
Friendly reminder that by the end of Parasyte Murano is one of "them", but Migi didn't bother to tell Shinichi because he already knew that it would work out fine.

Or was it because she ended up "one step ahead" of him and not even Migi was able to figure it out?

We already know that parasytes could love their children, so why not humans?

Other urls found in this thread:

>one step ahead
Oh, and what did she mean by this?

Was she able to read minds?

...wait. What? Is this bullshit?

Prove it faggit

Well, what else could she be talking about? I would like to discuss this. Any ideas?

I can't, you'll have to ask the author.

I tried a few times, but they said I was stalking them :^)

Wonder what they meant by that???

Here's another question. Why would certain people get psychic powers that allow them to detect parasytes. Is it natural?

Is a failed parasyte implant?

Maybe they weren't even human to begin with.

Okay now read berserk HA I YOOO

I already played the newest video game and got on the boat.

I highly recommend it, by the way.

What are "demi-humans", anyways?

Incidentally I would totally be willing to be a Gundum OS, like Ein.

He's numbah one.

Lol, remote controlled body doubles.

Nah the berserk musou game is the biggest Fuck you to berserk fans. There is a rumor we might get a from software berserk game because the berserk team went to their office for talks.

Besides that read the berserk manga 10/10

No, the biggest fuck you to Berserk fans was telling everyone that the game was shit so no one bought it.

Thank God it got a PC port.


i don't have the webm on this harddrive anymore tho

But the game is shit... It is a musou hax n slash

Only if you have no style. You have actually gotten good at playing video games before you shit-talk them, right?

I don't think "he" got it last time, either.

You can't get good at a shitty musou game that only takes spamming

You should probably play on the harder difficulties if you thinking spamming mindlessly can get you through "Berserk".

Simply mirroring their moves doesn't work either. That's what you do when you're in the defensive due to "lag".

MUSOU=bad game.


btw welcome to the wacky world of tex "avery"

musou means unrivalled

oh shi-

What the fuck is going on in this thread? Is this spam?

No, merely a new form of "funposting".

Passive-aggressively dueling between men with manly tastes.

Manly men doing manly things (lol video game) anime when?