>aliens taking refugee on earth
>because their planets were captured by giant humans
>giant humans were defeated easily by america
they never said that in manga
for all we know giant aliens can be refugees too
is anything explained in the manga?
Why was the final arc in Gantz so shit?
yes it did explain, the giant aliens home world was destroyed, they tried to colonize the God aliens planet and got wrecked, then targeted earth
meant this
The final arc was good for the most part especially the beginning imo, Oku just got tired of it
Yeah, every important question is answered
It was never stated that aliens take refugee there because of the giant humans, it could be for many other reasons.
They were easily by american because 'humanity' was prepared for them thanks to the 'god' aliens giving humanity weapons and tech.
other than anything related to vampires
This makes me so mad.
What questions do you have about them? Felt pretty clear what their whole deal was to me, am I missing something?
Author (Hiroya) want to cash out then he inspired Kishi and Kubo to do the same.
time to live of the rent!
Not really
We know who they were and what they wanted, the only thing we don't know is why were they killing gantzers probably because black spheres treated them like aliens
Gantz was fucking shit. Started off pretty cool, then quickly went to shit with each arc being drawn out and fucking stupid as hell. Not even all the tits and pussy can save it
> why were they killing gantzers
Precisely because of what you said, it's no mystery, Gantzers were a treat to all aliens in the planet, including them. The wanted to eradicate Gantzers before they became a target, after it all it seemed like aliens had their own community more or less.
People shit on the final arc but the explanation for the GANTZ spheres was brilliant actually.
I don't know about 'brilliant' but it wasn't bad I guess.
Which one?
>They are man-made
>"I-it's not like we want to help you or anything, FOOLISH HUMANS!!!"
>japan gantz were shit because they were obsessed with pachinko
And it was the God Aliens that created the Gantz system to help prepare humans to the coming Giant Alien invasion.
They're one and the same.
>"I-it's not like we want to help you or anything, FOOLISH HUMANS!!!"
They weren't helping humanity that's the brilliant part, they were just being gigantic assholes and giving every planet the aliens would come to GANTZ spheres so the residents would kill the fleeing aliens.
Did people really miss the point and think the God-aliens gave GANTZ to humans in order to help us?
and humans used it to wipe other aliens
vampires did the right thing, killing them
they thought they were being tsundere
In the end it's kinda funny that the giants all died because of their "hero". Still shit and badly written though.
I still didn't get the Vampire part, are their aliens or Gantz stuff?
aliens obviously.
Definitely they are not gantz stuff.
They may be some aliens tech byproduct maybe even god aliens , or maybe this nanovirus was a form of life on its own.
How many types of aliens there was in Gantz?
I missed that part.
Enough to have each teams per cities get a fair amount of missions. So a fuckton.
probably virus, or how did MC's brother became one?
Shown? About 11 + fuckton during Osaka arc
I think that's the thing about shitty scanlations. I missed some stuff too. Or maybe I'm just an idiot
Wasn't it shown directly in the manga? I think it was. Or do you mean the exact moment of "infection"?
Vampires have an alien virus living inside them
So why did those two guys have psychic powers anyway? Was that ever explained?
It was cool, anyone could have them
it wasn't you just choose to focus on "muh answers" and not on the characters
that final fight was hype as fuck.
with gantz I honestly didn't know if Kurono was going to win or die.
is a manga
Why did vampires target Gantz people specifically? So fucking weird.
because Gantz faggots targetted them as aliens?
People only complain about gantz because of the AWFUL scanlations.
The vampires were explained, that's why nobody complains about it except english retards.
I'm only about half way through but it seems to be the other way around.
they were butthurt because Gantz sometimes killed them.
Preemptive war
Any examples?
What's going on here?
I reuse to believe this is genuine, unironic, not some meta-joking, fan translation.
It is simply impossible for more than a few reasons.
While we are at it- is madokami good place for downloading my chineese comic books?
But still it seemed completely random.
they can also be explained by aliens
>they were just being gigantic assholes
Are they going to destroy other races next? Or just being fags a bully them into suicide?
It is meta joking, which is fucking retarded. This came up while I was reading it recently.
Of course it was just parodic.
no they blacklisted giant aliens because they attempted to invade them
Reminder that the dinosaur mission was the best mission.
No. They were assholes in the act of retaliation for attack on their homeworld.
>not Rome or Buddha Temple
But it's easily the second best so your taste is not complete shit.
