No diving today, only science and scum squad. Sciencfeags, get in and criticize their method.
Grand Blue chapter 32 : The Charpy Impact test
You should be able to solve this.
I kinda want to know why the unviersity had a restraining device at hand.
As a graduate of Drunk science, I aprove this chapter.
These school/education chapters are pretty boring honestly.
>they're still doing college things
Never reveal your powerlevel.
It's because of the lack of qt
RIP Kouhei
Kouhei learnt a trick or two from the keikaku master.
I'm not really sure I get their reasoning here.
>I'm not really sure I get their reasoning here.
Longer legs = less risk of impact, but on closer inspection Nojima is only taller because of his longer torso.
>The teach gave them good grades
>When he could have just bs it and give them a failing grade
Another day, another victory for the Scum Squad. Tune in next time for another diving adventure.
An assistant teacher grading your quiz answers wrong is pretty obvious and easy to fix.
Is that megumin?
>next chapter will be extra long
>Kouhei changing waifus
It's over the normalfags got him
Boy next chapter is gonna give Sup Forums some fuel to pass the month.
That reminds me, Inoue actually has some kind of design or engineering job in addition to writing.
oh right, they are about to catch up aren't they? Since next ch should be that Chisa one.
Yeah we will catch up next week
Aw shit, I can't wait for next week.
Who is winning the MCbowl? Is Cakey winning?
After that imouto visit I don't think there are any front runners.
I thought I had explained this shit already last week. An Assistant Professor is NOT a TA, it's a position above instructor and below Associate Professor (which is below Professor) and usually only given to those on a tenure track, which ends at Professor. The fucker is on the lead for the next tenureship available, he's not just some simple TA.
He could've just made it, universities usually have lathes and shit like that.
Reminder that Newton was a giant fucking asshole.
>Is Cakey winning?
A college manga that portraits college things
There's how many chapters till we reach the raws?
1, apparently. Maybe 2.
Next week is the last one, after that everything will be new
Fantastic as usual, thanks man.
Shouldn't you measure the height reduction with no obstacle to figure out energy lost due to friction/air drag?
You consider it to be 0 because it's very tiny compared to the energy lost by breaking the object.
This chapter was ok, but definitely the lowest of the translated chapters so far. I suppose everything has to have a worst chapter
Say what you will about school chapters, those are probably the best faces in this manga yet.
Hily fucking shit. I love this teacher.
If your crotch is higher the pendulum will be slower when it makes contact. It'll be negligible but it's something
I love this manga