What were you doing 4 years ago today Sup Forums ?

What were you doing 4 years ago today Sup Forums ?

High on meth with my boyfriend.

is nice of you being gay and all,very progressive

A female boyfriend, I presume?

fucking a black FWB in the ass, drunk as hell.

your mum lol

enjoying muh white europe.

Pretty sure I was high and thinking of killing myself. Now? Just thinking of killing myself.

Getting drunk with Mrs user. Just like now.

Happy New Year to you lot. xx

I was in Paris with my girlfriend, we got robbed by shitskins.

fucking up the one chance I had with the only girl I ever really loved

You should start trying to love more. You sound lazy.

Damn, I'be been suicidal only for one year, and it's getting bad already. Keep it up.

Got my first salary position on a psychiatric ward. Made a good chunk of money and realized lifes really not that bad. This year I am now realizing how much I actually hate my job. Life is a funny thing, you know?

dude I don't remember what I did yesterday

Please kill lefty politicians on your way out.



Contemplating suicide after being falsely accused of a sex crime

Sitting on my bunk in Delta dorm.

Calm down fbi

Had just gotten back from afghan deployment

I was fucking my girlfriend who i had been with for a month on her living room floor, 4 years later we still happily do the same.
Happy new year guys heres to another corker.

Walking home with 3 of my mates from a party coming down of cocaine. Longest walk of my fucking life.

If we turn to terrorism, we have no chance of winning.

I had a girlfriend and a science job.

Today, working for lawyers and no one special.

Did you do it?

2013 was a weird year. I miss it.

Fucked a Asian qt3.14 for the first time. She was a squirter too.


It was the worst time of my life. Shit was fucked up for me 4 years ago. Luckily I'm in a better place now.


I wasnt even born yet haha

well I've dated three girls since and they've all been cunts, I'm trying finnbro

I was balls deep in an Irish girl. I was fortunate then.

Unironically recovering from ass surgery. Fissure and fistula. Living hell.

Fapping to Porn.

shitposting in the Sup Forums new years party thread.

Shitposting on Sup Forums. Not even joking.

Being naively optimistic of the future