heh, lolionly is a fun tongue twister

try saying it five times fast!

also, why are they all unattended minors on this car? is a loli driving the car? what gives?

read them a fucking book u sicko

Chapter 2 translations never.

Find Reverse-Trap Loli's shoes!

I just keep saying "lolioli".

I'd probably be getting raped to death. I don't think I can fend off a pack of feral lolis by myself.

Acapella the latest Deah Grips album.

lolioli lolioli give me the formuoli

Scatter a couple of these and pray I don't run out of ammo before they are all dead.

>What do?

take that crap back to Sup Forums

Pray to kami-sama that it's not ochinchin inspection day.

Since everyone on Sup Forums is a loli, why would this situation be out of the ordinary?

Say my prayers.

Hope they don't bully me

Does that mean I am too a loli?

why aren't they fastened in?
who allowed this death train for children?

How fucking annoying. I'll just pass into the next car.

don't forget to eat your vitamins, you'll need'em brother!

Getting on a train carriage with unsupervised children would be the worst. I can hardly deal with supervised school groups.

oh shit m8
i hate unsupervised children, its a nightmare on a train.

its like, whose child are you, why did you sit next to me, stop touching me and screeching.

why is the loli on the left crying? Is it because of her amputated leg?

Play with them and make sure they stay safe.

Ever read loli train?

this train is multitrack drifting, those loli better buckle the fuck IN!

Why are their only girls on here?
Isn't this kind of sexiest?

what part of loli only car don't you get?
its to protect me from them being annoying and small

It's alright to be in the lolicar because you are accompanied by your very own loli.

What type of girl is she?

Where the fuck do you people live

I recognize that bulge is the only perk I need.

Kill everyone but the sleeping one, put my weapon on the sleeping one after.

Proceed to manipulate evidence so it points toward the sleepyloli.

10pts Oh, well that makes it okay
40 points, Slut.

>hey mister
>everyone laughs

Always start with the right thigh

Pull today's supply of rock CD bait out of my cute red randoseru and start distributing it among my compatriots for I, too, am a loli.

We've been infiltrated by loli.

You can take Filthy Gaijin and Universal Loli for no point loss and free Japanese fluency

>2D Loli
cute things and fun times
>3D Loli
Screaming, jumping, boundless energy, being annoying...just not worth it.

What the fu- heck?
You, stop skipping! You, get off the railing! Where are your shoes? Don't sit on the floor when there are seats that are empty.
I'll be contacting all of your parents this evening if you don't stop misbehaving.

No, user. You are the infiltrator.

You seem to be the infiltrator here, my dear tomodachi. We're all little girls here in Sup Forums.
Are you one of those pedo-NEETs I've heard about?

Nanako is the killer

Me on the bottom right.

predatory lolis

Looks like we found the Onii-chan. Better be careful the cops will arrest you for being a pedo around us little girls.

News regarding next Towako. For 774 it's another Yupiel-sama chapter, again with loving sex and some femdom.


fucking Yosh

Hop off. Little kids are anoying as fuck.


How is it different than having a daughter at the age of 30?
Except she will turn into a slut no matter what you do.

Too late fucker.

Alright you little devils, hand over the classic rock CD's and nobody gets hurt.

Looks like I'm gonna have bap them all if I want to make it to my destination.


Not this time you sexy demons

Pretend to be blind

Conquer it

Was it ever fully translated?

Shit, I meant to get on the Christmas Cake Only car. When's the next stop?

Oh god. I think it's already too late! Looks like one is already sitting in my lap and demanding my name! She's... wiggling around excitedly. Oh god, please. Not now boner.


Nobody will know in space...


>Tsundere and shy are on the same axis
>it can be a cheating slut but also an obsessive yandere

Stopped reading. Who wrote this crap? There seems to be some underlying terrible balancing attempt there.

Allahu snackbar

Throw pizza at them.

>storm the fuckin driver
>jack his shit
>drive that shit over to the airport and demand $2,000,000 in cash and a flight to zanzibar island
>get me and my loli army to zanzibar and start 'les loli terribles'.

>become the best paramiltary coop on earth
> world peace achieved

Accedently? Nah, one of them lolis is bound to know the cunts that owe me my dam rock music.

You can also gain infinite points plus an infinite harem due to the challenge loophole.

I allow myself to be converted by them. If I'm also a loli there is no issue with me being on the loli-only car.

God dammit.

I might be going to FBI-ONLY car after this

Are you part of the FBI? Do aliens exist?

you are aliens. Lolis are true inhabitants of this world

What?!?! My mother never told me of this! What a starling development!

adults steal lolis to drain their loli powers which makes them to grow up. Your mother lied about having children. We all know that lolis breed with spores.

Sadpanda needs a tag for predatory lolis!

Pray they don't see me. If they offer me rock music I'm a goner.

just do "lolicon rape femdom"

Didn't your dad teach you? Don't take beer and rock music from stranger lolis

What if I told you there never was any rock music

Chapter two please.

only one thing to do, get raped by those little monsters