Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
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First for Yusei best protagonist.
Ya'll really need to fuck off for the rest of April, you have no anime, go the fuck back to /dng/
I wish Yusaku's real life hairstyle were more plain. Then he and Aoi would be the perfect OTP.
Fuck off, the show is over and you can't even speculate over the cards being printed because VJUMP is 20 days away
Yeah I don't really get the point of going through the trouble of making his regular hair 3 toned. If it was just blue it would be toned down a bit and still get across that he's the important MC guy
>Baiting like an idiot
Am I the only one who absolutely loved seeing Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon come back after Yuya Vs Kaito's duel back in the XYZ Dimension? That OST gave the scene a really epic feeling. One of the Duel highlights for me seeing the original upgrade
are you ready for THE MAN (2)?
Problem is his effects weren't even used. It was cool though
what are the good subs for DSoD?
This is literally counting your chickens before they hatch given Yoshida's dismal record with female characters. But then again his worst was still better than Arc-V.
Is anyone actually going to watch a livestream of LABO? NAC said they're not subbing it but will just make notes of the important stuff.
>Not wanting bird personification OTP.
They could've make his regular hair the VR form instead and a plain hairstyle in the real world
His pendulum effect was
>female characters
They exist to look pretty and lack reason and accountability.
If they have other features fine, but they should never be a make or break point.
When does Vrains start next week?
Yusaku actually looks not bad here.
Reminder that Aoi is a boy.
Will we get beach eps in Vrain?
Zexal had one, but not arc-v
This. female characters will never be as passionate as male characters
what sort of boy where's a skirt?
god fucking damnit
i just finished arc-v and the ending fucking sucked what the fuck
At least we got best opening at the end
No. It was absolutely irredeemable.
They didn't know shit about her character. Edo or Kaito too.
This design can't be serious.
banlist is coming to the town
Why wouldn't it be? Gon existed
Terrortop wasn't created for Xyz spam. Fuck Zoodiacs
looks better than generic NPC aoi
>gon Mr potato-head nose
Yeah, it was awful.
This really reminds me of the male and female protagonists from Persona 3 for some reason.
Why is jaden crossdressing now?
How long will it take for people to start shitting on VRAINS? Given that Yoshida is behind it and all.
Needs to shill the masked kuriboh links
Gotta get stratos unlimited.
as soon as aoi gets dumped, so it won't take long
25 episodes.
I doubtit. I mean, it can't be worse than Arc-V.
>Yoshida: "Hold my saki un watch dis"
Probably not but that won't stop it from being mediocre or just as bad as Arc-V. And if anything, just having older characters and cool concepts like VR and hoverboards and this group of hackers doesn't mean shit since Arc-V had even more crazy things but fucked them all up.
I'm not sure these threads can live for an entire month with only "live-action cosplayers explaining stuff" maintaining us. Unless Vrains info comes out every few days or something
VJump might have scans of the rival but I doubt it. I think any remaining anime info will come straight from LABO. We just got the biggest info of all which was basic plot synopsis and staff
Hi, I'm here to talk about the ending of ARC-V.
Why tear off a perfectly good card? This hurts to see since I'm too much of a poorfag to afford cards.
It was as bad as the rest of Arc-V.
screw cards, I am kaiba
Arc-V is over. Move on with your life.
she kept on being best girl until the very end
It was a lot worse? ARC-V got bad from xyz and onwards, but I can understand you would forget since it was like 1 year ago.
On a side note was there any evidence before last episode there was actually something between Yuri and Serena?
>this character was completly wasted
She deserves her own anime desu.
Why is she so cute[/spoiler?
I literally cannot believe arc v ended like that, holy shit.
Funny i kept watching since yuya absorbed yuugo because i wanted to see how they would split up and all that.
Reminder that it wouldn't be unusual for a Yugioh to start with a full cour of MotW.
No one should get any hopes up
Yuya never absorbed Yugo directly it was Yuri
Post the image next time, faggot.
>Go will never get fanart
Then again I remember it took a while for Gon to get fanart too
Yoshida isn't the only single staff member making this show you dingwad. It also depends on how the director will perform, which could be ok, or just downright terrible.
Oops, i meant EGAO
Best villain coming through
I never watched 5D's past DS arc. He always stayed good in my heart.
Yeah but everyone here is familiar with Yoshida and how he operates so naturally, people who didn't like what Yoshida did will start shitting on VRAINS.
Aki was pretty passionate before she got neutered
Tfw cant beat bakura lvl 40
Gon-chan is cute! Cute!
Why is all you people care about Yoshida and not the fucking director? I think the fact that they got someone who is relatively new blood to the YGO anime world (though I think he worked on the original anime) is a little more important here
>>On a side note was there any evidence before last episode there was actually something between Yuri and Serena?
Absolutely none at all and that's hilarious
They keep having all those shots of them together solely out of necessity rather than actual reasons.
Bakura should've got hold of the ring in DSoD. I wanted him to hijack the movie, jesus.
Writer is more important than director. Ono is shit but Kamishiro was worse.
But muh Yoshida memes
It's also probably because the director is a lot more of a question mark than any of the others. Whatever Yugioh he did like more than a decade ago probably doesn't hold up now, for better or worse, so no one has even a hint of how he personally envisions a Yugioh show.
No it is not you mong
I want god cards in Vrain after watching DsOD
I'm sorry for defending Action Cards
They were a mistake. You were right all along.
So does anyone still have the mega link to all the subbed Arc-V episodes? My friend, who stopped watching during Synchro, is going to binge watch Arc-V now that it's over, just to see how shit it's become, and I don't want to subject him to the meme speedsubs that are floating around.
Hikokubo must be a fun guy to hang out with because otherwise I have no idea why they keep him
Post 'em and let me know if you want to make and post variants for the other series as well.
>No it is not you mong
It is. Ono is proof. His work on 5Ds was nowhere near as bad as Arc-V. On 5Ds he was paired with Tomioka and Yoshida. On Arc-V he was with Kamishitro. The writer is super important when it comes to the actual quality of the show. All Ono's really good for is directing flashy action sequences.
*blocks your path*
So this means that Yoshida is an escapegoat after all?
Gon actually looked good though especially when his face is drawn in good detail close up.
The series composer is important, but the director is also right there in the room charting out how story events will play out. Or he should be, as the director. Making sure your guys aren't running off the rails and going full retard is also on the director
Reminder that if you don't like Yusaku then tough shit because VRAINS will undoubtedly become the Yusaku Show, just as 5Ds became the Yusei Show and ZEXAL became the Yuma Show.
Which duel?
They could be nice feature if they were used in yugioh game.
I just wish the old format could still be used as an alternative. Is that too much to ask?
>otherwise I have no idea why they keep him
I hightly doubt anybody else wants that kind of responsibility
>It's wrong for MC to get more focus
You're dumb
They were prolly a mistake. Though they're what made that second duel between Yuuya and Sawatari so great.
Nothing on that level ever happened afterwards.
It's wrong for the MC to get more focus than every other character is what I'm saying. That's what happened in both shows. After DS anyone not named Yusei was irrelevant. In Zexal the vast majority of Yuma's friends were completely irrelevant.
how did it make it so great?
* Blocks your dick *
No it didn't. Sawatari used legit strats multiple times while Yuya just asspulled Action Cards nullifying all his hard work. Sawatari should've won that duel and I'm still salty.