 80's and that we have to pay the houses and the gibs then go to your country bro

Just like Poles, lol

Maybe in your delusions meme flag. And not even there

some nice new motorways. Eu subsidy no dooubt

They are goblins.

>and you have to go back


She admits the reason she joined the commies was due to propaganda. That's how democracy works. We just need more and better memes.

I was going to insult you, but everything in that image is actually true.

They are very polite.

>They are very polite
Qué dices tio? No te enverguenzes hablando de lo que no tienes ni idea.

Yes, specially the pics of gypsies or foreignors and call them "portuguese". Also "poor" when we are one of the 25 richeest countries in the entire world. not disonesty or cherrypicking at all, lel It's not even necessary to debunk the rest, because it'sa complete joke.

Nah, I know a few Portuguese and they are generally quiet and well mannered.

>Knows a few
>Speaks for the whole
>Maestro Castellano

Let's break it down:

True. Can't really argue with that.

>low iq


>lazy and unproductive

>welfare leeching immigrants
True, from what I've heard. At least in European countries.

Half true. Most of us are darker, but insane tan culture makes everyone look north african.

Also all the Portuguese I know are white.
Maybe that explains it.

Finally someone with sense.

Do you consider Banderas to be white?

No, he's Andalusian.

Where are you from?

Let's do it

>True. Can't really argue with that.

You were already debunked, Portugal is one of the 25 richeest countries in the entire world, if we lose to norway, netherlands yes, but you have no clue of what is poverty.

>low iq

False, our IQ in studies and on pisa results is average or usually above average.and see pic

The majosrity of the rest was already debunked above

Torrone are two types of Jew.

Portugal is my very favourite place in the world....That I have been to. Exciting history. Beautiful architecture and warm calm people. I love the slower pace. Or lack of urgency in everything. I like how they say no and mean it and accept it. I've been a few times. I eventually get squirrely and need to come back to a faster pace with less street pee, but gawd I love that place.

Ándaluces aren’t white?? Come on man.

Mate, we live in the same country, we just have different ways of looking at it. Glass half full, glass half empty. I go out and the majority of people I see are dark and short. People are stupid and poor (thanks, socialism). And being among the 25 richest countries really isn't much because there aren't that many rich countries to begin with. Of course we're well off when compared to Africa and South America, but Portugal is in Europe and we have no business comparing ourselves to Africa and South America to begin with.

Great sea food, high unemployment and wageslavery, past wounds and wishful fantasies of muh we wuz.

>I go out and the majority of people I see are dark and short
It gets depressing sometimes, specially in the big cities.

One of the few countries I've been to and didn't feel under seige for being a brit.

>almost 50 replies and yet nobody has posted this image yet


Andalucia is a shithole full of niggers, basically the worst region from Spain.

This whole country is depressing, I wish we could hit the power button reboot, and just do it all over.

Lisbon and Setubal are fucking lost to nigger immigrants. Gipsies are starting to take the Center too.
Our media is biased and bought
Our education overall is absolute shit
Our health system is shit
Our justice is... non existant
Our industry was raped
We aren't in deep shit because we are one of the ones leeching of eu, but eu is also one of the reasons we turned into big shit.
Feminist and Diversity cancers are not so big as in other european countries but they are starting to spread in our youth/students.
The military (top ranks) are in bed with this corrupted motherfuckers for years, so it all goes quietly with no resistance.
The butter knife license meme is true.
I don't even feel like going on with the description, if we weren't in the european continent we would be worse then fucking venezuela or something.
Communists everywhere

>Our industry was raped

what industry?? you got nothing, all EU founds got into corrupt politicians hands.

Who opened the gates to non white immigration? the same people that have destroyed our industry. We are not that bad because we portuguese native native whites are still the vast majority but till when?

Thats right, we have nothing now, but we had.
Farmers were paid to fuck their own properties and farms. We buy everything from outside, and the small industry that is still here is foreign.
Even the fishers are fucked with the largest EEZ of europe lel.

and now commies and unions are making troubles in an huge Volkswagen factory here that represents 1% of our entire pib.
Maybe they should visit some factories in Venezuela... ffs

portugal is south america country i know

>high unemployment
Looking at the numbers not that high. Economic problems are secondary all the way. Our biggest problem is that we are being replaced by non-european migrants dailybasis and our low natality rates. Economy can go high or down in conjunctures, but without the people, it's the end.

those motherfuckers quietly approve laws to increase all political parties funding, increase funding to corrupted "charity" foundations, etc etc
fuck this, just talking about it...

you are a small country, weak and insecure, anybody can play how they want with your politicians, want me to name some overlords full of cash? and frankly, from all of your niggers, nobody will rise a finger to change anything, because, they don't care.

whiter than you Tyrone

Portos are nice people. Two students lived at my house for three weeks. Good guys - and you got some good food, too. Nothing to complain.

