348 translation: mangastream.com
349 comes out April 28th
Volume 38 is coming out on July 18th in America
Volume 39 comes out in June in Japan
Season 2 starts April 7th
Season 2 PV: youtube.com
Season 1 dub is out funimation.com
Is the piramid-thing is a giant Femto squatting while raping Casca?
The slightly darker shading that rises near the piramid might be the base of that godhand pedestal.
Because otherwise that I have no fucking idea of what that might be.
Yeah, the picture I had in mind looked like this, although I couldn't find any.
When femto has his wings open it has a kind of triangular shape that (KINDA OF) matches that piramid.
We'll probably find out next month.
There's this
I wonder what will Griffith look like.
Probably godlike
Yeah, that's my guess too.
The two times she's seen Griffith since she's been awestruck, So I imagine she'll see him like a god
Mini-Casca is CUTE!
Yeah, but both times he was in her son body, so we don't know that she wanted to be with Griffith or the child.
I don't buy the "Griffith did nothing wrong" thing, but the kushan and their army of monsters would invade Midland even without Griffith sacrificing the band of the hawk right?
And Midland would lose the war without Griffith and his monsters right?
Yeah, they would've lost and the princess would've been raped
So Midland was doomed anyways. Without Femto, monsters haunting their country would just take more time to appear.
And now with Falconia, there's at least one safe place.
If Guts manages to kill Griffith, he will just destroy the last safe place for humanity then?
Oh no, the demons showed up everywhere because the astral world and physical world merged after the shit Griffith did with Skull Knight
So what exactly did Griffith do wrong? Sure he sacrificed the entire Band of the Hawk, but its not like it was a surprise. He constantly talked about how they were just a tool for his dream.
All I see is him trying to make a world a world where Humans and Apostles can live in peace with eachother
After the Incarnation Ceremony, a reconstituted Griffith led his Neo Band of the Hawk and the armies of the Holy See Religious Order against the rogue Ganishka and the Kushan Empire. In a gambit to fight Griffith at a level of power equal to his God Hand status, Ganishka ends up becoming a semi-mindless monster as Griffith rides Nosferatu Zodd to reach the apostle's human face. At that moment, the Skull Knight attempts to strike Griffith down when he assumes his Femto form with the Sword of Actuation
But Griffith expected his would-be assassin would show up at this point and time and allowed him to act for his own purpose. When the Skull Knight made his move with an attempted attack from behind as he was standing over Ganishka's human face, Griffith uses his powers to manipulate the dimensional tear so that it would inflict Ganishka's human face instead. As Ganshika had descended into deepest parts of the Astral Plane twice, the attack caused a chain reaction that opens a fissure into the Astral Plane that instantly killed the tyrant while a bright and warm light exploded from his husk.
The light, felt by spiritually aware people, engulfed the entire world within minutes. This caused the astral plane, a realm normally concealed from humanity, to overlap with the material world. This causes all mythical creatures and fallen entities, including the rest of the God Hand, to fully manifest in the physical world once it became a global Interstice via the World Tree that sprouted from Ganishka's remains. The event also fully revived the Sea God from within its earthen prison. With various supernatural creatures wrecking havoc in the main land, the humans who survived and escaped found sanctuary in Griffith's kingdom of Falconia.
But the world was already full of monsters (be it trolls, "elves" attacking villages, etc) wandering around before Skull Knight fucked up. After the eclipse somehow a lot of monsters invaded the world. It just got much worse after the fight with the emperor and the world became pretty much unlivable.
Griffith didn't do it for the sake of anyone but himself. Betraying your comrades, and condening them to suffer forever in hell after making them be devoured by demons is considered a bad thing in my book.
Ok nevermind I read a few more chapters.
Fuck Griffith, I thought he was just going to create some utopian kingdom
If they did a live-action adaptation of Berserk, and the actor who played Guts was black, how would you react? What if the one that played Donovan was white?
I hope they never make a live action adaptation of berserk.
