Is this show any good or just moeshit?
Is this show any good or just moeshit?
google it fag
Because it's discussed here, it's automatically viewed as being shit.
The three-episode rule applies especially well here because it's usually the third episode that hooks people.
Anyway, pic related.
Its the Evangelion of our time. All future anime will be judged by it.
Utter shit
I dread how this actually is a watershed moment in anime history yet most other studios are going to take away the wrong message of "Oh, so creating something with heart just because you want to and letting your director do what he wants without bogging the production down with unnecessary middlemanaging producers and constraints in order to squeeze another 0.1% yen profit out of the dessicated industry" and instead just take the message as "Oh, so cheap cg then? Got it."
Yes and no. The setting/characters are definitely a big part of it, although I admit the "world in decay" theme the anime takes was also an element in their favor.
You could say Flip Flappers was also a series made from the heart, yet it still saw limited interest. Or look at a lot of PA Works series: They do mostly anime-original stuff, but Glass Lip was pretty awful. Tari-Tari is merely okay, etc.
Kemono Friends will be remembered as the ultimate underdog.
Flip Flappers had a lot of problems with characterization, Cocona and Papika felt like what happens when you do Kaban and Serval exactly wrong, tell too many things that should be shown, rely too heavily on tropes, and exaggerate too many reactions and quirks. FF looked pretty but was just sloppy under the hood. It felt like everything in it only existed for the director/studio to pat themselves on the back over how "creative" it was supposed to be.
more like undercat
Underdog where? Certainly not in Japan, where it actually matters.
>started off as one of the most unpopular shows of the season
>ended the season most popular show in recent history
It has the same appeal as Girls und Panzer, but to an even greater extent.
>unironically saying 'moeshit'
Get out
Flip Flappers had a lot of corporate meddling, or so I've heard. For example the "magical girl" transformations and a lot of fight scenes weren't meant to be there initially.
Chances are, the director would have made something better with more freedom.
Back to you go.
It's just a meme show for hipsters to circlejerk on. Literally everywhere else in all other anime communities and in Japan the show is garbage.
>and in Japan the show is garbage.
The books are selling like hotcakes, user. You're going to see more Kemono Friends for the next 5+ years, especially with Japariket being a thing.
Back to your moeshit threads
Anyway, producers matters and they just be good or shit as a whole team. The most painful issue was that, yes, the writer change was not according to plan, which indicated they didn't collaborate super smoothly internally, so the characters definitely would be affected. Really heartbreaking at that time.
Is Sup Forums unironically just a bunch of hipsters? Why does Sup Forums have shit taste?
Are you implying it's not not succeeding in Japan? Because you'd be hilariously wrong.
It's literally the most popular late night anime in history.
End yourself.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot that here at Sup Forums we always value the superior tastes of other anime communities like MAL and Reddit! Afterall, we all know how brilliant the average MAL user is!
Why don't you go back to one of your other anime communities you massive faggot.
what is that pic about?
I haven't watched Kemono Friends but how fucked is MAL rating these days? Are they still reflexively anti-moe?
>An original anime about magical girls with 7 PVs directed by 7 different directors!
Which one is that? I am in dire need of more stuff like Animatrix and Live-A-Live.
No Reddit, It's a bad show, don't watch it, now fuck off.
amount of cocks your mom has sucked
moegood but 3dshit
Quick, who has the SHAFT QUALITY webm?
It nearly got axed after the first episode because of low ratings and was trash talked by famous "anime reviewers" in Japan.
why are you so mad?
Retarded as usual, MAL users wold even say streaming is better than BD Rips.
Truly a cancerous shit hole.
Did a bit of searching, apparently that's total number of comments on the episodes on NicoNico. So literally nothing.
Well, not nothing, but pretty dang minor compared to actual viewership/sales data.
I'm just starting to learn hiragana. So far I have learned の "no".. I understand that much from your picture
how did you not already know あ at least just from lurking
Blair Witch of anime?
Why does kyoani only know how to make moeshit?
Cherrypicked stats, the epitome of kemonoshilling
>yes, the writer change was not according to plan
Keep deluding yourself
>nearly got axed
That's not how anime production works, son. But keep the underdog meme going because you look funny.
complete trash
we need more boutique anime like this
It's ranked second in the highest viewed first episode on NicoNico ever. And it achieved it in 2 months. 308k people were watching the live restream of all episodes with director commentary.
I'm really curious how much will it sell. They were'nt prepared for such boom.
Because its copy-paste (CP) trash
Which means that is easy, cheap and fast to produce and the plebs buy it like flies on shit
I thought Flipflop has some staff discord . Didn't one of the animator post a rant on Twitter? Kemofure is just two main guys doing 99% bulk of the work.
I wouldn't even consider it well enough animated to be called moeshit. It's not really moe, it's just shit.
You must be a friend who is not very smart!
your first thought was moeshit not furryshit?
Just take for an example. A badly drawn character with dead eyes. This could never be considered moe for me.
/u/ crossboarder scum aren't Sup Forums
Even the director and co who made flip floppers think it was dogshit
only yurifags like that garbage
Your loss
>easy, cheap and fast to produce
You've literally been diagnosed with a mental disorder haven't you. Animation quality the likes of what KyoAni puts out is none of those things. You look like an idiot making statements like that.
kyoanus btfo
>resorting to fan art
I saw this coming a mile away. Almost all the fan art is a million times better done than the actual show animation and can even be considered moe in art styling. Doesn't change that the show is not though. Also you're pretty much outing yourself as a furfag right now.
