If jews are greedy and love money, how come they are responsible for communism?

If jews are greedy and love money, how come they are responsible for communism?

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Because they are greedy and love money.


So that they can live in gilded palaces and make the rules whilst everyone else farms turnips.


jews could make money anywhere in any way
im sure theyre making shekels in hell as we speak as well

are you saying there is no money in commie nations

they made it to trick retards

because jews are behind everything

because jews like manipulating dumb goy as much as they love money


Both are the coins of materialism

You literally answered your own question

They wanted to seize control and weaponize an observed historical process called dialectics. It makes sense why jews invented communism when you realize they also invented capitalism. What you have to understand is that both ideologies are designed to fail and lead us to the same end result, but since they appear to be at odds nobody notices the endgame until it’s too late

>agenda - wealth concentration
>thesis - capitalism
>antithesis - communism
>synthesis - leftist globalist materialism

all the money gets sucked into the government and ((((lost)))). That's probably the easiest system to corrupt and make out like a bandit on.

because communism is all about greed and money


capitalism ( or rheinische Marktwirtschaft ) is a spin off of Luthers protestantismus leading to Calvin / Calvinism- the kikes did not invent capitalism - Fugger did ( de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakob_Fugger ) at these time , kikes were only allowed to lend money - not to become entrepreneur

This is what I'm saying. If Jews are smart enough to be pulling the strings behind everything with such a small population does that not make them the master race?

Capitalism = jews get all the money
Communism = jews just take your shit


Perhaps the right word wasn’t “invented” but rather “corrupted.” Marx and the Jews didn’t invent socialism either, they just co-opted and railroaded the movement for Jewish interests in 1848.

>smart enough
no they just have no problem subverting society
It doesnt take a genius to sell degeneracy

Seems you don't yet fully grasp what communism is. At its core its still just greedy, unscrupulous people promising the moon to morons in order to be able to exploit at will.

jews are greedy and love money? every other ethnicity seems more greedy to me than jews especially asians and wasps.

No it doesn’t, because they cannot accomplish anything on their own. They are a parasitic people who’s fortunes go up and down depending on how much wealth they can steal from their productive hosts. They are only the master of lies and criminal activity, usury and theft

>If Jews are smart enough to be pulling the strings behind everything with such a small population does that not make them the master race?
I thought this was obvious

strong central bank owned by Jews (namely the Rothchilds)
Jews hold most white collar positions of privilege
everyone is equal (as slaves under Jewish hegemony)
Antisemitism is outlawed
authoritarian rule (with lots of purges)

Take private property (aka the means of production, or factories)
from the individuals that own them and give them to "the state"
(a small number of people in positions of privilege filled through nepotism)
turning the entire country into private property owned by them with the people still
working in factories they don't own and now will never have an opportunity
to own making less than they did before with a lower standard of living. Or
to make it simple basically a return to feudal serfdom only the lords will
now all be Jews instead of natives that basically consider the gentiles subhuman livestock

Asians and WASPs work their fingers to the bone creating that wealth, kikes can only steal

It's not that they are smarter. They exploit christcucks who enable them with White guilt and muh chosen.
I think once boomers and christcucks start dying off, things will turn around.

Anyone who thinks we're living in a capitalist society and not a socialist one is delusional.

WASPs are super materialistic.. They all just buy lots of mansions and fancy cars when they get rich. Jews use their wealth to attain more power or influence the world and leave frugal non-material lives. See Soros for mega-jewing.

Which small elite do you think would be at the top reaping rewards within a Communist system?

widescale asian cheating is well known as if financial fraud by wasps. among asians and wasps, jews scam and lie the least and they have contributed the most to thought and culture relative to population.

Thread theme song:

If they played by the same rules as everyone else then yes. Problem is they don't so no.
If me you and two other faggots played a game of (((Monopoly))), with me as (((banker))), and I constantly gave myself and the other two fags money from the (((bank))) would that make us better at (((Monopoly))) than you are? If we played chess and I replaced all of your pieces (except the king) with pawns and inevitably raped your goipucci, would that make me a better chess player than you?
Do you never find it incredible how 25% of NPP winners are Israeli Jews, but even with this alarming amount of clearly intelligent people that, per capita, far outweighs any other country, would literally collapse immediately if America didn't send them taxes and tech? Doesn't sound very intelligent with me. It's like being trapped in the wilderness with Bear Grylls and him telling you unless you can order a pizza from somewhere you're both going to starve to death.
Jews are below niggers. At least niggers accept they're worthless.

Communism is crony capitalism for the leaders, socialism for the peasantry.


