Demand Open Borders for Refugees
oh yeah, our minister said that only legal entry into our country can qualify you as an asylumseeker.
Now, soros' minions are butthurt as fuck and nobody in Croatia cares
Why Croatia? Do you guys even have a welfare state?
nigger is almost blacker than the windows behind him
No, but we're on the way to Germany. Our police is just returning them all to Serbia and they're screeching.
kill me
>all women protestors
it doesn't matter how much based your male population is, if you lose your women then you're done and globalists know this fact
Women can think only with their emotions. Giving women any power in society was a mistake,they will always support shit like this.
Kill them all
Feminism is a bio weapon
Why would any "refugee" want to go to Croatia though? You guys don't give free gibs like Germany does.
Why do women have a pathological hatred for the civilisation that gave them everything?
>lose the women
instead of becoming a NEET and growing a neckbeard the female losers march around for left wing causes. Even in the U.S. the majority of white women are right wing, the fact that the Soros squad is able to pick up a bunch of barren future cat ladies for their marches shouldn't discourage you.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fhcmj g FUCKING ROASTIES
it's truly disgusting how EU enforces repopulation and globalist kikes try to undermine nations from inside with """"activism"""" aka paid propaganda shills, good to see that ex-socialist countries are not cucked to fall for the lies
stay strong
>if you lose your women then you're done and globalists know this fact
This, it's fucking infuriating.
Especially growing up and being indoctrinated that women are equal meme.
>Women can think only with their emotions
trips dont lie
so to affect women you need to play on their emotions and install the fear of rapefugees, need more awareness about rape and child abuse - you dont even have to make anything up or use any racial/nationalist slogans, just show the ugly truth
this will make women oppose migration on irrational level no matter the rhetoric
Based croats to the rescue. Seriously thank you. Thanks to their superior intellect our open borders people only care about refugees when they can actually see them. If they are deported before reaching us, they will just forget about it all.
>all women
really makes you think
Focus on the violent beatings, acid attacks, shit like that. Diseases, inbreeding, everything associated with infertility and unattractiveness basically.
Also, massive danger to children. Think of the babies, etc.
The rape shit can play into their fantasies (although its never chads doing it, but rather sickening omega males, they can imagine/hope it was)
way too much text, needs a much more simple message
woman rights were a mistake.
Anytime you see something like this, it's mostly white women.
White women have been a cancer since the 60's.
What the fuck Croatia?! Don't bring this western degeneracy shit here in the balkans!