
No season 2 announced. I am going to miss Tsuneki and the other girls.

Slutneki a shit.

Friendly Reminder.

>Compulsive Liar
>Typical highschool queen bitch that craves for attention
>Muh popularity
>Ruins every arc with her slutty presence
>She would let any classmate or deer ride her just to prove she has sexual experience
>Smells like a thousand spaniard cocks
>Even Ayaneru thinks she is a bitch

Stop calling her a slut!

Ok guys final verdict. Who had the best kissu?

>We will never see her and Rex show themselves to be nice girls in other routes and reveal that Tsuneki is the only truly irredeemable Seiren



Make me.


It's a crime against humanity how they wrapped up her route after this.

So when was the last time one character's focus so unequivocally ruined a show for you, Sup Forums?


Miu's will be best SURFACE OF THE POOL if we ever see her arc.

Damn I really wanted to see the next three girls. Sanjo mostly

>marry this goddess
>only get one kid
>doesn't put out until college

Unironically Tsuneki.

There was a seiren event announced in june. That is our hope for a season 2 or a VN. Sanjos seiyuu is at anime japan trying her best to sell seiren. So she isnt giving up on seiren neither should we.

It never did since I stopped watching anime in 2012 and just got back into it.

Hikari; shame about the stronk independunt womyn shit that came after though
Whatever, they still got together after 5 years, I guess. Just a shame that the other girls got their "10 years later" scenes and Tsuneki didn't (this was a dickbag move in Amagami too)

Can't have more clone kids user!

I hope nothing gets announced and Ruise's rookie VA gets bullied out of the industry and she's forced to become a school bus driver!

Literal garbage end.

For me it was a toss up between Tsuneki and Kyouko. Tooru felt at the wrong location at some shitty kiss park. The other girls both made my heart beat faster but gotta give it to Tsuneki that setting was perfect.

Ruise will work hard to make Season 2 happen!


>being this mad

How cute. Does hating on her this much enhance your fapping experience?

Tsuneki made the show watchable.

Seeing her smug face makes me dick diamonds.

Same. I just love how confident in herself she was. Oh, people are saying you're a slut behind your back? Then yeah, I'm a slut then. So be it. I love that about her.


Why is she so impure?

Because purity sucks.

Tsuneki is a whore filled to the brim with Spanish semen.

Shiori route when

I wanna lick Tsuneki's navel

>adding curves and tits to a bland and boring childhood friend

I unironically miss the Tsuneki arc
It was fun up until fucked him over

Makoto route soon!

Moe-nee ova when???



Ruise when?

Why was everyone expecting a second season?

Cause waifu

The way Takayama is talking about it on twitter sounds like they already have a second cour planned.

>Episode 12 gives a preview of what a Ruise arc would be like.
>She would be a hard-ass but that is only because she has to be for her position
>She is actually is really sweet in her free time

And this is why Ruise arc never

there's a shot in the OP with 6 girls isn't there?

slutneki was top bullshit artist of school

>no fun sexy times with Miu
>no Tsuneki telling Miu bullshit about boys and Shou1 disproving Tsuneki's bullshit

Nothing can top the original SURFACE OF THE POOL though



Fuck everything.

>No Ruise and Makoto doing cute things together
> No Makoto stalking Shou1 for suspected rule violations
>No lewd boob fondling

They cut out RUise shit?


Makes sense considering nothing will ever beat Ai as best girl

I wonder how smelly Tooru is

Gentle goddess best girl.

T-Rex route when?

Based outofu. After all these years they still deliver the art that we want to see.

I want to live inside Tsuneki's butthole

I'd lick Tooru's armpits

I dont want to see lazily made clones though

>only one child with the gentle goddess

Still mad.


theres 3 more girls which is just enough for 12 more episodes, it seems preplanned
if they cut bait though after a lukewarm fan response that wouldnt surprise me either

Toru and Shouichi had two children.

Don't forget they had a deer together

D-doesn't count.

The underwater kissing scene is fucking retarded. None of the kissing scenes actually stood out. What matters are the events that played up to that moment.

Because there are too many factors that make it seem like it would be half finished if they just decided to end it at 12 episodes.

>Starts off with pure disdain
>End of the route she clearly likes him but still teases him for being a pervert.

>No shirori route
>no tomoe route

Tomoe OVA or I will turn Takayama into a pile of gore

Just waiting for the final timeline update.

She seems to be on friendly terms with him despite that disdainful stare in episode 1

>I was disappointed you didn't make a move on Tsuneki, Kamita-kun

Shouichi gets more support for pursuing Tsuneki while off her route than he does when he is on her route

Sorry not-Moe-nee

I'm going to make her a housewife idol

>Tsuneki will never make ass marks on your school desk


>everyone knows that Tsuneki has a thing for Shouchi except for Tsuenki and Shouchi


She was a good girl after all

No she wasn't.

yuki a good girl
she dindu nuffin

She broke my heart.

Mako a cute!

But she didn't get free cakes!

She probably smells nice.


I'm planning to torrent Amagami again, since what I have on my backup looks sucks when I rewatch it.

What subs should I take? And it seems there are more than the main anime out there like specials and shorts.

The UTW release is fine and it also includes an audio commentary track if you're into that.

The only thing is that either episode 23 or 24 is slightly corrupted for a few frames if I remember right, so you might want to grab the stand alone UTW episode release and mix it in there.

UTW for the two short specials
FFF for SS+

>want to drum up hype for an Amagami spiritual successor
>the one thing Amagami did right was having the MC get with each girl
>start off by having the poster girl with the popular seiyuu have the bad end with 5 years of Spanish semen
Why? Who looked at the script and thought "Yeah, I can see how our fa s would enjoy this."? I can't wrap my head around how fucking stupid they all are.

please gimme more tsuneki.


How are the sales for Seiren?

It's been discussed to death user about they obviously want "and then they meet again after a time skip and renew their relationship" thing.

But no build-up, no promise, friendzoned and we could easily imagine Tsuneki already engaged or something. It could easily end with they started dating and Tsuneki become more honest with herself and not just babies ever after thing like Tooru and Kyouko.
So shitty idea and execution

I can't even believe they were going for that. She shuts him out completely for 5 years, almost 2 of which they're still classmates, and then fucks off to paella land for 3 years on a whim, only to run into him by chance. This is Shinkai levels of induced plot retardation to justify muh fated encounter. Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining.

But tsuneki does know. Its been shouichi that has been oblivious to that fact. Even when Yukie points it out. Its like ya ya ya that is impossible she could never like me. I don't think anyone knows except Yukie and Ikuo. Rex isn't the sharpest tool and the guys would have pestered shouichi like a standard harem mc if he was getting all the popular girls.

Between average and bomb leaning more on the bomb side. So not good.