>rheinische Marktwirtschaft
capitalism is not bad by definition ( you need captal , not only money but skill and work force ) to produce an infrastructure ( railway sys. mining , huge coorps. etc ) a lending system ( workers , e.g. give a credit to an entrepreneur , get interest rates in return ) . what happens today is FIAT money corrupting the whole system as staets simply print money ( you can not "print" money - real money with purchse power is always based on trust / believe - for that reason people will rush in commodities if that does no longer work ( if China decides tomorrow to spend it`s 1800 us $ on saudi fuel the world economy will be fukked . saudis will not change oil / paper - if they refuse such deal the entire banking system knows : the $ does no longer buy fuel ( exept if the yanks put a Glock on your skull ) also check Schah of Peria / Opec and saddam h plot / 90s

Sounds like you guys are just cucks that won't do what you need to to get what you want.

America isn’t socialist, welfare is a capitalist invention designed to combat the progress of socialism. It’s all part of the dialectical process the jews unleashed. We’re near the end where socialism and capitalism will become indistinguishable from one another. The USA really is capitalist and China really is Marxist-Leninist, but they’re both progressing to the same synthethis that Hegel and Marx called the “ultimate idea/system”

It's not that they specifically love currency, they love wealth accumulation in general. They're inbred megalomaniacs that will stop at nothing to destroy everything that isn't Jewish. This is difficult for non-Jews to understand because they don't hold that level of malice towards other groups simply because they exist. The Jews are different though. They don't understand what it means to have a peaceful coexistence with others, and their only course of action is to destroy these other groups wherever they find them. They're small in numbers and they aren't known for their physical strength, even though that has been changing ever since the formation of Israel a few decades ago. They've found that taking down nations by the sword is extremely difficult, so they do it with the dollar, with the ruble, or with the loaf of bread. They accumulate material wealth and then use it to work their ways into positions of power, which they then use to promote and help other Jews and accumulate more wealth. They then use this wealth and power as club to beat down the native population and destroy the country, and all that will be left is an enslaved people that have no identity outside of the subservience to the Jew. They are saboteurs that use their religion as a disguise to blend in and be accepted by the host population. They're human parasites.

communism is by definition a version of highly incompetent state driven capitalism ( define who has to work where and how , define prices , be the only employer - that is nothing else than slave labour . also read :


if this state driven capitalism is under kike control you have bolchewism

The american and chinese systems hardly are idealist but yes it’s true that we are progressing there. It then remains to be seen which crashes first.


>implying the elites in a communist country don't live like kings

Because they're the ones that get all the money, everybody doesn't even get food.

the us is a masonic organized plutucratic system with a simulation of democracy ( muh "elections , muh choice"

>Jewish “culture”


Welfare is a government invention, retard. In no free market system does the market decide all participants creating value must give a portion to those who don't. That's socialism, that's government. In free market capitalism you can't force someone to give their money away, that is theft.

But please show me where welfare fits in with free markets.

Jews didn't build the great cathedrals.
Jews didn't tame the American frontier.
Jews didn't go to the moon.

What are their accomplishments?
- Made a few contributions to the natural sciences (and way more to the (((social sciences))))
- Had a hand in developing nuclear weapons
- Produced piles and piles of degenerate media

But that's beside the point. Squabbling about which race is "the best" is a distraction. We just want to be left alone. We want the freedom of self-determination. Do you give a shit about Chile or Qatar or Uzbekistan? Do you constantly compare your achievements to theirs? Dubai has some truly beautiful mosques; are you jealous of them? No. You don't give a shit. And you shouldn't. That's the way it ought to be with Jews (and other races). If they invent amazing technology or create beautiful art, that's great, good for them. But leave us the hell alone.

Exactly what do you think Communism means for the ones at the top? It's much easier to manipulate armed human dogs than it is to honestly create legitimate wealth through productivity.

Master race is more a functional role than a metaphysical status. In the context of Mein Kampf, it was the race which utilized slavery in order to accelerate its own evolutionary trajectory by specializing factors of selection. When all of a population are made effective aristocrats, defenders and warriors, or priests, freed from more mundane tasks, then physical health, intelligence, etc, are more selected for. The historically functional role of whites and other high functioning races as masters altered them, and that functional role, over time, reflected back onto them, and informed their metaphysical status. The microcosm saw itself reflected in the macrocosm, and formed a new ideation of self in the reflection. Jews have never truly lived as masters, even when they owned slaves it was predominantly other Jews, a completely different dynamic to that practiced by, for instance, the Spartans (truly an entire nation of aristocrats). Throughout the ancient world, the middle ages, up until well after the enlightenment, Jews were subjugated by the white man. As in conquered Spain, where they ruled over the goyim, they did so through trickery, playing off other inter-ethnic conflicts, as they always do, even today. A true master race, a pan-aristocratic nation, is strong in mind, body, and spirit as a result of their liberation through the enslavement of others. The Jew is smart, but still not healthy of mind, much less of body, and of spirit I know little, their intelligence is a slave's intelligence, their advantage in society the advantage of a scheming manipulative slave. They are the epitome of the slave race, extended unto an ideal, rather than a vice such as in the nigger's case, just as the righteous strong master becomes cruel in the dichotomous extremities of the role he must play.