But if there will be lack of blacks SJWs will screech again like after The Witcher 3 premiere. If Donovan would be black, it would be even worse screeching.
I want a WE WUZ edit of Donovan now.
Is the boob grab the best move to stop an angry woman?
The good old days
you're the only one screeching here
Can Zodd and Guts be considered buddies?
Fighting buddies
I only told how it would look.
We don't know for sure yet, I still hope for a mastermind plan in which he acts against the idea of Evil.
More like the Golden dAys.
Does the end justify the means? Falconia seems pretty dope.
His only wrong doing so far was raping Casca, but everything else seems justified for the greater good. His comrades were already willing to sacrifice themselves for his dream, so I really don't see the problem?
>were already willing to sacrifice themselves for his dream
Yea, with hopes that at least some of them niggas get to live the good life too. Did you not read the manga? Guts told you that each of the soldiers has their own dream, opening shops and shit, etc.
They gathered under Griffith so that in the end - if they survive, they can have their own dream.
>raping Casca
Let me get this clear here, mate. What you're saying is that raping a single female is WORSE than killing hundreds of people who TRUSTED, RESPECTED YOU AND RISKED THEIR LIVES DOZENS OF TIMES FOR YOU?
>Does the end justify the means?
That's purely philosophical. There is no correct answer because this is dealing on very grey fields of morale and each person will have a slightly different saying in such cases.
>His comrades were already willing to sacrifice themselves for his dream, so I really don't see the problem?
Is different, user. I'm a Did Nothing Wrong fag and I still see his fault at that. He betrayed them. Sure, they were ready to die under his command, but this was him literally going to their deaths, until then Griffith never used them as cannon fodder, death was an option but never a sure thing while fighting for him. During the eclipse he was no longer using them as man power but as fuel.
However, what would anyone have done in that situation? Living as a cripple knowing that ONE fuck up (that I still consider Guts partial fault) destroyed the legacy that was so close and literally was his force d'etre?
As you already stated, his only wrongdoing was raping Casca to retardness.
Raping scars for a lifetime. Killing is just spoilering life.
> Femto squatting while raping Casca
Stop with this meme Griffith had Casca's consent
>they were ready to die under his command, but this was him literally going to their deaths
Yep. And they weren't with Griffith because they wanted to die, it was exactly the other way around. They wanted to live, they wanted to be on the winners' side. And they believed being with Griffith, who was an excellent commander, would improve their chances in surviving.
When they rescued Griffith and everybody saw he has turned into a cripple, lots of them wanted to leave the band with Guts.
>This many Griffith apologists
The Griffith did nothing wrong meme has gotten out of hand
Ikr. Sasuke did nothing wrong but griffith is a hypocrite.
>says the only true friends to him are people who realise their own dream
>guts realizes his own dream
>leaves and beats griffith who couldn't stand guts having is own dream
>fucks the lives up for everyone else of the band of the hawk
I always saw that dialogue with the prince as "shit that wets". He obviously saw Guts as a friend, in fact that's the whole point of his hurting over Guts leaving.
>with the Prince
Charlotte a guy now? makes sense since griffith is a faggot.
Yes he did see guts as his friend that was the whole point. Griffith is like a keyboard warrior talking big to look strong etc for attention this time from Charlotte. And well guts was like reality that proved griffith was weak and lied a lot
>with the prince
I see
Guts was a mayor pussy and sperglord who couldn't realize that he was already friends with Griffith and that his place was in the Band of the Hawk.
>that his place was in the band of the hawk
That is where you are wrong kiddo. guts is too good to be just a soldier. He should have been leader no.1 since griffith is much weaker than him
Oh, you're just a retard. Nevermind.
>Griffith fag gets BTFO'd
>"oh.. you..You're just a retard.."
>He should have been leader no.1 since griffith is much weaker than him
Truly the words of a wise man.
The fact that you fell into the dichotomy Griffith/Guts and feel the need to take a "side" just proves how retarded you are.
