Is there a name for an anime genre that basically consists of a bunch of friends doing stuff together? They might go out and fight evil or whatever, but the series is principally about their interrelationship? Could be girls or guys. Bonus points if there's a communal 'base'
Is there a name for an anime genre that basically consists of a bunch of friends doing stuff together...
Slice of Life
Gunslinger girls
How would one go about living in a comfy place like in that?
Having money and custom building it?
Only in dreams, my friend.. In real life, I'd get too frustrated at people if I lived in such close quarters with them. But it's nice to have fiction
If you want to fullfil your dream of living of living in a cubicle, move to Japan.
Forgot my pic
They're separated by wall, look closely. The artist made the walls translucent.
Is OP baiting?
no I'm not baiting. I might be a pleb, definitely not as big of an anime aficionado as a lot of the people on here. My anime experience is piecemeal, I've seen maybe 20 total from various genres
>mfw I just took a shower and am buried under 3 layers of freshly laundered blankets browsing my favorite site, Sup Forums.
This is the only thing that makes me happy when I get home these days, please kill me.
Might want to check out saiyuki.
It's a bit gay though.
But those don't come with cute girls.
>Is there a name for an anime genre that basically consists of a bunch of friends doing stuff together?
Yeah and it's called Google.
Wish I could live in a cozy dorm with a bunch of friends.
I did try to google it, I didn't know how to be concise with what I was looking for, so I asked here. Thanks for being a cunt though
>Slice of Life
Is this bait? There's so many MAL kids here now, that I'm having problems telling.
You literally typed what you needed to search in your post, your retardation is a headache.
you try googling my OP and see if you get appropriate results
I feel you, brotherman
it is bait. genre is called yaoi, or shounen ai btw
This is what youre looking for
>was on 'vacation' since Thursday
>4 hour drive there, one day of downtime, had to drive another 4 hours to a friends' wedding next day
>finally got home to my 2nd-floor sanctuary with my top-tier comforter
Pic related, feels so good to be home
What would you classify it? Battle harem?
this takes place in a train user. Look at the water on the windo, shit is moving
Diamond is unbreakable and P4 the animationn
That seems to be a ultra expensive way to travel, like one of those first class flights with emirates. Sleeper trains are cramped as hell.
My maximum comfy would be
>early summer
>walking into air conditioning from the heat outside
>getting a shower then laying in bed
>listen to the wind blow the windchimes outside
>fall asleep watching episodes from a show about urban legends or cryptids
May or may not include summer thunderstorms earlier in the evening or while I fall asleep. I like both.
That's some good stuff right there. I wonder what other people's comfy lifestyle are.
Ultra expensive and ultra slow. Travelling cross-country(US) by train takes days.