Thunderbolt fantasy thread

For those who are waiting for season two,h here is some great news update.
Seasons two is on making rights now, and we will also got a short movie spin off about the story of the
phoenix killer based on his novel

Other urls found in this thread:


A new character will be introduce, he is apparently the phoenix killer's sensei

Close up of his head scope

And also our dynamic duo heros of the show will be in the show as well

Fuck yeah, I love these puppets

Are the mangas not-shit at all?

Another new character form the new novel about Xíng Hài

Hot damn

This'll never be a puppet

Both manga are good, the artists did great job drawing Xíng Hài

I'm always surprised at how fucking huge these puppets are

There will be some limitations of course because they are glove puppet after all, but they can still do it

and then she's going to die in one episode

Why's a moving doll show or theatre to be placed on Sup Forums?

The main manga's art is iffy but it adds a lot of details to the characters. The anthology has better art, as does the Tanhi spinoff, but they don't do as much in terms of story and some of the character exploration is silly fluff like Shoufukan doesn't just like a food, he can cook a food too. I do like seeing the shipping fuel with more explanations though - stuff like Ken trying to find and give Tanhi things she likes rather than just talking about how he'll woo her.

Do you guys want to see some things like these in season two ?
I had been so fascinated by this fight ever since someone post it on the last thread

Is Urobutcher on board?

Currently waiting for TM Revolution's to appear


I hope it's as good as S1.
With the mystery surrounding Vape duck and Sho Fu being somewhat gone we'll need another one.

I had sfw mode on. Gomen, user-san.

Can't wait for the second. It's odd though I never thought I'd be hyped for a Taiwanese puppet show.

I wanted an onsen scene.

Finally got around to it the other week and it was a pretty wild ride.
I have to wonder how season 2 is going to work though. A lot of what I liked about it came from both Shou and the world being mysterious, and now we've got a lot of background on both.