Is this different enough from the show and rebuilds to be worth reading?
Is this different enough from the show and rebuilds to be worth reading?
Colton Williams
Dominic Fisher
Brandon Rogers
Be prepared for extremely gay Shinji.
John Foster
Gayer than the third rebuild shinji?
Jordan Adams
Yes, even gayer than that.
Brody Russell
Pretty much every chapter has something unique to the manga.
Jayden Lewis
How is that even possible
Lucas Edwards
wrong question, a better question:
is there more romance between shinji/rei/asuka?
Xavier Jenkins
The Kaworu x Shinji is much more blatant and sexualized, Rei and Shinji's relationship is a lot more prominent too (though still platonic), Asuka gets sidelined but she shows up at the end even though it's Kensuke who wins the Shinjibowl since Shaun is a closet case.
Lincoln Hill
OP here, is that spoiler a maymay I can read or an actual spoiler