Poland hate thread

polish here, i hate this fucking shithole, i am too ashamed to use my flag

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Show your flag bitch.


Listen to satan.
You're a fellow bong who rightfully hates the polish menace. They're white niggers who make chavs seem civilised

Well, what's wrong with Poland and what are you doing to make it better? Right now, Poland is pretty based: Traditional Catholic, no Moslems... what's the problem? Or are you the problem Poland has?

Hej, Paweł.
Ja tu robie h8 thready.

The problem isn't poland, it's polish niggers leaving poland and nigging in Britain


huma emails



i refuse to speak this filth language when not forced to, fuck poland, i wish germany and russia would invade us again.


Tfw łazanki for dinner with shots of soplica

This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

ah yes, you are a german
well what i meant is that i am the one to make hate threads here
now fuck off Heinz

You should fuck off you retard for bumping this slide thread. Use sage.

Poland is a little and uninteresting country in Europe and is widely known for being the most conquerable- sad- country in the world. However, Poland is also known for steroids, and their filthy Jews. Poland is renowned for having the world's most hideous women second to Australia's Aboriginals and right above Zimbabwe. Most real Christians view Poland as completely irrelevant because Jesus had never traveled there-- as, nowhere in the country, can you find twelve wise men or a virgin. The nation is known as a buffer zone between good and evil, referring to the neighboring nations of Germany and Russia (you decide which is which). Poland is also well known for its citizens capable of shape shifting. Throughout the last thousand years its borders have changed frequently as it has been pwned repeatedly by surrounding nations, and due to severe butthurt disappeared off the face of the earth for almost 200 years. Poland has always been best friends with Germany and Russia. In 1939 Germany helped Poland get rid of its retards, handicapped, gypsies, homosexuals, and Jews. This initiative was at first welcomed, until they realized that most Pollacks qualify as clinically retarded. Currently, Poland is looking forward to host the Polish triathlon Euro Cup 2012 in Germany or Great Britain.

For most of its unremarkable history Poland existed as a fairly large, aspie nation, occasionally licking Russian, Tatar, Scandinavian, and German ass. Poland was known for its bad judgment in exporting white trash of all kinds. They all fucked one another like there was no tomorrow and produced tons of beautiful blue-eyed babies that now grace every brothel west of Berlin.

So Germany - overrun by fugly, smartarsed Jews and fugly, shit-thick Frauleins - became jealous and wanted in on all the fun. Invading Polackistan with Panzers only slightly less fragile than the indigenous blart, ze Germans triggered the raid known to oldfags as "World War II" and all so they could adopt those beautiful blond, blue eyed babies, kill the fugly Jews and leave the remains of the lumpen-Lebensraumer locals to kill each other off fighting over the last of the cabbages (the winnar, in an appalling example of troll's remorse, later being made Pope). Without the Jews raping and jewing the nation's industry, currency, government, infrastructure, and all the other things of civilized life, Poland instead chose to become an Hero by bending over and opening up for Big Brother. Since replacing the Kremlin with the Vatican and joining the European Union, Poland's primary exports are now Meth, plasterers and Visa whores.

Thus there are, unsurprisingly, few Polish people now left in Poland. The least-retarded fucked off to America or Britain several years ago; the rest of this proud nation of illiterate, superstitious, bigoted alcoholics now prefer mooching off Britain with its fantastic economy and bone idle natives.

Indeed, by the 21st century, it had become clear, even to the Polish president and his entire government, that emigration was a wise choice. Taking the decision to fly to Britain, issues with being able to navigate led them into a tree in Russia.

>Poland is a little and uninteresting country in Europe

Show flag or your mom will die in her sleep tonight.

I like Poland. Polish women are beautiful and traditional, and the men are proud of their culture and history.

I envy them in a lot of ways.

>Polish women are beautiful and traditional
Nah, they are race traitors

thats not true, i live in poland, women always ugly and dumb, they suck dicks for 1 dollar, men are are weak and mentally retarded, if you look into polish man eye for more than 5 second he fight u, then he lose fight LOL

Show the flag OP faggots ass pussy


my point still stands though, poles are subhumans

here I stand, cannot do otherwise

This kike again ...

Forgot your flag, fag x'D

Damn. I'd never have guessed that you were from Jordan. Do you have much of a problem with the polish subhuman over there?

>be ugly camelfucker
>be jelous of europeans and americans
>try to DC them

Everyone, just look at this no-life middle eastern camel fucker, he is spaming this muttmeme for a few weeks now. Just go to 4plebs and look for his name "Al-Ürduni" (he shitposted from friday to sunday 9 pages in the archive, what a fucking shitskin he must be)

He has a problem with white people, he is a goatfucking sandmonkey who is envious of us.
Just take a look at this shit he does, what the fuck is wrong with him?

Oh wow. I've never seen such a strong inferiority complex

No answers to that? I wonder why you're not replying little desertboy ;_;