Race mixing is ba-

>race mixing is ba-



>30% white
>straight hair

yeah let's fucking piss on our ancestors because this one is HAWT

>muh race


It's called speciesmixing for a reason, my dear 56er

All these photos show is the closer you get to being white the more not-ugly they look

shes black but shes white
[spoiler]either way I'm aroused[/spoiler]

How many times does this thread appear

>straight hair
You can tell she straightens it from the ratting scalp.

Like she would fuck a dirty texan


It's a good thing you guys are attracted to them. At least they will have someone.

She looks like a nigger, so fuck off mutt

>race mixing is ba-
bad idea

I will pop her strawberry if you catch my drift

She's ugly. only 56% mutts would bang that.


fucking gross

> posts nigger
> thinks anyone that has self respect likes it

What kind of race mixing? american nigger + african nigger? lol

I don’t think you understand. She’s black, yes. But the bait is that one would CONSIDER racemixing because she’s cute. Duh~


she’s disgusting, thanks for proving our point

The only cutie black girls I met are Jamaican,them on a consistent basis and a few others

>yes it is
look at that face
bet ya the children will just behave like niggers
mixing wolfs with dogs creats shitty dogs

>ayy lmaoo

quints of truth

Brother IT IS 2018! Your ancestors are long gone, no matter what their legacy will live forever. Do you REALLY think they care about their caucasian great greay great great great grandson fucking a black girl and having a kid with her?

>mixing dogs with dogs is cool as fuck
whites+whites= better whites, such as mixing Huskey with German sheppards creates a German sheppard that can function at -60C
>why nobody breeds german sheppards with wolfs?
because its a bad idea