Do anime & manga girls look better with or without lipstick.
Do anime & manga girls look better with or without lipstick
Depends on the art style. Lipstick would look fine in a Ryuta Amazume manga's color pages but it'd look dumb in Lucky Star.
Wearing lipstick should be a crime.
Depends, it looks especially bad on the art styles with super tiny mouths
It really varies. It makes the character look older and more alluring. So it feels misplaced on a youthful character.
Then again I have a lipstick fetish so more lipstick is always a good thing for me.
That's true in some respects in others not so much.
I've never seen good lipstick.
This guy gets it. I mean, for a really basic example, you've got someone like Jessie from pokemon who can look cute as fuck without lipstick, but at the same time it's kind of weird and takes something away from her character. It helps put across that, as user said, older and alluring type of vibe, and it works well on villainesses in particular since they're usually supposed to be portrayed as sexy, or at least trying to come across that way (which in itself is sexy, not to sound redundant.)
I like lighter colors better though, rather than the standard red type, personally.
Personally I like exotic colors.
Like a deep ruby red is the standard but something like a bright purple or blue makes the character stand out. Something about non-traditional lips makes them much more alluring.
I can appreciate that.
Jessie actually didn't wear lipstick at one point ?
What if I wanna smooch this girl?
It's incredibly rare, but it has happened.
It's so weird how different she looks (also her head looks huge in this shot)
It kinda makes you remember that Team Rocket are just supposed to be teenagers.
> teenagers
Wait what? No fucking way.
They're 25.
Last I heard they were 18.
I've been wrong before.
Brock is at least 16 and they call him a twerp, so they have to be a bit up there.
In some animations errors of the first season she didn't either.
I always thought brock was like 13-15 (keeping in mind ash and misty were like 10 and 11) and that Jessie and James were 18-20
Misty's at least 2 or 3 years older than Ash, if all the other versions of her are anything to go by. I used to think the same way as you about Team Rocket, but things make a lot more sense (and are more pitiful) with the two as adults.
Misty never was older than Ash, both have the same age.
my dick
In the Lugia movie Jessie says she's 25, and she and James are the same age. This line was not said in the English dub.
Depends on artstyle and the character, but typically without. The major in GitS is the first exception that comes to mind.
Good enough for me!
magic marker lips just silly
This makes a lot more sense. She definitely looks more like 25 than a teenager.
I think full lips work a bit better than think lips for lipstick.
I agree thin lips just don't look right with lipstick.
Oh, she's usually older than the protagonist from what I recall. That anime is a different game though.
Chi Chi has been sexier.
Gohan ruined Videl.
The more non-canon Chi-chi is the sexier her outfits tend to be. Then again she also tends to be bitchier.
Or did she ruin him.
Lipstick is basically the main point of Kasane.
Gohan always was a shitter because he never won a fight. Goku always had to save his ass, even against Cell.
That's true he had to talk him through practically the whole damn fight even when he was dead.
I thought she was almost always bitchy.
No lipstick neck yourself if you disagree
Lipstick is good for villains as a lazy way to make sure they aren't accidentally seen as cute.
No lipstick usually.
Lipstick looks so gaudy most of the time.
,Are we limited to talking about WOMEN with lipstick?
I guess we aren't.
Defined lips but no lipstick
That is what I prefer also. It's so much better than just a line.
That's part of what I loved about Samejima Mamimi so much. Her big ol' pouty lips.