Griffith did everything wrong
Let me remind you that Griffith was the one that had an autistic meltdown that fucked himself and the whole band
>People debating for ages on whether Griffith did something wrong or not
>People debating for ages on whether Casca's rape was actual rape or consented sex
>People don't even remember Guts raping Casca
Woops, meant for
Senpai pls teach me how to have autistic meltdowns that ends up with me fucking a pure princess
I haven't seen people imply that Griffith being shit somehow makes Guts impeccable
Does that makes Guts not leaving the Band of the Hawk only to realize that he shouldn't have gone? No? Then why the fuck should I care.
Retards tend to be huge Guts fanboys.
And completely destroying the lives of the soldiers of your mercenary band and your own, don't forget about that part
>>People don't even remember Guts raping Casca
pretty sure people talked about that in the last thread
Was that actually enough to be considered rape
I must check the definition
He didn't rape her, he just bit her tit
What are you even trying to say?
he was on the verge of raping her
Guts isnt a good guy
Just a friendly reminder that all pandemonium will break loose in Falconia and all of humanity will get Eclipse'd and it was all according to Keikaku.
Griffith did- and will continue to do- everything wrong.
That Griffith being a bitch over his only friend leaving him doesn't make Guts less of a sperglord.
There's nothing wrong with being a sperglord. Especially when you can back it up with being a badass motherfucker.
He realized what he was doing and stopped though, and he hasn't done anything similar since
What we really have to see is what happens when Casca gets healed, if she does
>nothing wrong
Except making your gay best friend throw a temper tantrum making him commit the first mistake in his life and getting royally fucked.
Not Guts' fault that Griffith is a faggot. Guts did nothing wrong leaving the hawks and wanting to live his own life.
So we're playing that game
Well actually it was Shizu's fault, if she didn't take Guts with her none of this would have happened
Little reminder that Griffiths pink tight virgin asshole got GERIATR'D just for shekels, why are you so surprised about anything
Didnt he have urges to do that like twice? Once in her cave/room and the other after she fought of the bandits? Regardless, he has fucked up urges and his feelings towards Casca arent 100% heroic
>Once in her cave/room
When they were just branded? Guts ripped her clothes on accident, she was going to burn herself with the hot soup and he told her to take off her clothes because of that. He almost kissed her but didn't try to rape Casca AT ALL.
Why do stupid people keep bringing this up as something to be ashamed of?
He literally whored himself to gear up his band. That's fucking noble if you ask me.
Not Griffith's fault that Guts is a friendless loser. Griffith did nothing wrong talking shit with the princess and not knowing that Guts was being a long eared faggot.
Was his boipucci THAT good?
>almost kissed her
yeah and after that he was going to cuddle and have a good nights rest
He's a sex god. We know only of two people he's fucked: one became retarded out of pleasure and the other literally devoted his whole life to get that boipucci again.
It was THAT good user
He fucked the princess too and she also became EVEN MORE obsessed with him.
Instead of a shitty mercenary group, Griffith should've fucked his way up the courts of the kingdom.
Now that I think about it, he really should have done that
>Same positions he used on Casca
Illuminati confirmed.
>Griffith wanted Guts to borrow the book to use these positions with him
>While raping Casca Griffith was thinking "this could've been us, Guts".
what if Griffith raped Guts in front of Casca during the Eclipse?
that wouldn't happen because guts is a struggler, like skully says.
Guts got pinned down by monsters during the rape
If Griffith really wanted to he could have stuck his dick in Guts ass and Guts wouldnt be able to do anything about it
Nah, wouldn't have worked.
He'd be no better than Luca
Luca does it to make ends meet
Griffith does it to supply his army, furthering his own goals
The reason Luca isn't the mistress of a rich nobleman is because of her principles. She says it herself that she gave up on being jerome's mistress because she felt pity for his wife.
Griffith on the other hand would see no problem in guzzling some old men's semen or getting fucked in the ass if it meant he could climb the social ladder.
He was the one who brought a lot of monsters to the world in the first place.