Why does Canada still have an army?

>Has done nothing of note in 100 years
>Can't even handle peace keeping or counter insurgency
>14 billion dollar budget
>Down to 3 regiments, one of which is French
>No attack helicopters
>Virtually non existent AA capability's
>3rd world navy
Why do we continue to allow these parasites to latch onto NATO, either make a valid contribution or get the Great Wall of Trump North. Frostbacks, explain yourselves

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> Has done nothing of note in 100 years
They covered your grandfather's ass during WWII, you mutt.
But now, yes, I'm agreed with you that every NATO member trying to look like they have an army, but they have theatre with firecrackers instead.

*Eats all of your MRE's*

My grandfather was killing zipper heads in the pacific you Germanic looking rape baby, Canada fought the Italians (lol) and took a sandy hill guarded by Soviet POW's and Hitler Youth. Biggest exaggerating pussies on the planet

> Why do we continue to allow these parasites to latch onto NATO
It's because you're trying to be superpower, so you must pay you allies so they will staying your allies.

>Paying more into international agreements than those who equally benefit from them helps you become a superpower

>TES kit

I'm already triggered, that shit is horrific

They did more in WW2 than the USA. They also didn't show up late to the fight.

if you get your head out of your ass you would know that we did our share of work in Afghanistan.

>Took a sandy hill from starving POW's and children
>Fought some pizzas