What has been your favorite art house anime of the decade so far?
What has been your favorite art house anime of the decade so far?
Art house is the meme word for style over substance?
Kill yourself.
>art house
Fuck off, retard.
Everyone who bumps this thread will be reincarnated as a syphilis bacteria.
Cat soup.
>art house
I dunno, I never go into museums or galleries
>of the decade
>2007 was ten years ago
don't compare mob to that other shit
it's actually fun to watch
They're the only ones still bothering to make art house anime
animating moe blobs at high frames per second =/= art house
How are violet evergarden, koe no katachi and hyouka just moe blobs?
Not an argument.
How was mob better than hyouka?
Hyouka is boring crap.
Better animation, more interesting art direction, actually well written.
Well, you got 1/3 right.
Nah, 3/3.
Which one?
They are in different weight categories,why compare?
Hyouka is pretty shit, even an overrated show like mob is better than that snorefest.
Just the better animation part.
Yeah, Hyouka sure had great writing. I especially love how well it handles subtle exposition with the characters literally explaining their own traits to each other and having catch phrases to remind the audience all the time what we're supposed to think about them.
What the fuck is an art house
because they aren't drawn to scale
Top kek
Not a single godamn one of those are "art house" by any stretch of the imagination.
Requesting the webm of the horribly forced and unnatural first exposition about "energy conservation" (kek).
None of these are arthouse. You clearly don't know what that term means.
Ping Pong could be considered art house only because Yuasa is known as an "experimental" director.
The other ones are not art house.
>unconventional or highly symbolic content
flip flap qualifies.
Truly the Karamazov of anime.
Flip Flappers can do it too.
>Hyouka sure had great writing
Hyouka is better animated and directed. Arguably much better written too, hence why ignorant people in this thread think what the characters say aren't just their perception of those characters and not what actually applies to the characters. The main element of Hyouka is that none of the characters truly understands themselves.
Flip Flappers looked good, sold like shit, and had interesting themes, but that doesn't mean it's art house.
Fuck off with this forced meme.
>Hyouka is better animated and directed
>what the characters say aren't just their perception of those characters and not what actually applies to the characters
That's obvious and extremely common in every kind of fiction. The issue is that the dialogue is garbage. If you don't realize that shit like this is unacceptable and garbage on every level, lay off anime for a while and try something written by people that know what they're doing.
Fuck off, none of them are art house material.
The main element of Hyouka is that it fucking sucks.
Pretty much this, but it's not arguably better written, it's clearly better written.
>this post didn't bump thread
2011 pinguindum
2012 nichibros (shinsekai yori was great too tho)
2013 (shittiest year in anime history)
2014 ping pong
2015 gundam the origin
2016 mob psycho 100
fight me !
oh you're talking about the art ! nevermind
>2012 nichibros (shinsekai yori was great too tho)
>2015 gundam the origin
Dude these aren't even bad but arthouse?
>ashita no joe thread
>fight me !
Kill yourself, retard.
Also prove the dialogue isn't exactly what those kind of characters would say. They restate it frequently as a means to convince themselves that this is the role they should play in their life.
Is arthouse another word for pretentious hipster trash with janky animation?
And characters putting on personas won't convenienty explain them to each others awkwardly for the viewer to hear every 10 minutes. That's not how people act, that's hack writing.
Again, try actually watching/reading something not adapted from an (apparently terrible) japanese young adult novel.
Most anime has neither, so even though it's a retarded label it's not completely unreasonable to give it to an anime that only has style
>won't convenienty explain them to each others awkwardly for the viewer to hear every 10 minutes
Good thing the show doesn't do that then. Satoshi repeatedly stating he's a database isn't him explaining himself for the viewer.
Hyouka was really fucking good. Seeing anons call it shit shows how effective of a casual filter it is.
Is "art house" the new buzzword for no sales?
Why deny the evidence? The show has horrible dialogue and writing in general, get over it.
Only Flip Flappers had bad sales though.
Tie bricks to your feet and jump in a deep lake.
Looks like someone didn't understand how deep Hyouka was.
>The show has horrible dialogue and writing in general, get over it.
I don't see it. It's got pretty solid writing.
Maybe you're right, I just don't see it.
Look at this, did they have Elmore Leonard at the writing? Just brilliant.
Learn the definition of "art house" before you post this crap.
Kek. Why does Urobutcher get shit on for saying similar things about energy conservation?
PS: Are Madoka and Monogatari arthouse? They are certainly pleb filters and use an ambitious (at the time) art style.
i though he was talking about best anime of the year
what's wrong with tho ?
Mob? It has the worst sameface of anything. Dont confuse being very well animated at times to being what ever artsy thing you are thinking
Newfags still hype on the One Punch Man train
>pleb filters
I hope you're baiting. Both of them are literally Naruto-tier. Both are gateway anime.
>high budget = art
>not below budget like anything from Kyoani
The average Inferno Cop episode costs more
fucking kek
>not pleb/normie filter
Show the beginning of the very first episode of Bake and its lengthy description of a panty shot to your parents and see how they react.
Fuck off.
Where the fuck is Trapeze?
Normalfags love Monogatari. What are you talking about?
>serious, independent, aimed at a niche market rather than a mass market audience
>intended to be a serious artistic work, often experimental and not designed for mass appeal
>made primarily for aesthetic reasons rather than commercial profit
>unconventional or highly symbolic content
Look it up.
Don't describe the shit in OP. Your point?
Your point?
Up there with Hyouka for me.
UK is actually good, doesn't belong in this shit thread.
So SZS, which was continued despite low sales?
This thread reminds me of how much I hate new Sup Forums
What's the difference between new and neo Sup Forums?
We have gone past neo, everything is just now 'new'.
Neo Sup Forums was pretty terrible, but this is just a husk
At most two of those qualifies. And neither are by fucking Kyoani or Bones. Try adding Aku no Hana, Tatami Galaxy and maybe like Kyousougiga and the animator expo. Uchouten Kazoku kind of has that feel, too.
>posting something
>need to look more credible
>attach some rec chart for obscure shit
>now that's better
It only came July of 2007, so it's still within this decade.
Mob and Hyouka.
what's wrong with kyoani
Too high profile, too market researched.
They didn't publish my light novel
they're better than my favorite studio so I resent them
Did I accidentally walk into a Sup Forums thread?