Yakutani is an adult expert pharmacist. He (...) works himself to death

>Yakutani is an adult expert pharmacist. He (...) works himself to death.
>Before long, though, he's reborn into a medieval-style fantasy world as a noble boy named Pharma de Medisis.
>He changes the fantasy world's mistaken medical practices with modern pharmacology!

So this has a manga now.


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How late are you user
We had a thread months ago

You just know this shit is going to get an anime adaptation announcement within a year. Sad.

He looks uncomfortable

He is.
I'm getting tired of isekai's as well, but at least it's putting on some breaks on the "cute girls doing cute things" train.

I will admit the "having no shadow" bit is enough to keep me interested.

At least it's written by an actual medical researcher, instead of some NEET using Wikipedia and LARPing as somebody with actual worth.

Seems refreshing.

Exactly how?

MC is not dumb NEET.

So it's a neo-imperialist "civilize the savages" fantasy then.

I liked how Outbreak Company did it.

Oops wrong reply.

>Oh we're teaching modern medicine to the backwards world, how evil and colonial of us not to respect their beliefs in bleeding as a treatment for the flu

Who's the old man?

Guy cured TB in fantasy land and fights against dipshits using biological warfare. Gotts respect him for that.

>Guy cured TB in fantasy land
How long until widespread TB drug resistance because medieval dipshits can't complete a course of medications properly?

>Guy cured TB in fantasy land and fights against dipshits using biological warfare.
Points for creativity.

Eh it is pretty good and if the author is a bro, he is gonna hook up MC with Empress even though she is a widow that is around the same age as MC.

Fuck off, I don't see you complaining about isekai from 600 years ago.

Messed up my spoiler: hook up MC with Empress even though she is a widow that has a son who is around the same age as MC.

>using biological warfare
I thought he was a pharmacist, not a microbiologist or an epidemiologist.

He can make compounds, elements and stuff, and i guess that includes microbes and viruses if the biological warfare bit is to be believed.

Civilization is the greatest gift you can give savages.

>He (...) works himself to death.
so the everage japanse man?

Are you really sure about that?

I was rooting for Ellen but now I might have to change my mind now.

Unless he is such a genius that he for some reason nose the entire genetic code for anthrax or something and is capable of crafting cells using all the precision that entails, that would probably be chemical warfare not biological.

The series drew me in with the doctor premise. Magic, ok. But the analysis crapwhere the mc can instantly diagnose people and see their abnormalities automatically is what turned me off. Why couldn't the process of diagnosis and analysis be like pic related?

I liked Ellen since MC never acts like a child and retains his late 20 year old mind from Japan so it was hard seeing MC with Lotte.

However, if we are talking about importance in this story, the Empress is more involved with the deep shit that is part of the bigger picture of this story than any other female and the latest arc has her finally becoming the main heroine or the main damsel in distress and rescuing her probably means the climax and resolution of this web novel as well.

I can't see how the author can continue writing after Empress is rescued and I don't think it would be allowed for MC to just hook up with somebody like Lotte due to social status and also how all foreign countries in this world don't like letting assets with magic power like MC remain single and not breed at all.

And judging from MC's reactions to females, MC blushed more from the Empress compared to Ellen or Lotte.

And MC is extremely reliant on Empress's authority as well. A lot of shit wouldn't get done unless MC had Empress's authority and her ordering everybody else to follow MC's instructions.

So if MC really wants to save the world, marrying the Empress is the most logical choice. MC can leave the ruling to his Empress wife while he can freely research cures and spread scientific knowledge and no nobility can boss him around anymore since he is the husband of the Empress.

I actually think the author wrote himself into a pickle here with the possible romantic relationships. Lotte is cute but unfortunately, MC never gets rid of his late 20 year old mentality so MC never acts like an actual young child. This means only older females would interest MC but nobody else seems to fluster MC as much as the Empress.

I figure as the medical god his memory / cognitive functions should have expanded dramatically though Japanese novels never really go into such technical details like in Chinese novels where higher cultivation / power explicitly brings faster reactions / memory / lifespan.

Because MC is a pharmacist not a doctor.

Pharmacists aren't usually allowed to diagnose people.

MC is a researcher who never sees any patients at all before he died.

In fact, I wouldn't call MC a general pharmacist more like a pharmaceutical scientist stuck in his lab all day.

MC is a not a MD, that's why.

I started this for tits and /ss/ but to my surprise I'm actually enjoying it. MC is capable and mature, while still being humble and likable, which is a combo I've never seen in an isekai before. It also doesn't reek of NIHON STRONK like I half expected.

Even the scientists have to research symptoms. But the way this series went on with the diagnosis just made things rather too easy and questionable. It would have been much better if the mc had to go through process of elimination and go accordingly.

So if MC is bringing modern tier medical knowledge and widely available healthcare to a medieval fantasy world.

So naturally life expectancy will shoot up since people are not dying young from disease as much. And therefore there will be a population explosion.

But at some point, pre-industrial agriculture is not enough to sustain the now longer lived and of greater numbers population, right? And also living space becomes a problem.

So will there be a housing crisis and mass starvation

if it was nihon stronk he would have brought japanese flu to the new world.

Can he make pathogens deadly to certain ethnic groups? You know, curiosity.

I was also starting to hope the new girl Kiara-an would become a recurring character.

Having to choose between all these best girls is suffering.

But they're already civilized. They are just in the middle ages of civilization, that's all.

That would have turned it into Life After People

i don't know, i just started to read the manga.

