Countries that have been invaded by muslims, what advice can you give to us who haven't experienced it yet?

Countries that have been invaded by muslims, what advice can you give to us who haven't experienced it yet?

Sadly i don't think pic related will happen again.

Other urls found in this thread:

Better start learning arabic

Kek, fuck you, user.

We have already been invaded...

Just avoid their enclaves.

Learn how to fight ando how to defend yourself

Spent some time in Germany. My advice? Lots of white, christian fundamentalist babies - best if educated out of school, like the flying universities during the occupation in Poland. (

It's not an invasion, they're refugees fleeing from war. The advice i can give you is you should not be bigoted, do not be hateful, mind your own business, and love your fellow man regardless of their religion.

That's shitty fucking advice Poland, It takes 18 (21 for usa) years for babies to grow up and start doing shit. I can't wait that long.

Pic related.



i don't get it, why is always the leaf ?



Once the Muslims reach majority status, they'll kill you, force you to convert, or make you pay a special tax




>Countries that have been invaded by muslims
only the dead know peace from this madness


sweizer schluchtenkacker klau mein job nit

Brussels here. Capital of Europe and capital of Belgium. Already in 2008 Mohamed was the number 1 name for babyboys. And it has not changed since. I am part of the majority in my country. But a small minority in my capital city. I will convert probably to survive the elderly home when I will be 70.


You can expect massive increases in homelessness of native citizens, as the 'refugees' are given priority for housing. There are hundreds of them camped out in 4 star hotels in my town right now, and the taxpayer is paying for it.

What is there to tell you don't already know? They "slowly" reproduce more and more and you see more crimes while seeing less whites.

And unless there's a huge increase near you you won't actually notice much change until a decade or two when more and more of old white people in local shops are replaced with brown people.


Oof this is more accurate than I'd like to admit

That's horrible. Elon has got the right idea of just leaving this planet.

What about the Michelin star restaurants and good French food? Still there or is replaced with curry some pisshead wouldn't even eat?



You see that BEAUTIFUL white woman on the right? She's ours! You can take that darkie on the left back with you, starvin Marvin. How can you even compete?


Australia for Aussies


They actually eat a mix of French food and their own food (not really curry, more like kebab and couscous). Some even eat pork because they're actually not really muslims, just arabs/blacks without any real roots.

I live in the same town since almost 30 years now and you just notice it became shittier when you recall old memories. That's why it is important to raise awareness about demographic change especially considering western governments are traitors / infiltrated.

As for Michelin stars restaurant they're still there no problem (for now at least).



I'd suggest shooting them. In Alberta alone they've created many mosques that intentionally spread intolerance. It's not worth having these shitskins constantly around women in the club completely over confident at everything but having no value.
