>The Higashikata's stand naming scheme revolves around the word "King" >Gappy is a fusion between two people >Gappy's been adopted into the family thus will get a name with King in the title when his stand evolves >Gappy's stand can steal attributes from an object which can be physical or even metaphorical >Gappy's power up will have to do with this stealing mechanic >Most Jojo stand powers are based on time (Jotaro stops, Josuke reverses. Girono removes effects from time. Johnny can cross time and space with the Spin.) >Gappy, following this trend of time and theft, Gappy will soon be able to remove causes from time and leave the effects >Stand upgrades to King Crimson, who had a user which was a fusion between two people. Gappyavolo confirmed
Your idea of time is like saying D4C is a time manipulation Stand
Logan White
>He took this meme theory and that guys video seriously
Adam Miller
This is so stupid.
Jose Baker
>Doesn't know xforts disproved the Gappyavolo theory himself
Oliver Cook
I want to impregnate Jolyne.
Cooper Lopez
>watching xforts
Noah Martin
This is bullshit... but I believe it.
Sebastian Clark
>watching xforst videos in the first place
Christopher Hill
JoJo villains have time based (first universe) and space based (second) standos. JoJos themselves seem to have stands based more around the body, or life itself.
Luis Carter
why are people shit talking based xforts? he's a cool dude, and pretty smart as well.
Kayden Gonzalez
Nice try xForts, what is next? Are you're going to say you're hot too?
Lincoln Foster
>I'm gonna bitch about somebody I don't watch because I'm better than scum that eat up anything some memetuber says!
He doesn't produce bad content. Just blatantly obvious shit. At least he isn't filling people with awful headcanons like Ireneverse/SBRverse shit
Josiah Garcia
Andrew Wood
How can I get my friend to start reading the manga. He says that its not emotional or good without music and animation so he's just going to wait till part 5 to get animated. (added note his favorite jojo is joseph because he's "funny and entertaining." and hates polnareff and koichi because he finds them annoying and stupid)
Caleb Cruz
>How can I get my friend >added note his favorite jojo is joseph because he's "funny and entertaining." Here's one start, he's not your friend anymore.
James Clark
Where is that Doppio pic from?
Josiah Price
64 chapter when?
Jace Sanders
The newest updated chapter silly.
3-4 weeks.
Lucas Green
Jotaro looks so much younger and cute in the picture below.
Connor Walker
Thank you
Jayden Sanchez
What said. Let him stay an anime only for ever, he'd probably the sort of person that reads colored scans.
Luke Cruz
What for? Now his chin looks really weird.
Gavin Gutierrez
Connor Martinez
Practice for Vento Aureo
Robert Ward
Its a little unfair to say that all of the second universe villains will be able to manipulate space when we only have D4C to back it up but the first point I agree with
Jordan Davis
D4C manipulates timelines/[spoilee]
Andrew Wilson
Aaron Rogers
Is Doppio possibly the most unaware character in all of JoJo? I just don't know how he can not suspect a thing when his body suddenly moves without him moving it and starts getting thicc muscles like in the Risotto fight.
Grayson Morris
p v w h e r e
Jayden Parker
Xavier Anderson
Holy shit! I can't believe Mario is fucking dead!
Chase Brown
>Shows off all the currently living Joestars when he's barely related to any of those assholes
Giorno being a JoJo at all is such a stretch
Adrian Williams
He embodies their spirit is the point
Christopher Torres
Gappy getting King Crimson would be Jorge Joestar levels of memery.
Alexander Davis
I wonder if David will put Jonathan in there.
Joshua Peterson
xForts is an okay guy. I like to think he is a "non-channer" source for JJBA stuff.
Luke Roberts
Does Joshuu even know that his family members have Stands?
Nut King Call first manifested during Shakedown Road, and other than Kaato, I can't think of an instance where he'd have seen one.