The fantasy world Japanese (they almost always exist in these kinds of stories) would likely survive.

And that's where the carpenter and mortage isekai MCs come in, right?

The way I see it, they just bring in an earthling whenever their biggest crisis is troubling whatever parallel world they end up into. Like somehow they're the end all be all for cultural progress.

They do, they've already been mentioned in the web novel I think. It's amusing they always show up in these settings when real life nips were completely irrelevant on the world stage for the vast majority of recorded history.

Jap authors know if they don't add isekai nips then the readers will die of imaginary second-hand rice and miso withdrawals. A jap without rice is just a dead jap.

You're projecting quite a lot there.

And funnily enough there is never a China equivalent even though so much of Japanese culture around the Heian period was inspired by the Tang dynasty.

This is bullshit but i believe it.

Closing down the ports allowed Japan to escape the Opium Gangbang that happened in China though.

His power is liquid or something like that, he can remove certain compound in certain liquid or create the compound. For example he can create guaifenesin or extract aluminum hydroxide.
But he's aware that creating miracle doesn't help the country in a long term, thus he also teaches the people there. In arc when he fights black death, he asks his father to create a project to extract something something from fungus to cure black death.

Will it have unit 731 arc?
This is important since it advanced the medical field by decades.

Is that penicilin

Ah yes, it's penicillin.

I like the one where we civilize black skinned savages with rifles and small pox blankets, then work them to death on our rubber plantations

Nah, Japan were enlightened and benevolent imperialists, so much that Taiwan were nostalgic for Japanese rule after they were returned to China.

Hopefully the disease wont get a resistance to it

Like the manga, though its not top list in the 100 or so Isekai i am reading. I wish it stuck with medical stuff and healing, but its inevitable author to go full retard eventually and push for big and dramatic events.

You're reading 100 or so isekai MANGA? Have the adaptions reached that number already?

You're reading over a hundred isekai?

Thats not really surprising even I'm probably reading something close to a hundred isekai or even more.

Top ten isekai now

Well, as far MANGA goes, 100 is overstatement - maybe three dozens or so - including Manhwa and Manhua. Read some Japanese/chinese novels too, but not many keep me interested - preffer graphic media.

Its understatement if i count non japanese "isekai" i read though - theres hundreds russian "isekai" novels.

Arifureta has polygamy tag now. What's happened did the MC marry those girls?

Ah gotcha. But seriously with the speed they're getting adaptions I'm guessing even only the narou series will slowly but surely reach that number.

Shieldbro X10

Pretty sure the ending was the MC defeating the asshole god, bringing his harem of bitches to his world and giving them anti-isekai devices in case they get isekai'd again.

>caring arifuretard

>Russian Isekai
For real? Is there much of a difference?

Google "Russian LitRPG".

You know how ReMonster reads like a dry gaming log? Imagine that, but even more videogamey and even more autistic.

Wasn't there a spoiler that it ends with 'and they lived happily ever after with kids and grandkids' or soemthing.

I just want more powerlevel isekai, is that too hard to ask for.

isekai'd as shark, fly, giant, dryad when?


In the after stories I think he hacked the public records with an Artifact and made them all listed as his wives. He also set up several thermal generators deep underground and made an Artifact to convert electricity into magic to power his portal to isekai.

Ok, I get it. You know which chapter is this or approximately.

Chapter 180 is when he forged all the records and documents to give his harem citizenship, 193 was when they were talking about the problem of marriage registration but Hajime just said he'll take care of it the same way. 187 mentioned the power generator.

Magic is sure convenient huh

Ok, thanks.

LitRPG is just a fraction of it, where people play/get trapped/reborn in VRMMO

Its maybe 1/10 of the whole isekai novels though, where each starts with person getting to/being reborn in another world called "Попаданцы" aka "person who got to another world" in this context.

LitRPG trend is vaining now, being replaced by new FOTM : Boyar-Anime a novels about modern/future society ruled by family Clans and monarchies with anime inspiration and political intrigues as main plots, set in Russian, Japanese or other settings.

So he is the hacker known as 2ch.

> Boyar-Anime a novels about modern/future society ruled by family Clans and monarchies with anime inspiration and political intrigues as main plots, set in Russian, Japanese or other settings.
This actually sounds pretty interesting. But why anime?

>pharmacist got high from chemicals and now he's trapped in an another world

So theyre just making everything isekai now?

Same logic as everything needing to be highschoolers or everything needing to be a harem. It's what sells these days.

So it's like Jin except shit?

who the fuck is Jin?

So there's no fixed schedule for the anime?

The manga only just launched a couple of days ago.

I'm certain arifureta still on going.

Why do you care when something has a manga? I doubt slice of life manga would be popular.

Cover of vol14, With Perugius, Atofe, Silvaly and Nanahoshi, probably the next one is going to be Orsted, Eris and Rudy

Perugius looks handsome as fuck compared to Orsted.

Orstead meant to be scary not handsome.

Really enjoyed the parts of the novel with Atofe, she was such a loveable retard. Nanahoshi also grows on you.

Actually a fucking nuke would work better.

>Cure all disease
>World population explodes
>Not enough resources for everyone
>Entire world turns into 4th world slums
Good plan you liberal fucks

His face looks like TADA BANRI

There's must be a way to solve the problems.

Robotics and chemical/genetic sterilization

Alternatively, war.

Sustainability is not in the Japanese vocabulary.

He was too busy lurking ANN no doubt

it regulates itself, basically
if there are not enough resources, a specific amount of people will die then, until it is in balance again
also, space colonization?