Dumping the latest chapter of Gyaru cooking antics. Lots of romance flags in this one.
Gal Gohan
Poor Yabecchi. He's gonna get fired at this rate.
Dinner, a bath, or maybe... me?
That's hot.
>gyaru in love
I thought they were supposed to be only interested in sucking dick?
The plot thickens
When is she gonna snap and rape Yabecchi?
Yabecchi is too pure.
[Dense intensifies]
>slut outside, maiden inside
My heart can't take it anymore.
And that's that! We're looking for a temp cleaner for April as our main one will be on vacation the whole month. Get in touch via our wordpress if you can help out!
Take a fucking hint.
Thank you for the chapter.
Thanks for the dump.
Wat a cruel gyaru. Tempting the poor guy like that knowing, he can get fired.
Might as well dump the latest RSS too. Maybe should have named the thread "Gyaru manga"
Thanks OP!
Cliched stereotype. By default a gyaru is pure.
I do want more characters to join the club, though. Not to harem it up, but just to have more personalities to bounce off eachother.
Huh. I could have sworn it was boytoy, but googling says toyboy is accurate.
This doesn't look very comfy.
Poor Megumi
4th wall? What's that.
That's the end of this chapter.
I want to see lewds of Yabecchi fucking the gyaru in a missionary position for the purpose of procreation
Rough Sketch is so cute! Thanks!
is this the deathclaw manga ?
Delete this
guessing this means "sorry", but where did it come from? jap slang, or english?
What the hell, didn't see the deathclaw first time.
What's deathclaw?
Someone explain the fucking premise of this manga to me.
>Main girl isn't just struggling with her classes, she's literally so fucking retarded she can't get a single passing grade
>Director asks her to bake cookies so she can at least get a passing grade for home economics, which should be enough to "justify" graduating her
What the fuck? How? Why?
1. Why isn't she in Special Ed? She clearly needs it.
2. Why does the director even want her to graduate? Is keeping up appearances in Japan so important that the director is willing to utterly fail in his duties to make his school look better?
I feel it'd be a lot more plausible if she was struggling with her grades and needed to pass just one more class to properly graduate, and she picked home economics because it's an easy A. But then again, I'm not Japanese so maybe something is flying right over my head.
I don't think the Japs have special ed, and bumping up your graduation rate might be a lot better for your image than saying you failed a student if you're not enough of an anime bad guy to just toss them out.
>white panties
She's not actually a gyaru at all is she
so get this
I'm assuming it is a private school if it isn't then even easier
in america there are schools called second chance which lose their funding if the majority of students fail. To lessen the blow they pass most students by having them pass 2 or some go 3 out of the major 4 subjects needed to pass high school.
Math , English , Science and Writing
private schools are no different just different person funding it
Should have made it college level at least. A teacher and a highschool student manga is some taboo as fuck shit. At least for something not a hentai.
English internet slang if I'm not mistaken. Can't exactly say when it came about though, probably during the early MySpace era if I had to guess
I see. Still, it keeps gnawing on me while reading this that the girl hitting on her teacher is tragically stupid and belongs on a short bus. That kind of breaks what should be a cute story.
Same. Maybe a couple to push Okazaki's flirting at Yabe and lament with her over his density.
Just think about it like this. We know now she can AT LEAST cook with practice, maybe the encouragement from being able to do that will translate into her other programs.
And failing that, she can marry a teacher instead of whoring it up after graduation.
Pure gyarus are the best.
No highschool couple wants to waste more time afterschool in a classroom instead of immediately hanging out after school.
Hey, most housewives don't need to know the things they learned in high school, so it's fine.
Seriously what is a deathclaw?
Japan has entered a new phase were pure virgin gyarus are the in-thing.
There's even that one new isekai LN involving a gyaru being transferred over and mistaken for a dark elf.
>isekai LN involving a gyaru being transferred over and mistaken for a dark elf.
That's extremely dumb.
Gyarus are always pure until proven the contrary, stop getting your facts of life from chinese porn books.
>That's extremely dumb.
Hey, I like the idea.
You can thank Galko.
The Incest Era peaked with Ore no Imouto and Yosuga no Sora.
Now the Gyaru Era has arrived although Incest is trying to grab back the spotlight by introducing Moms to Light Novels now rather than just sisters.
So the Incestfags are trying to fight back with MILFs but we will see if MILF mangas or animes start getting green lit in the future of if the MILF LN was just a one time thing by the artist, Pochi.
In the meantime, have the image of that Gyaru isekai.
Take a look at the right hand of the gyaru on the right:
But think of the dumb kids she'd raise.
>smothers her kids with love since she can't smother her husband while he's at work
>son becomes a tsundere momma's boy
>daughter becomes super shy, afraid of the world type
I thought he just wanted some Gyaru pussy
>my genki gyaru milf neighbor is lonely after a truck re-incarnated her husband in DQ and he sends back gold coins through an enchanted hole in the kitchen where she's learning how to cook
And she only wears sundresses!
cheetah print sundresses that show off her bra and panties
And that's the side-story to:
>My Brown Genki Elf Childhood Friend is 30 Years Old But Still a Tomboy and Won't Stop Lying Around My Apartment with Only a Sundress On!
Shouldn't that be plain sundresses that show off cheetah print bran and panties?
Bump for adorable chapters
I could post Chapter 4 if you'd like
>ctrl f
That's nice of you user, please go ahead.
Santa > China > Rest