Why do some people, men and women alike, get so fanny flustered at the idea of a guy in his 30s dating a girl in her early 20s?
I'm in that situation now, and quite a few people seem to hate the idea of it.
Am I not allowed to have preferences about the people I date? Are the people I date similarly not allowed to have preferences?
Based on the arguments against it, I can only conclude that people are salty and jelly as fuck at the idea. Other people champion the idea and encourage me to do as I wish.
Redpill me on dating younger women, please.
Carter Gutierrez
they're dumbasses
women of all races need to breed from 18-25
Hunter Martinez
I'm one of the most rigidly anti-degeneracy people on earth and I see no problem with > a guy in his 30s dating a girl in her early 20s as long as their both white The law is eighteen. As long as they are over 18 it doesn't matter. It's 16 if their is marriage involved in many places.
Chase Rodriguez
It shouldn't matter. Men have achieved more status in their 30's, and women are at their highest market value in their early twenties.
Zachary Ross
My wife is 10 years younger. We started dating when she was 20.
Nathaniel Green
I’m 28 and currently dating a girl that is 22, is this acceptable?
Carson James
Let me guess, the people bitching are sjw, older women, fat women, ugly women, soyboys, guys who have yet to get laid?
Fuck them. Women are at their peak at 18 - 25 for plopping kids.
Logan Turner
It depends. Are you white?
Jonathan King
Because it's unusual nowadays, but I don't think it's frowned at. My own mother actually told me to look for an innocent 16-year-old, since that way she'll be young and energetic when we have kids. I thought that's funny, since I'm 27 already. My mother did have her first child at 18, and I was her seventh at 30.
Luke Perry
Roasties do not want to be left behind and like to think they still matter. Older men with younger women (typically within 10 years) is normal. By that point you've matured and accumulated enough wealth and skills to provide for a family. The girl should be younger to maintain the energy for child rearing and education.