It really seems like Yasuho is more knowledgeable about them than he is
Caleb Reyes
Jonathan not being there is the point dumbass
Daniel Moore
This was before Shakedown Road, maybe here?
Do you think Hato has seen one before too?
James Cruz
It's just a pet theory I guess, it checks out if the mum is the main villain of JoJolion now too.
Caleb Diaz
Dr.Stone is a prelude for Kars' return. The entire manga will end abruptly at chapter 9, when they discover a mass-cure for petrifaction, and one of the people they rescue is Kars. The author will direct the readers towards Jojolion, and in the following chapter, Kars awakens from his stone form, having been called down from space due to new universe's Lieutenant Westwood's meteor stand.
Nolan Johnson
She probably is.
After Vitamin C there's no way he doesn't know though.
Nicholas Kelly
David still might add him in anyway, even if it isn't what Araki intended.
Jack Parker
No the panel is just Koichi realising he's fully part of the bloodline. It's not as though Joseph has any relevance to Koichi, especially part 3 Joseph. It's not a stretch at all to have Jonathan in the back.
Leo King
She's wondering why this freeloader is showing off his asshole for no reason.
Carter Kelly
>tfw unironically started learning Italian because of Jojo
Jacob Howard
Any reason why he didn't managed slice his throat in a million pieces
Evan Murphy
Jonathan not being there instantly makes the reader think of him, this way bringing attention to Giorno's numerous parallels to him and Dio. >tfw Jojo unironically made me care about politics
Christopher Phillips
Angel Peterson
>unironically made me care about politics Explain.
Caleb Edwards
Does anybody have a ;ink to a finished part 5 translation that isn't duwang tier?
Jace Scott
Araki is my mom and he told me a few things today. 1. Speed king's hidden ability is Planck heat generation, it will be called "Speed King: Last Caress"
2. Norisuke is the first to die from Speed King:Last Caress, almost killing Joshuu and Tsurugi before Gappy comes in for confrontation.
3. Gappy "dies" and is split back into Josefumi and Kira, Jobin is defeated by Kira's bites the dust and Josefumi's New Power Generation.
4. Kaato is left out of the plot entirely.
5. Part 9 is teased, and is the neo-Steel Ball Run, a hotline miama esc. super racecar derby that takes place in space. It is the final part of JoJo.
He also said David Pro. is trying to get Sambomaster to do the part 5 intro.
Don't tell Araki I told you all this information, I'm sure he'd be sad.
Liam Russell
To put it shortly, I realized what made Diavolo so terrible is the same thing that makes a corrupt policitian corrupt.
Connor Miller
Benjamin Phillips
>4. Kaato is left out of the plot entirely. I can see this one actually happening
Aiden Jenkins
Okay, but where's Yasuho?
Zachary Bennett
Everything is believable except for 5.
Lucas Hughes
>5. Part 9 is teased, and is the neo-Steel Ball Run, a hotline miama esc. super racecar derby that takes place in space. It is the final part of JoJo.
That's bullshit but I believe it.
Christian Jackson
>Diavolo went from a friendly ditz to a paranoid bastard who can't even comprehend emotion
Hunter Gomez
>2. Norisuke is the first to die Unlikely, if anything 'King Nothing' suggests he'll watch everyone he cares about die. >3. Gappy "dies" and is split back into Josefumi and Kira Araki hates revival bullshit and I don't blame him. Josefumi and Kira are fucking dead and Gappy is what they became, no. >4. Kaato is left out of the plot entirely No. >5. Part 9 is teased, and is the neo-Steel Ball Run, a hotline miama esc. super racecar derby that takes place in space. It is the final part of JoJo. No.
Gabriel Baker
Dubs decides what REALLY happens next. you can't kill something that's really dead
Angel Green
XFarts go, and stay away from JoJo general, we dont need """"our"""" Vaati
James Bell
Turn abuse into nudes!
