Why do Feminists hate her?
Why do Feminists hate her?
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bc she's no feminist
Because she defended capitalism and conservatism, two things the feminist worms hate
I was under the assumption that Feminists loved her, what do they actually say about her then?
i'd argue she's one of, if not THE, greatest post-war leader the world has ever seen.
easy to see just look at before and after
>UK nicknamed the sick man of europe
>we literally have rolling blackouts
>3 day workweek
>rubbish piling up on the streets
>GDP shrinks smaller than Italy or France
then 1991
>economic growth about all european rivals
>strong, robust economy
>GDP larger than Italy and France again
If not for black monday (thanks Soros) blair would never have happened and we'd never have got mass immigration.
She’s a conservative and modern feminists are just liberal virtue signalers and welfare queens.
pretty much this. Thanks for reminding me about how much i hate Tony Blair.
>3 day work week
Sounds pretty good to me
>t. 6 days a week wagecuck
Hate her
But she was the ultimate feminist rising to the top without using her sexuality.
Still should burn in hell
I'd fuck her but out of respect