*NEW* Andy "Zyklon B for MTG" Warskiyoutube.com /watch?feature=youtu.be&t=4931&v=r_dBefrH8QY NEW JIM >Tales of Trout Part 3: Ballpits Closedyoutu.be /ykDec1Tj2sw JF & MOUTHY BUDDHA >RACE REALISM EXPLAINEDyoutube.com /watch?v=yN8Jclaqf0Q
ALT-HYPE BTFO 80% JEAN DENIERSyoutu.be /w3y2SDpIEhE THE RIGHT STUFF >Between Two Evergreens: Mike and JFtherightstuff.biz /2017/12/25/between-two-evergreens-mike-and-jf/ ALT-HYPE BTFO THUNDERFAGG8Tyoutu.be /CGatnTixNW0 ALT-HYPE BTFO SARGONyoutu.be /JkBuI6er71c
***RUNDOWN*** >START HERE IF NEW METOKUR >Tales of Trout Part 1: Rage Before The Stormyoutu.be /6jpi4ymzvyo >Tales of Trout Part 2: Academy of Discordyoutu.be /VqYpA56HWDQ >Tales of Trout Part 3: Ballpits Closedyoutu.be /ykDec1Tj2sw ALT-HYPE >Could it get any worse? (It could)youtu.be /J4xQoF-NyAQ MOUTHY BUDDHA >The Fall Of Kraut Explained in Under 6 Minutesyoutu.be /9sWQv2tIdlY DAILY STORMER >Top Skeptic Jew “Kraut & Tea” Deletes Channel After Failed Jihad Against the Alt-Rightdailystormer.red /top-skeptic-jew-kraut-tea-deletes-channel-after-failed-jihad-against-the-alt-right/
(((Kraut))) was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.
This YT debate on Race Realism goes on for the past 4 months: Kraut & Tea vs JF Gariepy (Québécois PhD Biologist) & Ryan Faulk of The Alternative Hypothesis. JF & Alt-Hype have been merrily BTFOing Kraut.
Kraut's sekrit Discord is leaked revealing a massive dox & pilpul operation of Skeptic Stasi working with /leftypol/, Antifa & the New York Times, to infiltrate, gaslight, dox & erase every Alt-Right/Race Realist on the net (& fake their nudes) called Operation Mincemeat & Operation Red Mackerel. Kraut's world comes TUMBLING DOWN & he delets everything.
December 30, 2017 - 22:43
Second for Adam "Touch my kids, I'll cut your ribs" Warski.
December 30, 2017 - 22:45
Alt-Hype BTFOing Kraut: >Kraut and Tea is too Dumb for the Scientific Methodyoutu.be /GzEKWiqicPA >Kraut and the Struggle to Address Arguments Someone is Actually Makingyoutu.be /uHp5DKJZVE0 >Kraut Denies the Existence of Quantitative Geneticsyoutu.be /7367vdii2Js >Dunning Kruger Kid Mangles r-K Selection Theoryyoutu.be /rG2iFmJn3gM >Could it get any worse? (It could)youtu.be /J4xQoF-NyAQ >The Madness of the Sargonitesyoutu.be /JkBuI6er71c >Thunderf00t Pussyf00tsyoutu.be /CGatnTixNW0
JF Gariépy's vids BTFOing Kraut: >Kraut and Tea is Too Dumb for Science #1: r/K Selectionyoutu.be /IaJXPRj_9SA >Kraut Turns Sauer #2: Race Realismyoutu.be /B0tp8Dq5Th8 >Kraut Looks for the Jean and Finds Ityoutu.be /hJk2dW6BOnA >Kraut Teleports Behind AltHype's Back Using An Akkadian Mirroryoutu.be /XOnGNIHTWTk >Kraut is Racist in Private - Leaked Audio - #ImWithTheFrogyoutu.be /_eCr76-hDWA
Naked Ape BTFOing Kraut: >Naked Ape Decimates Kraut & Tea on Raceyoutu.be /6WjTo33ksZs >THE FINAL SOLUTION To the SKEPTIC PROBLEMyoutu.be /RyW64X36kAI >Naked Ape Debates Kraut And Tea On RACE REALISMyoutu.be /zqGY3bveGVY >3 Times Naked Ape Annihilated Kraut on Race Realismyoutu.be /MzBbcC5k3Fg
PLAYLIST OF VIDS >The Krautism Sagayoutu.be /rG2iFmJn3gM?list=PLPRZGlNwfN4MaM5qG8grKGwn7Rk8BQSib
December 30, 2017 - 22:45
threadly reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with fucking 14 year old children
December 30, 2017 - 22:46
December 30, 2017 - 22:46
MORNING KUMITE (Destiny BTFO from 3:50:00)youtu.be /1yk4dFuA65Q
December 30, 2017 - 22:47
Metokur fucked him up, Shkreli fucked him up, Ryan Dawson lectured at him, naked ape fucked him up, J.F. skull-fucked him so hard destiny-fags have to resort to this as a distraction, and he's scared shitless of TheAltHype
youtube.com /watch?v=RmSMRJ2_No8 youtube.com /watch?v=RmSMRJ2_No8
December 30, 2017 - 22:48
Guys, what was his name again
December 30, 2017 - 22:48
You can not preach race denialism while you live in and enjoy the benefits of a White neighbourhood and country.
If White people don't exist, and ethnic homogeneity does not matter, then move to a non-White country or neighbourhood.
Move to Detroit, or Haiti, or Syria. Race doesn't exist or matter does it? So why do you live in a White country?
Will Destiny move to a Brazilian favela and live there for six months to prove that race does not exist or matter?
If it's too far then what about Detroit? Live in Detroit for six months if race does not matter.
December 30, 2017 - 22:49
Adam "She better be twenty minus two or I'll gas you like a Jew" Warski
December 30, 2017 - 22:49