Germany is a cult

Fellow Germans, will you once again watch it, with the same procedure as every year? Will you be hypnotized like every year by the hidden messages the government puts into the film? Will you be good little Manchurian Candidates for another year?

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Wait...watching this is only a germanosphere thing?
Wtf we look like idiots now

Same procedure as every year, James

(Happy new year lads)

Shut up and watch the hidden messages with the instructions for next year.

what is this film?


I thought this is like Halloween, just with the difference that the UK brought this too us
what are the instructions? are you going to instruct me and my boypussy?

i memeber my parents watching this on like every nye back in the days
never saw it myself though
>the hidden messages
implying what (((they))) put in our tap water isn't enough

>what are the instructions?

Nobody knows. They are brainwave patterns, pnly Merkel knows. Probably something about illegal migration and socialism.

Fuck man, I thought this was a purely Norwegian thing

holy shit, you could be onto something, the way this woman acts, her delusion about her "old friends" actually reminds me of the wife of Erich Honeker, and the butler is the "folk" who can only resort to alot of alcohol to deal with it all