he supposed to look like a uterus and fallopian tubes? Because that's pretty messed up for a kid's show he supposed to look like a uterus and fallopian tubes? Because that's pretty messed up for a kid's show

i think you're the one pretty fucked up to see such things.

Fuck you nigger

This is now Mami thread

It's just body parts user, what are you, American?

>for a kid's show
Why do you think that?
Just to remind you, Madoka aired 1 hour after midnight.





I dont understand japan.
You have the most popular show from the most popular studio and you air it 6h before people need to go to work.
In murica they would air it at prime time and get most views.


They had no idea it will become so popular.
And all adult-targeted anime air around midnight. People just record it and watch it normally.

It's just the same as it is here: only losers watch anime in Japan.



Keep posting Mamis while I go through my Mami folder to find Mamis to also post.

This is now a Gerald thread

How does that make the most money?
Most pop show at prime time- > most viewers - > most ads viewed. People get what they want, and the TV channel gets what they want.



I think he's just supposed to look like an alien cat with alien whiskers

>wen u ts way

Lmao ui losrt uy too!
thanks u too!
haha good one
>u that u know
lmao i touh u lose!
wenu dont know y realy doo XDD
@lamoo dude u got ime!


>How does that make the most money?
Expensive blurays and merchandise.

Lol fuh u ac
>> and wen u that


>7277089 jeeeew

watched the first 2 movies, do i miss anything from the series?



No the movies are a better experience, make sure to watch rebellion too since it has best girl.

Also what is about madoka that attracts autistic shitposters?

wtf is happening in this thread, is this some unique aussie shitposting?

Is this the designated Mami thread?

He's the cute mascot so therefore he's the good guy, right?

>never noticed that until now
Son of a bitch

Where are her mamis?

glad i'm not the only one that sees this

Are you saying that his body literally is an onahole?

>Law of the Cycles
It was all before our very eyes

Are there seriously people out there that think that Madoka is a kid's show?

Yeah, uncanny resemblance.

Fuck you OP, now I can't unsee.

Is Mami the most popular girl?

So does that mean grief seeds are unfertilized eggs or are they pregnancy?

That would be Madoka.

Unless it's some made-up alternate femdom meme, nobody actually likes Madoka. She's basically just a dense harem protagonist with no real identity beyond the requisite amount of empathy and lack of initiative that makes the plot work.

Homura's the most popular, easily. She must be.

-but I like Madoka, she just isn't my favourite.

>Madoka being dominant
this is easily the most out of character fanart I've seen all month

>the uterus is a source of lies and temptation that destroys a girl's happiness
what did Japan mean by this?

is just a space cat-rabbit senpai

Fucking lewd.

I exploded in laugh when i realized how anatomically stupid are the doujins where the dude injects semen directly in the uterus.

>just realizing that now
user pls, next thing you'll tell me is that you unironically think that ramming a woman's cervix makes her feel good

The show has more emotional depth

I never talked to a girl except my mom and cashiers.

Didn't they teach that shit to you in school famalam? Unless you're that underaged

I never gave a fug about that, just memorized the parts for the test.

don't be such a baka

Homura isn't best girl by virtue of ruining everything

Guy sex ed is basically a short anatomy class and then an 80's video about how HIV "isn't just for gays anymore." There's little to no education, and especially not about specifics like "this hurts a lot, be careful."

Maybe that's true in Oz, but you should at least know enough to not be also diversify the porn you consume, nigga. if you get by exclusively with pleb-tier garbage like brazzers and generic hentai with the girl having JJKL-cup tits and doing stupid bullshit like talking about herself in the 3rd person and ending with "it doesn't matter in the end, I'm just a slave to cock," you obviously aren't going to be absorbing much. If you aren't an underageb& you should have picked some stuff up through sheer osmosis, not enough to make you an expert at pleasing women but at least some of the most basic basics.