Why is the religious right full of hypocrites...

Why is the religious right full of hypocrites? What kind of Christian would vote for defense spending hikes and welfare cuts?

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>what kind of jew would ever want Israel to keep oppressing

fuck off proxy leaf shill

one who sees the big picture

Jesus neve said for government to take money away and give to the poor.

Most Christians aren’t even Christians. Read the sodom and gomorrah story.

The one that understands work is part of living and you have to work for the shit you want.

It's in the bible nigger

Did you know that Gandhi was a nationalist?


read this faggot

So you're saying that a Christian America wouldn't need welfare, because our nation's richest men would simply give away their wealth for the betterment of mankind?

How naïve can you possibly get??

You cannot possibly know God's plan. Your hubris will land you in Hell.

What do either of these things have to do with being a Christian?

There are lots of lessons to be learned from the bible. One of the greatest lessons one can learn is that of selfless charity.

Welfare is not Biblical. Those that do not work, should not eat. Now if you have extra food, there's nothing wrong with giving it to the poor but if you don't work, you shouldn't eat.
As for defense spending, you're right on the money there.
Btw Jesus could not have had long hair. He lived without sin and having long hair leads to sins.

Welfare destroys the family unit. Anyone with half a brain will tell you so.

Also the Bible says only help the widows and orphans.


>shit Jesus didn't say
pick two

There's a verse about not going through your field for ALLL the crops. If a few grapes land on the ground, you're too leave it for the poor or the foreigners.
It seems overall that it's more about not being stingey than helping the lazy.

Most people on welfare are sinners who're being punished for their sins. Back in his time there were many good people who were poor through no fault of their own. Poor people in modern times are poor because they do bad things.

>when the left starts shilling religious figures to push their agenda

>what does defense spending have to do with being a Christian?
Ever heard of "love thy neighbor"
>what does welfare have to do with being a Christian
>“If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be."

You're flirting with heresy. God and God's Word do not change. Ever.

Charity isn't charity if it's forced.

>I will pick and choose which of God's teachings fits my narrative
How pious

One of your brothers means if the person is a Christian. Not some fornicating welfare mom on drugs.

>judge not lest ye be judged
>Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Expand on the context plz.

Who says I'm a leftist?
I'm a concerned Christian.

A lot of people mistake that for "Oh never judge anyone! don't have an opinion!". You judge until the person repents sincerely, then you forgive, just as you'd like them to do for you if you were in sin.

>Ever heard of "love thy neighbor"
Part of loving your neighbor is making sure that he doesn't get killed because you let a massive invasion destroy your country. It is a duty of a ruler to protect his people from violent threats.

Christ never said to shun nonbelievers. Jesus taught us that God will be the ultimate judge, and that we should do everything in our power to reduce suffering in the mortal world.

There is rightful judgment as well.

False. Jesus taught us that only God is fit to judge us.

This is an excellent point.

The individual not government. Jesus was clear on how government should be separated from his Church. Also Jesus hatted organized religion because organized religion was a form of government:

Christ said explicitly he was not coming to destroy the old laws. And the old laws include a whole lot of rebuking, beating, and even killing non-believers. The only reason we don't is because we're to obey the law of the land as well as the law of God.
About the grapes? It's prettty clear.
"And you shall not glean your vineyard, neither shall you gather every grape of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and stranger: I am the LORD your God."

>part of "loving thy neighbor" is sending young Christian men to die in a desert antagonizing sovereign nations
That's a rather strange interpretation of Christian doctrine. I'm not sure Jesus would advocate an interventionist foreign policy.

Exactly, donate the food to your church, you don't take money from people in the form of taxes to give to sinners.
Look up how many times the Bible says "rebuke".

What’s your point? It’s not saying government should force you to do this. The verse is saying the individual should.

Me personally I am pro low taxes and allowing people to spend their money how they want to.

Christianity became lost when it stopped teaching hell and damnation.

forcing people to give money for welfare (like through tax) is essentialy theft

Poor people changed, not God's word. Modern poor people are violent, lazy, junkies; ones of the past were oppressed and lived in harsher times. Modern society has many safeguards that prevent non-shitty people from being poor.
I have my own sins, but not the sins of those we're poor. And I will forgive them if they turn from the dark path.

