Germany is a cult

Fellow Germans, will you once again watch it, with the same procedure as every year? Will you be hypnotized like every year by the hidden messages the government puts into the film? Will you be good little Manchurian Candidates for another year?

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Wait...watching this is only a germanosphere thing?
Wtf we look like idiots now

Same procedure as every year, James

(Happy new year lads)

Shut up and watch the hidden messages with the instructions for next year.

what is this film?


I thought this is like Halloween, just with the difference that the UK brought this too us
what are the instructions? are you going to instruct me and my boypussy?

i memeber my parents watching this on like every nye back in the days
never saw it myself though
>the hidden messages
implying what (((they))) put in our tap water isn't enough

>what are the instructions?

Nobody knows. They are brainwave patterns, pnly Merkel knows. Probably something about illegal migration and socialism.

Fuck man, I thought this was a purely Norwegian thing

holy shit, you could be onto something, the way this woman acts, her delusion about her "old friends" actually reminds me of the wife of Erich Honeker, and the butler is the "folk" who can only resort to alot of alcohol to deal with it all

>not watching glorious german 70s kino instead

that guy is basically pol incarnate

My very traditional family have never watched this all together nor is it a tradition in the uk but I have heard of the film before for some reason

nah this is unterschichten kacke
this guy knows

whats the name of the movie you kraut faggot

My American family just watches The Poseidon Adventure.

>british film the briton never heard of

Don’t watch it, you will become a degenerate SJW.

it's called dinner for something... can't remember.

I only know because QI taught us Germans do this.

You Krauts are fucking weird, smoke a fucking blunt and stop being so stiff. Every single one of you is always so fucking stiff.
it seems to be true, the british don't know this one but continental europeans do

i remember this being my first english lesson

holy fucking shit why will no one tell us the name of this movie or what it is about. What is wrong with Europeans? What fucking movie is this? And why do Germans like it so damn much?

Is it so fucking hard for you wanna be rape babies to just explain this?

>geriatric femdom
>good goyim
Nimm zwei

How many times does he stumble over the tiger's head?

We even air it in English... not in German.

Anglos don't watch that

They loosen up when the swingin' brown dicks come around.

>taking the herbal jew

'Dinner for One' is the name... it is a short clip and rather damn funny. Traditionally aired on New Year's eve. You're welcome!

happy new year

btw they repeat "every year the same procedure" 5 times, and the guy fall 11 times over the tiger head

It's not very good, is it.

Thank God, that's done. Until next year, of course. Thanks for reminding me early, OP. Still time for a nap.

What is this movie even about

the Tiger sympbolizes our dignity, the “procedure” is immigration and they are both old because they symoblize Germans. It all starte in 1968 when we had let in the firwt Turks.

you mean the sketch? or the overall situation?
I mean its almost nye and i'm sitting here... with you... how good do you think it is

We also play it every year tbqh.

Im watching it rn should I turn it off?

what film is it

Wtf are you talking about?? You guys watch that shit? Fucking masonic jewish trash

Dinner for One

The senile Lady Sophie wants to celebrate her birthday with her old posh friends. However, they have all died, forcing her Butler to act as if he was all of her guests, becoming more and more intoxicated in the process. Hilarity ensues.
The cult following is all ironic of course, it's a pretty low-level slapstick skit.

It can be both.

dunno really
never watched the whole thing
its about some old hag and her drunk butler from what i remember

They fuck at the end, well, it is implied. That is what all Germans are waiting for. Sorry for being vulgar.

never heard of it

>They fuck at the end

Oh yeah, I forgot about the sex joke.
That's honestly the only good part.




>but continental Europeans do.
nope never heard of it clearly some weird German thing

>The cult following is all ironic of course
ofcourse Hans...its all "ironic"
thats why even the Bild Zeitung was researching exactly who was laughing in the background and everything


It started here, but it's spread to more Germanic countries. I know that Luxembourg and Denmark adopted the tradition as well.

ja ja, alles nur autistischer Spass, ja ja, keine deutsche Kultobsession ja ja wir sind alle normal peoplezzz

bullshit this movie is world famous. Everyone knows this!

The film is pretty bad

Never heard of it in my life.

Literally never heard of this before senpai

its true, thats the "punchline" so to say, i didn't get that as a kid either

I am sure you know every German film

I don't even get it.

I watched the whole thing.

Maybe i have autism.

nah its especially baffling becuase we know this movie the same way you people know beethovens 9th
step up your game britbonger

the woman gets the butler drunk so he doesn't realise he's fucking the hairy whooly snatch of hers

mexican detected.
Go home, carlos!

frankly i hate german movies
simply because they are anything but german
mostly just cringe bollywood copy pasta with a central european touch

Weed is for niggers.

I've never heard of this film.

It is a German thing, The sketch was made in 1963 when America forced us to take in Turks because “muh based NATO country”. It was a reminder that even Britain was a based white country once and reminds us to this day we were a 100 percent white Germanic country once.

It is all about continuity and how, even though we try, we cannot keep things from changing given that we lost ww2 and America introduced degneracy.

Danish too

>I've never heard of this film.

every year on pol Brits claim exactly that. same procedure as every year I guess

verstehen Sie Spass

ja, ja like evry good citizen i watched it mein obergruppenführer

What the fuck are you going on about? Is this some new kind of bullshit like finger boxes?

What film? You inlanders are a strange lot

wow, lame, why is this even popular ?

I'll find it on youtube and watch it there.

Same procedure as every year, James.
I shall do my very best!

Because it's so very British.


im 38 and what is this?

The rare specimen of German sketch comedy. Such an unGerman thing that it had to be made in Germany by British actors and performed only in English.

its the del-boy falls through the bar sketch, but the german version

yeah ok
everything after american "influence" ruined german TV
but that's a damn long time ago nonetheless

>just look at this retard not knowing "the same procedure as last year" meme

Why do you care what germans watch? They jerk of to BBC and scat daily...

actually Schlag den Raab was pretty unique (he sold it to many countries)
also :
Lola Rennt (international known for being unique concept (well done germany))
Der Untergang (you should see the britbonger version from the 60-70s to understand how good the Bruno Ganz performance was)
The Kinski Movies

It simply never gets played here.
Like a previous user said, it featured in a panelshow called QI. Stephen Fry told us Krautniggers love it.

Never heard of it either, but I have heard of the German and British versions of All in the Family ( yes I know the British one was first)

theres also a german version of the Office called Stromberg which i found better than the british version

btw did you know that Dr Mabuse is a luxembourgish invention? Now you know...friend ;)

to be honest I never heard about that movie or saw that movie

It's got a strange MKUltra vibe to it no doubt about that, it really isn't even funny.
Why the fuck are you watching this?

Meine Deustch ist scheiße, hat es englische Untertitel?

Oh it's about drunkenness. How cute!

I have to move to frankfurt next year. Is it the law to watch this? Will it help my acceptance into kraut society?

germany what the fuck

The opening music was enough for me to click close.

dont think so, it's kind of crap anyway.

it focuses more on this one guy getting bullied and has a generally darker vibe. british version is best

frankfurt sux. it's the literal worst germany has to offer. I live nearby, be sure to make a thread about it before you move, so I can come to the station to laugh at you

>finger boxes

>mfw a foreigner knows more german movies and shows when me

Anschluss or else

It IS funny mate...
Alles gute im Neujahr Bernd >:3

Germans are hyper conformists to whatever is in power. Even in the US, the televised Jew ruined the lives of many selfish white boomers with Cultural Marxisms.