Democracy is fucking retarded anyway. The rules of participating in a Republic are the best we got, however from the very beginning get corrupted. From landowning European men to literally everyone. People who don't pay tax or provide any stake in their communities.

Idealism is making a comeback now that the synthetic process inherent to materialism is almost complete. (((They))) have basically finished synthesizing materialism into globalism so they’ve decided it’s time to dust off idealism and really get to work manipulating minds as opposed to manipulating sysems of wealth production. Marxist dialectics has already won and the Jews are now unleashing the Hegelian dialectic

i don't care about those nobodies you dumb bitch i'm referring to scientists whose work your small mind can't comprehend

You get Greenland. The rest of the world belongs to the Jews.

then women are the smarter gender because they manipulate "the stronger gender" to do their bidding for them

Ahh, I see you don’t understand what socialism actually is and conflate it directly with government, as well as mistakenly believing that capitalism is some anarchic institution that’s inherently opposed to government. You must be a libertarian brainlet who’s never read Das Kapital or the Wealth of Nations and shouldn’t even be in this thread. Anyways, to answer your question welfare as we know it today was first introduced by capitalist countries after 1848 to slow the progress of Marxism and the Luddites. Back then huge numbers of workers were being displaced by advances in technology and various governments were forced to bribe them into not revolting. It proved remarkably effective and has been the band-aid holding capitalism together ever since

how do you define "free market" ? the us sytsem is very close to a free market ( demand and offer ) on several levels - but not on every level - why ? because of pressure groups ( wasp , masonic , kike aipac adl ) who decide : we do not want to be exposed to the "free market" if the market was free I could go to my bank clerk , ask for a 1bln € credit and buy the B-2 blueprint and sell it with profit to China . the B-2 blueprint is not for sale - why ? because the nations security is priceless . some commodities may be sold - but certainly not all .

b) a redneck without skill needs a job - he won`t find it . why ? spics work on us farmland for less than a $ - as simple as that AND walmart decided to buy chinese stuff . us corporations decided to invest in China - no labour force needed in the us anymore - free market - who wants to complain ?

what was more relevant for the us : the chinese worker making rails in the west or the kike who turned up in new york when the basic system ( railway , factories , streets allready exist ( 19th cent/ early 20th cent.

well organized minorities can easily act against the interests of a majority . at the moment , the us is in decline because you delivered production tech to China ( get % in return ) BUT you automaticly loose tech advantage . and by the way : kikes sold us high tech blueprints to the ussr in order to get their people out of the communist system . they are loyal to their people - not to your nation ( and it`s geopolitical interest )

Because their thirst is not for money, but rather for the feeling of superiority and of being in control.

Communism is just as greedy and materialistic as capitalism. Communism was a way for the Jews to control, manipulate, and live amongst the gentile population by spreading lies like equality and egalitarianism.

Simple, communism for us. lavish lifestyle for them.

"democracy" may work within a greek polis if all participants have more or less an eqaul skill / ability . in a modern society it`s simply a crime to let a nigger vote as he will never grasp what he is voting for . modern post industrial societies a far to complex to be understood by subhumans - therfor the politicla class has always the best "argument" - they promis gibs for all . free chicken , free niggermtv, free gibs .



Kikes are fucking sick.

they unleash Linkshegelianismus not the Rechtshegelianismus ( refer to Dr. Oberlercher ) de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhold_Oberlercher


Oberlercher is the most feared intellectuel in the western hemisphere , kikes and lefties tried to remove him - without success .

also check Kubitschek comments on Oberlercher

Socialism has never not been conflated with government, your example is a direct example of that. Capitalists and government aren't always the same people and in 1848 people in government we're protecting their asses and control over the masses. Those revolts were inspired by the French Revolution and had more to do with individual rights and role of government than gibs. The revolts by the way were crushed by the governments and we didn't see significant change in European governments again until WWI. In which they became more socialist, because governments don't fucking produce anything besides war and death. Keeping the gun on anyone trying to make a buck outside they control.

I can't control how governments regulate the market. So should you be able to take out a line of credit and buy B-2 blueprints? idk, clearly someone is preventing you from doing that. I think nations and communities can exist just fine and protect themselves as they see fit. I would just prefer to live in one where I can be left the fuck alone. Where taxes are voluntary and voting rights come with an actual stake in the society. You know, so you don't get fucking retards voting enmass based on feelings with absolutely no understanding or stake in the issue.

Communists were and still are the secular Jews, those who have become so dissolutioned by a Religion that could never protect them and that imposed the most dogmatic and strict rules among all the Abrahamic religions.

That being said, they become disollutioned and the only reponse they are then capable of is destroying that which they are envious of or that which reminds them of their own failures as a group of people. This is why Capitalist, Zionist Jews have always been the financiers and "movers" of the Communists because they are extremely predictable and easy to manipulate.


It's not about money. Money gets really boring when you have enough to wipe your ass with for the rest of your life. It's about power and control.