That it's the only possible justification biblically for welfare. When you have enough money or resources that you won't miss a little, it should be left for the poor.
However, it's obviously not applied to welfare because most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

>Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

God commands us to conquer and convert, faggot!

It is our duty.
Furthermore we must follow our leaders who in turn fulfill their duties to the Lord.
>Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.

Americans live pay check to paycheck because Americans are taxed so much. I wish Americans would look into how much they pay in social security tax.

When bush used social security to fund the early parts of Iraq and now we are using social security to pay down the student debt. Funny how no one ever brings this up.

You don't think people were poor in Bliblical times primarily due to their own drunkenness and stupidity? That's not what the Bible teaches.
20Do not be with heavy drinkers of wine, Or with gluttonous eaters of meat; 21For the heavy drinker and the glutton will come to poverty, And drowsiness will clothe one with rags.…

>Ever heard of "love thy neighbor"
What does defense spending have to do with loving your neighbor.

>“YOU shall not harden your heart or shut YOUR hand against your poor brother, but YOU shall open YOUR hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be."
You do you come to the conclusion that this verse was speaking about a welfare state?

Bible also states very clearly and without any easily misconstrued metaphor that those that don't work shouldn't eat, in other words no you don't get free shit sheerly because one person has it and you don't. Coveting anyway there.

It discusses at various points as well, where charity shouldn't be applied and when it is counterproductive to give people freebies.
It's not your little shitty communist propaganda book. Those people 2000 years ago were smarter than you are in that they understand the concept of "shit's not free."

The bible itself tells not to give freebies to young aged widows for instance; people whose family members and specifically the main breadwinner of a family group freaking Died, because it turns them into gallivanting useless lazy whores to put it more roughly and less nicely than stated. They knew about the perils of welfare longer than two millenniums ago.

People make there own choices but the Bible is very clear on welfare. Which I personally agree with.

Social Security is a biproduct of our falling away from God as a nation. Your children are supposed to take care of you when you're old, not the state.

I agree, but like I said we pay so much into SS and the government misuses the funds.

Hence why I am pro very low taxes and allowing people to spend their own money.

>The government is not am individual
>corporations are individuals
This is how the religious right rationalizes things? No wonder this country is going to he'll in a hand basket

Couldn't say it better myself; CHARITY is one of the greatest lessons. That being said, welfare is not charity, it is the forcible redistribution enforced at gun point.

I never said corporations are individuals. Also I never said I am right winged. I am just stating facts.

America is going down because the family unit has been destroyed due to big government policies.

The Bible teaches that whatever government your under is over you in authority. The same power is not given to corporations.

>Why is the religious left full of hypocrites?
What kind of environmentalist would vote for third world immigration?

That verse is condemning heavy drinkers which is my point, sins have their consequences. I didn't mean all poor people in the past, but there was a lot of innocent poor people back then than today. Today we have some innocent poor to though it is rare, like if those Christian bakers who refused to bake a gay wedding cake come on hard times I will donate to help them out; that's being impoverished by oppression in my books.

>he wants to convert people at swordpoint
Pretty sure that's not what Jesus meant...

>what does defense spending have to do with loving your neighbor
How do you love your neighbor with a predator drone?

>The bible says no free handouts
Then why are so many soup kitchens funded by the church?

If social security is so awful, then why does the religious right advocate for it so fervently?

>I am not right wing
>big government is destroying America
I have news for you, user.

No one is innocent. Other than that I'd say you're dead on.

Because they are stupid like the rest of America.

Show me where in the Constitution it says give welfare.
You can however see that national defense is in there.

Baby Boomers who reject the Bible and worship the state, mostly.

Believing in right/left. How old are you?

The religious right has nothing in common with Jesus.

>believing in horseshoe theory
user, I...

This is exactly my point. Most Christians in America practice the exact opposite of what Christ taught.

a motherfucker with a job

Every human is a hypocrite. If you understood even the most basic Christian doctrine, you'd know that the entire reason we need a savior is because you CANNOT EVER get past your sinful nature and subsequent, eternal death. Christ's death paid for your fine so that you may have God's mercy is you choose to repent and receive it.

Literally nowhere in the Bible does Christ, or anybody, say that the government should be used for welfare. Not once, ever.

Self defense, defending borders, and keeping out invaders are all explicitly mentioned and defended.

You should really read a Bible.

