Dave chappelle

this nigga just dropped a black pill in his netflix special

basically Hollywood is controlled by PIMPS
>jewish pimps
using the same tactics as pimps to control all the bitches in Hollywood and make crazy amounts of money

thats the real reason he fucked off to south africa because that was when he realised what was going on

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he went to south africa?
I always pictured him just visiting some random village and sitting in their house for a while

I was going to post up about this the other night, Both episodes of his standup on netflix is dropping redpills

he had the epiphany when he read the book "PIMP the story of my life by ice berg slim

guess he noticed the similarities when he was in that circle

He's a spoiled american nigger. He'd never go that far away from the luxury of white civilization.

Here's a sample of the kind of "redpills" Dave Chapelle drops

There is a new netflix special that just released today.

>taking that bait
he says more that this little clip mate

of course he's not a trump supporter but he goes on to say how he knew he was gonna win a week beforehand because of what people were like waiting in line at the voting booth (compared to when obama was running)

he even goes on to say some of what he doesn't isn't that bad and the media is way too hard on him

Oh yeah im watching it now cheers

Politics aside, Dave Chappelle used to be funny. Actual belly laughs. Why does Trump's existence make it impossible for comedians to be funny? There's not a single funny comedian anymore.

the one from the picture is the one im referring too
he saves it for the very end

he sure as shit does better than most in this climate
but you're right he has been knocked down a bit

I have one reason why this is a thing:
>hello fellow trump haters, let me tell you about the jews.
A concession to appeal to the plebs. Maybe I'm giving too much credit but to me it seems like a great way to out jew the jew

>voluntarily going to SA
I suppose that can stil make sense if youre a nigger

he wasn't ever that funny. you were just 14

well dave doesn't mention jews at all
but he let slip that pimps are runnin the show and we are the only ones that know those pimps are jews because of all the shit we already know

Deport all niggers in Europe and America to South Africa, bring all white South Africans back to white countries.
It's brilliant. Everybody happy.

why is nobody discussing the actual topic?
>daves a has been
>listening to a nigger
>he's a lefty shill

this thread is about Hollywood pimps for fuck sake

hes a leftist but constantly makes jokes about transgenders and reality checking them, then saying he dosent care if they don't like it.
Hes sick of Political correctness

Tell me more about how hes shilling for the left

...oh don't worry somebody will

When will he tragically commit suicide with 18 shots to the back of the head?

he'll go via auto erotic mate
((they)) gotta embarrass a nigga

He's hinted at this a few times before. Last I remember was during his Inside the Actors Studio interview.
Trump is easy to make fun of, which paradoxically makes things harder for a lot of comedians. I think that's one of the reasons they seem so bitter and angry with him.

i like how he mentions the fact that the whole transgender and "feelings" movement is predominately being pushed because its mostly white people hahahah

yah, he didnt race bait at all.................

he basically called the trans movement a white privilege movement because its mostly white men changing to women (and he's fucking right)

he baited every cunt into hating the trans community, the nigger's a genius.

bump fuck it

he's right you know


the left will eat itself - what are they gonna do, crucify a admitted leftist black comedian for using comedic license to point out uncomfortable truths about mentally ill trannies, (((hollywood))) and degenerate faggots?

the left punches left more than the (((alt-light))) punches right.