It's literally the worst looking """anime""" ever created.
Only hipsters like it because of how grating it is, knowing anyone with taste won't touch it with a 10ft pole.
So basically every hipster in Japan bought a copy, because it was sold as a book instead of a BD, it also gave them that hipster feel of being different while buying it.
Now that's it's popular watch all the hipsters realize that if all hipsters like it, it's just plain popular and not their special snowflake anime anymore. It will only go down from now on.
Raw moe is not everything in Kemofure. It's okay not to get it at first, you need watch it yourself.
Obviously I didn't meant the animation by itself, instead I meant the core, like the plot, the characters and the development
But like the brainlet you are, not even that simple context you could understand unless I chew it down and spoon feed to you
>implying I haven't watched it
Nice projection fucc boi. I wouldn't give my opinions like this if I hadn't been watching it. Also, that's not the show animation, again.
>hurf durf durr durr hurrf durrf durr hurr durr
I'm so sorry user. I didn't know you were actually retarded.
My point is that it's not just moeshit.
Cute fanart is certainly a nice bonus, though.
When Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound Prajñāpāramitā, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they were all empty, and crossed over all suffering and affliction.
“Śāriputra, form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness itself is form. Sensation, conception, synthesis, and discrimination are also such as this. Śāriputra, all dharmas are empty: they are neither created nor destroyed, neither defiled nor pure, and they neither increase nor diminish. This is because in emptiness there is no form, sensation, conception, synthesis, or discrimination. There are no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or thoughts. There are no forms, sounds, scents, tastes, sensations, or dharmas. There is no field of vision and there is no realm of thoughts. There is no ignorance nor elimination of ignorance, even up to and including no old age and death, nor elimination of old age and death. There is no suffering, its accumulation, its elimination, or a path. There is no understanding and no attaining.
“Because there is no attainment, bodhisattvas rely on Prajñāpāramitā, and their minds have no obstructions. Since there are no obstructions, they have no fears. Because they are detached from backwards dream-thinking, their final result is Nirvāṇa. Because all buddhas of the past, present, and future rely on Prajñāpāramitā, they attain Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi. Therefore, know that Prajñāpāramitā is a great spiritual mantra, a great brilliant mantra, an unsurpassed mantra, and an unequalled mantra. The Prajñāpāramitā Mantra is spoken because it can truly remove all afflictions. The mantra is spoken thusly:
gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā
It has a very simplistic plot with post apocalyptic themes, but it's really not all that, especially if you aren't into to moe. It's cute, tame, and mildly entertaining.
>damage control
>moving the goal posts in an attempt to be right
>trying to look more intelligent while not even using correct English
I'll take that as a yes in response to the whole mental disorder thing.
Why do fans of this anime read so deeply into the supposed plot? It seems really obvious and shallow too me.
Who are you quoting?
That post, obviously.
>creating something with heart
So that's what we're calling it?
The characters' sincerity plays a lot into it. The plot might be run-of-the-mill but with these characters when they find out about the truth it feels like telling a kid that their dog died.
Can you even read English, you fucking unintelligent nigger? He's saying it ISN'T an underdog anime in Japan, because it's a massively popular meme show that people only like because of how fucking terrible it is.
This. Kemonofags only ever post fanart, because it looks just that bad.
t. furfag
t. buttblasted hipster
>people only like because of how fucking terrible it is
It's a cute, simple show user. Just because it looks bad doesn't mean it is bad. What it lacks in animation quality it makes up for in character design, character interactions, soundtrack, and showing-not-telling.
It's basically just this huge joke that everyone but you has been in on for the past 3 months.
Kemono friends is popular for the same reason Rebecca Black - Friday got so many views on youtube.
It's fucking trash, dude.
Why do you believe it is trash, user?
Except it's not considered a meme show at all you retard. Only MAL and newfags in this thread think this is a "3D meme show". It's legitimately good and receives pretty much universal praise in Japan, by fans and industry people alike.
Pretty much, at the start of the season the "Kemono Friends of the season" was going to be Hand Shakers however it's so bad that it's largely unwatchable. That's when this show took up instead.
It's more popular than Kobosuba, and he's upset.
I have nothing against Konosuba, mind you.
It's shit and yurifags are the only ones who unironically think its good.
>It's legitimately good and receives pretty much universal praise in Japan, by fans and industry people alike.
There is literally no yuri in the show, user. You're chasing phantoms and you're not providing any actual reasons why you hate the show.
dead forced meme
>why do you believe it is trash user
>it's shit
Eloquent, user. Why is it shit? Do you find the characters to be poorly written? The plot? Is it the animation? Character design? You can't say it's bad because it's bad, that tells people nothing.
There's a little bit.
As in, subtext in one episode.
>universal praise in Japan
Like almost half of them
I don't actually watch anime, I'm only here to pretend to be angry.
Its shit
>all these yurishitters butthurt than meme dragon flopped, bandwagoning on kemomo because it sold well
>despite hating it for its animation like typical kyoanifags