Who is she portubro?

My father is Portuguese. All he ever talks about is how strong and powerful Portugal and the Portuguese people are and how Portugal won Eurovision, a Portuguese is the head of the UN and some Euro Bank shit, etc etc. All he says is how Portugal is so respected and powerful and that Portugal could economically and militarily crush any country in the world, including the US, Russia, and China. And then he says how everyone in the world knows Portugal is the best country because it won the best tourism award or some dumb shit.

He's from Chaves and dumb as shit.

you can say whatever the fuck you want, I don't give a fuck about your D&C shit, why are you even in this threat if we are so shit?
People are starting to wake up, movements emerging, we are behind some countries like Austria in the redpill but we are going for it.
You don't want to be here when we chimp out Angolian

>People are starting to wake up

niggers? sure mate, keep dreaming

Helena Coelho.



We're not all so awful.

Iberian bros

I love you leaf

A province of my country

a lot of them are tho, in the summer if you see a car taking up two spots, there's a VERY HIGH chance it has either french or swiss plates. ofc there's decent ppl in the middle of this, but my experience, is that most of them act like total gipsies


Seem all right. Mind you, I haven't had much experience with people from there.

Avecs are a breed of their own. The airs of superiority they enjoy putting on when they return to Portugal on holiday are not, in my experience, present among the Portuguese diaspora here. Whether that's because most Portuguese here are Azoreans or for some other reason, I don't know.

Portuguese have a nice national dress.

I'm all but certain that that's not Portuguese.

She's just perfect

My girlfriend has family in Canada for years and they are nothing like the fucking avecs, and their sons are all immersed in Canada's lifestyle.
They come to Portugal like normal people visits other countries. But the avecs, jesus man, it's like they are on their only month of freedom

yeah most emmigrated in the americas other than Brazil are either Azorean (US/Canada) or from Madeira (Venezuela), so i guess i can't say much for those, since i dont really had any contact with those. make no mistake tho the diaspora living in france/switzerland is mostly gipsy tier, most french tourists who come here do not act like those monkeys

Ah, nevermind - it is. It's just a regional dress in Madeira, looks like. Pic related is what I'm more accustomed to seeing.

That looks like the Parade of Flowers or whatever the fuck it's called. They show it on RTP...

That's from Madeira. From my region is like this.

You are okay in my book, leaf. You shouldn’t be raked

I was appaled to learn brazilian migrants can retire in portugal. That's insane. Whoever approved that should get shot for treason

How's Bolsonaro doing? I wish we already had someone like him

I agree with the nigger in the pic. We need to make "bridges" with African countries. We need more bridges to lynch you fucking niggers.

The guy is a multiracialist, brasil is a multiracial country. That's surely not someone we need he or in any european country

Leftards keep destroying this country.


The people love him, but electronic urns are not reliable, they're easy to hack. I really don't know how the next elections are going to play.

The one and only thing I know about Portugal is that you have a band called Moonspell.




"Breaking waves announce my Bride
It is the only way the Sea could sing
Legends of Lusitanian pride
He sings the words I cannot spring

At the Moon Mountain six wolves cry
Your lost glory we'll regain or die"

when? we are a disgrace to our ancestors

It will be necessary many redpills to wake up our people again. They don´t realize basic things, they believe that our country can remain a fine country with millions of non europeans here, in the long term run we will fall like sweden or england

guess which one is spanish


It's sad but only a bad terror event will start to bring people to think a little bit with their own eyes and experiences. And even that will not be sufficient like we see in Germany and Sweden with so many shit happening, many still believe that "peace and love" is possible with this shits.
Maybe Eastern Europe and Austria resistance will start a wave to change this shit in the rest of Europe.
Our little political right is also to disperse and almost non existant, we need a leader. damm it
Fuck EU

Best & oldest friends.