Well I can't really blame them, I'll probably do the same in the same situation.
funny thing is probably giant aliens couldn't even do any damage to them
Serves them right, I suppose. Weren't smart enough to know how vastly superior their opponents were.
The giant aliens were a horrible race anyways. Instead of just wiping out humanity and settle down they went out of their way to turn a civilized species into food or keeping us as pets.
when did gantz become shit for you Sup Forums?
>implying humans wouldn't do the same
also mankind was literally holocausting intergalactic war refugees
Slightly before the end, somewhere around Nishi's death.
I mean, it was progressively getting worse and worse after Kei was killed by vampires but up until that moment the manga still had its moments.
I still think it was only japan
Rome? that thing lasted like half a chapter and it was ridiculous, all the aliens were so overkill there was no fucking enjoyment in them battling shit. Now that I think about it the Rome aliens, along with the Osaka boss were probably the strongest aliens they fought in the entire series.
But we were shown gantz teams from all over the world, some of them (american for example) were battle hardened, multiple games winning vets only.
there it is longer in virgin-kun arc
Rome was the most dangerous mission by a wide margin, why do you think Gantz called teams from all over the world? Any of the aliens could kill easily even hard suits.
Thinking about it, it would have been logical to see several of those giant mechas (like the one Oka used) laying around the city.
So Gantz fags and aliens are not visible to humans because they are on a different frequency right? So why is it that humans are visible to Gantz fags?
Who was that guy that snapped a finger and made a plane crash?
Would you be happy if you died and awakened in the ball room?
I would be dead user. The person inside the room is just another person with my memory
Is there really a difference? Every 10 years every single cell in your body is completely replaced. You are a different person now. There's nothing that makes us who we are aside from our memories.
Why not? They were camouflaged but humans weren't. Maybe aliens' wave lenght was altered before mission by whatever gizmo it was that was used for capturing aliens alive.
One of the 'god" aliens it seems.
Sure, second chance at living might be worth it if you have the right mindset. Part of what made the Osaka team so strong and many other teams elsewhere was their mentality, they quickly understood what they had to do and had no remorse about that. The Tokyo team was constantly full of hesitance and doubt.
Going back to the story though, the Gantzers were actually pretty lucky they died, I mean out of the billions of the people in the world, only a few got to be gantzers, and when there's a fucking earth invasion you're damn sure I'd rather have a suit on me.
Not my brains, nice try
When was this?
Of course there is a difference you damn moron. Otherwise there wouldn't be 2 kei's
The god alien at the end explained 6 grams of data are our "soul" that gets rebirth around the people we met
Hi. Niji-kun
That weird part with the fat girl who apparently was (back then) said to be the creator of Gantz or something
Nothing from that bit ever got explained
I don't remember user, i was just speedreading at that point because it was starting to get really boring. I think it was right after gants got bombed/died and before the rome invasion. One of the "gants" looking-alike aliens popped and started giving some existential crisis explanations while killing things around with just a snap of his finger
One of the God aliens, he appeared during that exposition, along with Hitler
It was briefly explained at end. The god aliens gave that girl their tech, but the dad dumbass decided to turn into a game of betting instead and that part had nothing to do with the god aliens tech. The tech was probably just mass creation and reviving of soldiers and weapons along with instant teleportation
But it was all explained. The guy killing people with just a snap of his fingers was one of the god aliens in disguise, the fat girl was the beacon/speaker they used to broadcast the signal with gantz technology
What was with the author's fetish for tall men?
So who hacked the Gantz balls at the end and blew them up with suicide spiders? All of the black balls stopped working except for the one American one. My guess is the God aliens made all of the tech not work anymore after the Giants got finished off. Meaning the humans probably couldn't revive anybody who died later and the tech no longer worked.
One word: Tae.
needed more giant qts
No retard, it was the giants.
They understood the god-alien technology wanted to thwart the humans' plan to revolt.
>tfw there's a chance for this arc to get 3D animated
I assumed it was the people in control of the Gantz spheres that turned off all the balls around the world except for a few, to prevent people from using them on their own. Since they had to force Gantzers into attacking the giants.
As for the sphere being hacked it was obviously the giants doing so to kill the higher ups of the human resistance.
Their wasn't a fetish fucking faggot, do you see how tall kai is? the authors trying to show that with the suit no matter how big you are you can have equal strength as any other user. He obviously likes Showing that contrast couse he's Japanese and there short as fuck
Gantz is unironically my favorite horror manga. It really builds tension very well.
Half of the arc was Tae and Kurono running naked and crying like faggots.