Has Go Nagai made the biggest impact on anime & manga as a whole?

Has Go Nagai made the biggest impact on anime & manga as a whole?

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No, that would be Osamu Tezuka.

He's one of them, maybe top 5. But Tezuka's influence was the biggest, for better and worse.

How big of an impact did he have? I know he has, but not specifics.

If you really want to describe just one person as having the "biggest impact", then it really is Tezuka. This may seem like one of those clichés everyone regurgitates without questioning, and it is, but it's also really true. That said, Tezuka did not live in a vacuum* and was known to be competitive and prone to jealousy. If someone else succeeded at something or did something he hadn't done, he wanted that too. In that sense, part of the impact he had would originate from the impact his peers had on him, and that includes Go Nagai.
For example, Fushigi na Melmo, a well-known manga of Tezuka's that has sex education elements in it, has been said to be in response to the sexual content in Go Nagai's manga like Harenchi Gakuen.

*) He died of stomach cancer, not asphyxiation.

Tezuka's notable works in short:

Astro Boy.
>first popular TV anime
>dirst TV anime export

Lost World
>got Go Nagai into drawing manga

Tezuka trashed Ishinomori once too.

Whose works are bigger household names/more known: Nagai's or Tezuka's?

Interesting. Got anymore info like this?

Tezuka by far.

Amusingly, the currently running Kamen Rider series has a character who's an unlicensed doctor and has hair similar to Black Jack's.

That was the shittiest joke I've seen in a long time.

Pfft Mazinger, Cutie Honey and Devilman are pretty iconic. Tezuka had Astro Boy and... Phoenix?

Nagai's impact is grossly exaggerated by its western fans, especially from Europe. They pretend he came up with everything, when he was just average at best and didn't had that much of a impressive input compared to his mentors. He didn't came up with giant robots, piloted robots, violence, ecchi, magical girl or any of that, he merely popular by doing that kind of stuff. But he was pretty much just mimicking people who inspired him and making parodies of their work. Nagai is not even close to being the most influential manga artist. And most of his fame worldwide came from anime series he barely had anything to do with.

Guess which one of those is an honorary japanese citizen.

You really want to try and argue that Mazinger or Cutie Honey is more well known than Astro Boy?

I really like Go Nagai, especially Devilman and its alternatives like Lady and Saga. Go Nagai is more clever than some think, is not just ecchi, rape and violence.


Read this and cry you Nagai hater!

Even if Nagai didn't have that much input on the anime that made his works well known, he still had something to do with them as they are all based on his works and stories that he wrote.

Okay, Grandpa.

Don't forget muh Black Jack.

I think you might find this interview interesting:
It's mostly about Ootomo Katsuhiro, but they also discuss Tezuka's influence and has some episodes of Tezuka-jealousy.
A lot of what I know about this stuff comes from (hotblooded mangaka) Shimamoto Kazuhiko's radio show, so it's not really written down neatly anywhere in English and therefore mostly anecdotes I happen to remember.

Come now, while his impact may get overstated by some people sometimes, you're understating it far more than even the most diehard French Goldarak fan would overstate it.
There was a manga about a piloted robot that came out slightly before Mazinger Z, but the timing is so close that it's unlikely one influenced the other. In the end, though, everyone knows Mazinger and I don't even remember the name of the other one, so Nagai's work clearly had more impact.
Cutie Honey wasn't the first magical girl, but Sunny, Comet-san and Akko-chan weren't exactly going around stabbing monsters.
And while he wasn't the first to make non-pornographic manga with explicit sexual content, he certainly was pushing envelopes regarding what could be shown in shounen manga.
More importantly, however, OP asked about impact, not who did what first.

>Okay, Grandpa
You're arguing for the popularity of things 40+ years old. Also not an argument.

Except Nagai's main works have new versions made every decade. I'm not talking about only the originals, but as a whole over decades.

>Except Nagai's main works have new versions made every decade
Astro Boy is no different. It even got the big Hollywood treatment.

Except that sucked hard, and nobody really thought of it as Tezuka when it was released abroad.

No, that would be Mitsuyo Seo

>directed the first full length anime movie
>got Osamu Tezuka into being an animator

>Except that sucked hard
And? We're talking about notoriety, not quality.
>and nobody really thought of it as Tezuka when it was released abroad.
And hardly anyone thinks of Nagai's works abroad period. Did you just forget what the argument was about?
>Whose works are bigger household names/more known

in that case that would be the wan brothers


The first influences that reached China were US animated shorts from the Fleischer studio. Therefore, the Out of the Inkwell series heavily influenced the Wan brothers’ earliest shorts. Later, more US animation including Popeye and Betty Boop reached China, influencing their styles further. The Wan brothers were then deeply influenced by Disney’s feature films. Most notably, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs stirred them to begin a feature length Chinese animation.?Their films were also influences to other aspiring animators within Asia. Most notably, after viewing Princess with the Iron Fan, Tezuka Osamu was inspired to become a comics artist and later, an animator. It also prompted the Japanese Navy to commission its own animated feature film for Japan.

In other words, China had some influences on japan animation more than what weaboos would be willing to admit

Don't underestimate Italy and France
Nagai is very very well known here

Just said it sucked. That's really it. But you're acting like that Astroboy movie even had an impression at all when it came out. Meanwhile, Nagai's works actually do.

I bet you have scratch-marks on your wall of arguments won.

Yes, at least on some genres.

Also, Miyazaki is jealous of him and Tezuka since both leaved their marks on history, that's why he doesn't retire for good.

Miyazaki is counter culture and desperately wants to be influential but won't
Sure he made money but anime culture is much closer to Nagai's works

>But you're acting like that Astroboy movie even had an impression at all when it came out
Yeah, in introducing it to people who had never heard of it genius.

Well, they tried and failed, Tezuka-cuck.

Now you've truly got nothing fag. Also, I enjoy Nagai much more than Tezuka, but personal enjoyment means fuck all to any of this.

>reeeee cuck
>argument invalid
No. They "attempted" something with that movie, but it flat out failed. I mean, seriously, Nagai has had a wide-ranging impact with all his works like Cutie Honey, Mazinger, and Devilman even to this day. Tezuka works on the other hand are simply old fossils collecting dust which they give the defib treatment every now and then.

But what does that have to do with which is more widely known across the world? Because I'd still say its astro boy.

>astro boy
>widely known
Come on, man. Everybody knows Cutie Honey, Devilman, and Mazinger. Astro Boy? Not so much. But Black Jack a little.

Tomino has.

Kentaro Miura said in a interview that Go Nagai is a big influence on his work.

I literally just finished Devilman. That escalated really fucking quickly. Is there a consensus on what's in the background in the final page?

That's just a bunch of angels

And they're coming to wipe out Ryo and the rest of the demons? Wow, that is dark. What an incredible ride.

Yeah, Devilman's second half it's very wild, be sure to read DevilLady too.

Does Nagai have a fetish for 2 face giant cyborg robots?