Connor Russell
Jotaro breaks DIO's leg, DIO squirts blood in his eyes and then Jotaro kills DIO
Justin Martinez
I hope Diavolo got to be a sailor in this new universe
Adrian Bell
Jotaro breaks DIO's legs sending him flying off the road roller and onto the bridge. Jotaro allows DIO to regenerate his legs, but DIO blinds Jotaro with blood from his ripped legs. With Jotaro blinded, DIO goes in for a kick with his left leg, and Jotaro intercepts with a punch. The punch shatters Jotaro's hand, but it completely destroy's DIO's left side. Jotaro then revives Joseph with DIO's blood and they burn DIO's corpse in the sun.
Anthony Robinson
you stop posting forever
Chase Barnes
Rolling for these
James Rivera
I keep asking but I forget to save them, does anyone have the fat pictures that everyone goes apeshit about? I need it for research
Jaxson Hughes
you get banned
Henry Robinson
Jacob Morgan
I don`t get post like this. >Hey, how can i get my X into Y ? He doesn`t like Y, and really really likes Z If they doesn`t like just don`t force it to them, its your only friend or what ?
Luis Cooper
The meme dies.
Connor Peterson
Wouldn't that be really bad for her spine?
Dominic Bell
Dio becomes obese and shits on Pucci's dick
Juan Ortiz
> Gappy "dies" and is split back into Josefumi and Kira, Jobin is defeated by Kira's bites the dust and Josefumi's New Power Generation.
Gappy can't split back, the parts between Josefumi and Kira just got shuffled around.
Anthony Ross
Post your Tumbrl plesee, i want more retarded headcannons !!!
Gabriel Collins
Rolling for this
Brayden Taylor
Elijah Hall
You die in a car accident
Andrew Ross
Winner of heaven
Jackson Gutierrez
Jotaro grabs DIO's shoulder and then kicks his legs with Star Platinum breaking them. DIO proceeds to have an inner monologue and squirts blood onto Jotaro's eyes. The World goes to kick Jotaro but Star Platinum lets out a punch to The World's weak leg. At first, it looks like Star Platinum lost because its hand cracks but then The World's legs starts to shatter and then DIO blows up.
Isaac Scott
>I hope you like being tit fat
Nathan Nelson
>Yfw Araki brings back Judgement as the final boss of part 8
William Edwards
These aren't tumblr headcanons. These are facts Araki told me.
Jaxon Smith
Lincoln Parker
Jaxon Allen
Araki will become a literal hack. >HACK 2 U
David Davis
You have ten seconds to explain this panel.
Sebastian Jackson
>Daiya and Josefumi treasure the past >Both Johnny and Josefumi gave up their lives for their images of happiness, the things they valued the most, George and Rina, for Johnny, Kira and Holly, for Josefumi. A wife, a son, a mother and a boyfriend. >Karera, and arguably Hato, value the present >Tsurugi and Norisuke praise prosperity and the future, both claim that it's for the family, Norisuke is trying to save his grandson, to the point he'll willingly sacrifice his life for it, and Tsurugi is worried he'll have to lose a loved one to keep on living >Jobin aims for a better future, in a very selfish manner, not caring about the happiness of other people he may destroy in the process > Funnily enough, Lucy, sort of, shares Jobin's line of thought that ends justify means. What do you guys think? the fact that Jobin and Norisuke completely antagonize each other's ways is fantastic, I'm excited to see where this going. Also, could Daiya give Gappy Josefumi's image of happiness back through CKB? When will we be seeing Josuke's, Yasuho's and Joshu's take on happiness?
Christian Ross
>Joshu was the one who told Tsurugi not to be afraid
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
Daniel White
He is a rock She is a sock
Christopher Russell
Yotsuyu is weird like that. He also has a panel in the Yasuho waterboarding scene that out of context looks like he's giving her a golden shower.
Adam Lopez
Is Yotsuyu so oddly sexual because he has nothing to fap with?