Do you Europeans really hate us? It seems like it. Or is this just banter, if I we ever want to achieve anything we need to set aside our differences. I mean the American reactionaries are annoying but what do you provoke them with endless hatred. We're all White even us mutts
American-European relationship
Also show flag or gtfo
I hate Amerimutts for being dumb "white nationalists" and larping as Europeans.
I feel proud of being French, European, not white. (inb4 whiter than you Ahmed)
I hate America for making this world a little shit every day - with its wars, ecological mistakes and making the world a little more Americanised and destroying cultures.
I also hate dumb Americans for being, well, dumb and showing off grass their non-culture, ignorance, and anti-illectualism.
But I don't hate every single American ever. Some of you guys are alright.
Forgot my ebic image
Is this left-wing or right-wing critique? Seems to be both desu
muh jewish conspiracy
Only 9 countries (including Israel) voted against a anti-Israeli bill in the UN. Do the Jews only control 9 countries, mind you France, Germany, and Great Britain voted for the bill
Most of the left-wing 4channers would be considered right-wing by mainstream left standards tb'h
While I identify as leftshit, I have several elements of rightist, I like my country, I don't think diversity for diversity's sake is reasonable nor good, I also think that some traditions are better left respected.
Consider this : Capitalism wants to sell its products everywhere in the world. For this to happen, it needs uniformity, it needs to erase cultural differences, it needs an army of cheap, unemployed labour.
All of this happens thanks to unchecked migrations, imperialism and theft of third-world ressources.
Have you noticed how bland, boring and commercialised our culture has become ? You can thank Capitalism for that. You can thank the commodification of everything - culture, sex, relationship. If you're interested about it, read Adorno, and the unironic Frankfurt school, which dealt a lot with that topic.
I am against unchecked mass immigration. Not because I consider it as Orcs vs Humans, not because I have no heart like mainstream left says, but because it helps no-one but the ones already in power to have cheap labour, less national cohesion, and allow them to continue pillage of African/South-American countries under a veneer of progressivism.
We hate your 'imperialism'
Also I would like to go live there but there is no 'legal way' wtf is wrong with you
It is not us, we were just the first to fall to this force that is within all cultures.
I honestly think we need more isolation. There is stupid arguments like muh europoors do it so why can't we, it sucks the uniqueness out of my country.