How would you have handled this situation?

How would you have handled this situation?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nuke Saudi Arabia.

>implying it wasn't staged

With lethal force.

>Fire Cheney
>ignore daddy issues

Ground all Airlines.
Deploy Fighter Jets to escort planes that are already in the sky.
Deploy the national guard all over Landscapes,important strategic areas,deploy Special Forces into countries we are already suscious of in case we gotta go after the person whos hiding there.
Freeze all assests of any foreigners visiting the country.

>Deploy Fighter Jets to escort planes that are already in the sky.
not enough military planes in the entire world to escort every civilian plane currently flying over the USA


Yeah but thats after we already grounded most of them. How much more can possibly be in the sky?

Start the longest war in American history with a sovereign nation that had nothing to do with the attack and destabilize them creating a power vacuum allowing for fringe fundamentalist groups to gain power providing for the destabilization of neighboring countries creating an influx of refugees to liberal socialist republics in Europe in turn uniting the youth against said socialist policies and creating a new conservative world order in the West.

fugg :DD

there is like 2500 over the US at any given time. military only has like 500 active fighter planes

Cool. Didn't know that

Go play a few rounds of golf until people are more mad at me for play than the guys who killed 3000+ people.
Go back to the white house for some wine and kick my feet up by the fire.
>wouldve saved 60000+ lives & 20 trillion in american tax dollars.

Well first I would cancel all NORAD drills going on that day. That is assuming I wanted to actually stop the attacks...

But elements in US .gov wanted the attacks to happen and with hindsight there is plenty of motive. One of the reasons we are where we are as a country is deeply connected to the story of Vulcan/ Minerva.

The vulcan group (look them up, this is verifiable... basically Bush et al) was in league with cia and saudi elements and knew 9/11 was going to happen (at the very least more than likely certain people caused it to happen because the vulcan group was in place. These people were placed perfectly to enact the plan which involved terrorism, changing laws, scaring public, more control over populations, war, oil, money. Vulcans hammer (vulcan group) split jupiters head (protector of the state and its laws also sacred animal is the eagle...)

"Fearing that their child would grow stronger than he was and rule the Heavens in his place, Jupiter swallowed Metis whole. The titaness gave birth to Minerva nonetheless and forged weapons and armor for her child while within Jupiter's body. The constant pounding and ringing gave him a headache. To relieve the pain, Vulcan used a hammer to split Jupiter's head and, from the cleft, Minerva emerged, whole, adult, and bearing her mother's weapons and armor.
I will let you come to you own conclusions... but..

Minverva is the group within the gov with globalist intentions. Jupiter is the supreme god of the Roman pantheon, called dies pater, "shining father". He is a god of light and sky, and protector of the state and its laws. Jupiter had to be harmed for Minerva to be born.

Research Vulcan group 9/11. This is how we fucking got the deepstate that is entrenched in the power structure of America and the world.

hot damn. Was bush really that forward thinking?



Better question; how would Trump have handled it?

Reading to children was the perfect alibi

I mean, Bush was in on it so it's not like he was surprised or anything.

>stand up, scream, wave my hands around
>start running around in circles screaming as the children panic

I would have immediately gotten a pet goat

Occupy foreign lands to win the hearts and mind of the people who's resources we are going to secure for them.

Can you imagine the happening threads if pol was around in September of 2001? Epic is what i would assume, rivaling easily Corner the Dorner and 2016 election night


some web forums back then are still up now have topics going through it, eerie to read.

Hey kids. Let me show you the "football"!

Nuke France, Saud, Germany then go to lunch to discuss afternoon nukings.

>Ladies and gentlemen it has just come to my attention that this great nation is in dire need of my leadership skills I ask that you remain calm as I divulge what my secret service has told me, you all have a right to know... The nation has come under attack and thus I must leave plese stay safe and make sure your children also stay safe this day of reckoning may have shaken the very nation to the core but as the old saying goes united we stand, divided we fall and we must stand UNITED

I'd build a mosque on ground zero

What he say to him?

The nations under attack

Let Sup Forums know

That is not training. Put all aircrafts in air.

>but they are in air already

So protect Pentagon

>already attacked

Shit, ask Silverstein why he isn't eating breakfast in WTC.

>but, he did this


Id do what trump did.


Why ?

Load up Sup Forums immediately and start a happening thread.

I would also need to know how My Pet Goat ended.


Nuke Israel and Saudi Arabia.

I spoke too soon


I would have acted like I mas telling him about 9/11, and really just tell him a joke.