

Soccer world cup

1. At least I'm not a leaf

I got nothing

Inevetable fall of left wing narration about refugees, and the left itself like a domino effect.


The next phase of the Meme War.

'cause 2019 is right around the corner. Let nature take you.

new memes

Despite leafposting and a lack of happenings I do believe we will have many happenings to come.

Also the eternal leaf might finally stop shitposting and become one of us.

Wow those are some great reasons to live, well yes BUT THERE IS MORE.

Sweden will get a neonazi(neocon) government to trigger lefties
DACA will fail, and trigger neocons
Iran and Israel might finally have a total slapfight in Lebanon.

Our echoing brothers will get in on the chinese porn scene and finally give us what we all want. GOYED

happy new years my friends!

None if you're a muttlatto like these muttsharks.

I'm going to be NEET all year again, so I need reasons. It IS nice never thinking about money or work, but I dunno sometimes I wish I had a girlfriend or could function in society

want to see people that called me fat when I was fat grow fat and ugly while I get better every year thanks to finding adolf hitler on Sup Forums 5 years ago and turning my life around

One year closer to the Happening.


>at least 1 dodge demon will crash, leaving the engine and transmission intact, and you might get a chance to snag that glorious powertrain and throw it into something wild

I'm a man of rare, but simple taste! Cheers, boys

I'm not a faggot, tranny, queer, leftist, feminist, socialist, communist, nigger, spic, mudslime, kike, cuck, stoner, druggie, redditor, or a leaf.

Those are good enough reasons to live another year.

Im starting a new job this week

Because if I die, I won't be able to look forward to my death anymore.

how do you entertain yourself? i am a NEET yet receive an allowance from parents. i spent hundreds on anime merchandise this year. my grandpa wants to me visit him, i assume he will give me money too. i am in my 20s and without materials i go insane
>inb4 get a job loser
ive applied for a job everywhere within 10 miles. about 3x per location. i just got rejected from the Sonic chain. no one is hiring


But you are a mutt.

7 more years

big things will happen around the world and you will not want to lose them

Race war. Can't believe anyone didn't mentioned it already you faggots.

Because we might have another Charlottesville but less dying.

What world are living in? The right wing reaction has already peaked, its demographic victory in North America for the kikes, and now western Europe has a permanent, and rapidly growing, minority to kike-up their democracies in the face of any swell of ethnonationalism.

Seriously, you think you're getting anything but a quantum shift of all democratic parties to the left in the next 10 years?


I can look forward to another year of Abhitlern

Joining the fight against Marxism

Life is too beautiful.

I haven't get robbed in three months, luck is in my side

>less dying

Let Antifa corpses spill over the campuses and bars, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end (((they'll))) beg us to save them.

Sorry meme flag, Trump is totally behind DACA, and no he will not get to stop chain migration caused by it in the future, even if he gets a small provision against it now.

Maybe the border fence will go up.

And please, call me a fucking leaf. I'm not one of the paid leafs who now all hide behind meme flags. I'm just waiting for the "new-right" to get sufficiently demoralized to begin thinking of new strategies, cuz hope based solutions are foolish.

Don't seize the means of productions save the memes from oppression.

saving the white race

Only memes push me forward.

I'm having a good time and I feel great.

You can only do that if you are white, muttman.

Sweet revenge, OP.

>meme flag

kek no

In europe narration is still "populism has won in UK and US, look how well it went there" when immigration takes it toll, we will se the left humiliated, as importing them was their "poster boy"

There are still living communists

>Want to become a good father , husband and human being
>It slowly becomes less worth as the world gets more degenerate every day
I don't even like new year. It's the holiday where everyone promises to be better people and they never come true to their word.

dem trips

We aren't even in the shit yet. You look around and you see countries falling apart to immigration and it's not even bad yet. Wait 10-20 years when a large part of the minority is Muslims and weak white liberals who support muslims. We will see an EU caliphate in no less than 20-30 years if nothing changes. And then shit will get real.

cute anime girls


The only thing keeping me alive is delicious libcuck salt, and 2018 is gonna be packed with sodium

Last time I checked "populism winning" in the US and UK has done nothing but cause a swell of left-wing rage and mobilization, behind their totally correct mantra of "these fuckers are gonna be mostly dead in 15 years, why should retirees determine our policy?" Just look at how being in mongrel nations effects lefties in Canada and the US... it doesn't they think Jerome and Akmed raping and collecting gibs is just fine.


>>Want to become a good father , husband and human being



but the engine is in the front, it's driven by the back wheels and there's a crankshaft going the length of the car. How do you write off a car without destroying any of that?

How is shit gonna get real? Really bad for anyone who cares about white identity? Sure. Really bad for the globalized world elite and their kike/kikekin class of media producers, academics and financial elite? No way.

Damn fell for it.

the world needs me

not a leaf

>uses 'Soccer' unironically

It's "Reasons to NOT kill yourself", Jacques.

cute girls doing cute things

Even if don't believe in jesus or all that meaningless garbage somehow i still believe in fate,maybe i will find someone who shares the feelings as me,a nice girl preferably virgin,or i will just die alone,thats holding back,but as the years go by i think that isn't happening.

Donald Trump

Okay achmed

There is a possibility you will die from other causes before you kill yourself

Easy, i wanna see another one of pic related

Getting my driving license
Finding a job
Moving to a proper house (I live in a commie block)
Passing my hunting license and getting myself a hunting rifle
Join a hunting club
Learn to fish
Getting back in shape
Ending video games once and for all

Basically ending the NEET life which Ive been a slave of for 5 years.
This is my year please don't try to ruin my mood my guy.

We need every able body for the upcoming race war

I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to speak the truth until I'm killed or run out of debt, rather than commit suicide. It should be a pretty fun year.


Came here to post this.
Die for your race, not for the enemy.

Aristotle would be proud of you, user.

Well you have .... erm ....oh
Yeah sorry you only have Sweden 2.0 to look forward to.

you'll die a shabbos

legal weed on the way
basic income is next

>receive an allowance from parents

Degenerate scum.

That I'm married to a 5'9 blonde green eyed goddess. Enjoy your depressing porn fellas and happy 2018 lads


Trump Presidency

Why would you need a reason? In what world is suicide your baseline?

tits or....ahhh, I really can't be arsed. this aint what it used to be.

This is my reason

Shitposting keeps me alive.

I'm having a baby.

Since we all know god (capitalization not necessary) doesn't exist we can conclude this is our only life and thus shouldn't waste it by killing ourselves

Happy New Year

the only reason i keep on living is to wack off to anime

might get to experience instant evaporation from a nuke and that might be kind of a cool death desu.

"oh blah died in that nuke blast"
"yeah not too worried they were a total cunt"

Because my existence irritates the extreme left.

Guns are cheap, even in Canada

Not just the extreme left m8

because i can still kill myself in 2017

Now that's what I call weapons-grade autism.

Trump is president.