Every functioning adult is a hypocrite.

I am also anti war, anti drug war and I think the government job is to be a ref and it’s important for government to protect the environment. Am I a liberal as well? Also I could care less if you are a trans person.

It means to judge to hell. You are expected to judge between right and wrong.

That is why I said read the sodom and gomorrah story. It really helps explain why America is so shitty.

Something being moral or immoral doesn't depend on the success or failure of the act. For example: theft is always immoral, regardless of if you use the proceeds to help people who are genuinely in need.

So, whether or not the poor are all taken care of doesn't have any bearing on charity being moral and taxation for welfare being immoral.


You wanna know how I know you've never read the Bible?

Why wont you follow the slave morality we have inculcated you with

No one practices what Christ taught. Not any nation anyway. In fact, the USA might be the WORST at emulating Christ, which is why the anti-christ is so prevalent here.

do you play minecraft?

IDK but this is standard D/C tactics. I will tolerate a Christofag and get along quite well with them much better than anyone in the Alt-Left coalition.

I agree, I would bet more “Muslims” have accepted Christ then the average American “Christian”.

>Why is the religious right full of hypocrites?
The religious left is full of hypocrites too.
The religious tend to be hypocrites by all standards and rarely if ever hold up all maxims of their respective religions.

Religion is a cancer.


>implying blacks and other subhumans are brothers of the white race

Gandhi called niggers cattle so who is more based Sup Forums?
Is gandhi /ourbodhi/?

>anti war
>anti prohibition
>pro trans rights
You might be a liberal if...

I have read it. What does that story have to do with Christ's teachings?

the bible says blacks are beasts of the field lol

I don't know about that. They may live closer to God's law but don't they repeat "God has no son" quite a bit?

Are you trying to tell me that Jesus wpuld disagree with that statement?

Do you believe that literally every cent we spend on defense is going towards predator drones?

Because god was very specific on why he would burn sodom and gomorrah. America in my opinion has few few believes like sodom and gomorrah.

I believe there are a lot of Muslims who are scared to admit they have accepted Jesus. This is just my opinion.

Adherence to the law has absolutely no bearing on your salvation. Works righteousness is the quintessential opposite of Christianity, which is why the pharisees are emphasized and called out.

Overall the modern day American Christian is just stupid, fat and lazy. It would not surprise me if America was mystery Babylon.

we live in a fallen world and the only solace you have is through religion. Existence has always been a trial by fire and, with the progressive decay of society due to straying away from Christ, this world, in all likelihood, will fall into perpetual anguish wherein imagination, ideal, and will are merely relics of a better past. Loneliness is the sole truth of this life, and it will always be with you. It doesn't matter how much you sacrifice or work, you, and everything you built, will wither away as the sword of time cleaves all in twain.

Love, family, and brotherhood are dying, and if we don't change our course quickly, every accomplishment of humanity will be rendered meaningless, and the non-believers, no matter how much you love them, will die lonely, with nothing but the chill of their failures to keep them company.

You march forward as mankind willing steps backwards. You run while others sit. You love while others ache in anguish. But all you want, all you'll ever want, is yo help them realize how beautiful life is and they are.

But you can't

You can't save the people you love from themselves, and that's the most bittersweet red pill in the whole world, isn't it? Beautiful, yet stings like a bitch. This sting, once felt; however, serves as proof that you are still human, and you still care.

>So you're saying that a Christian America wouldn't need welfare, because our nation's richest men would simply give away their wealth for the betterment of mankind?

History. The church used to handle "welfare" via the coffers

True, although I disgree that it has no connection.
When you believe in Christ you do the works even though they're of no benefit to your salvation. It's just the right thing to do, how can you not?

Came here to post this, thanks Leafbro

Exactly, they should come FROM your salvation, not as an attempt to earn God's favor (which you can never, ever do by your works).

My point was only that because somebody follows the law doesn't mean at all that they're saved, in and of itself. To think so is a dangerous route that leads to legalism over joyful living in God's design.

Correct, only the holy spirt can save you.

Legalism has it's place.
I know some Christians with long hair or who get tattoos, etc...you tell them "Hey what you're doing is wrong, I can show you in the Bible" and they think it's a joke.
How can they believe and laugh off spitting in the face of God?

We spent billions on the Iraq war, stop being blind