She has a point, you know. Why are white so uncreative and strange with their naming...

She has a point, you know. Why are white so uncreative and strange with their naming? Naming a kid after his father is ultimate cuckoldry imo.

Dick is a nickname, not a given name. It's short for Richard. Plus, dick is simply a slang term. It was probably a nickname for the name Richard first.

he looks like a black dick

Not one person has ever named their kid "Dick", nigger, now get off the internet.

OK, LaTrina

that's richard to you, coon

Still better than muslims calling their tv stuff big black cock.

>Naming a kid after his father
I never understood this desu, why would you give your kid your own name?

I would rather name my son after his grandfather or other ancestors, not a total copy but at least some reference.

I think that's supposed to be a male.

thats a woman?

Raising your own kid, giving him your name is what fathers do. If you have not had an earthly father that did this for you, I would encourage to pick up a bible and learn about the love your Heavenly father has for you. You might realize that having a father is not a bad thing.

>They dont be

Nobody names their kid dick. They name him Richard. Richard is an ancient name rooted in tradition.

LaShwanah was made up out of thin air and is rooted in stupidity.

>name my son after his grandfather
I'm named after my grandfathers. Dad's dad first name, Mom's dad middle name.

New a guy in the army named "Cheese"
He got that nickname from a guy that was in the unit before him, with the same name. That guy used to get incredibly bad dick cheese while on exercise.

He inherited his nickname from another guy's smegma.


Everyone makes fun of nigger names, though. Not just based whitey.
I think american negros should vet through their thick skulls that they are dispised by every other race on the planet but most of all their own.


>Naming a kid after his father
Isn't anyone going to take this? No? Okay, well it's almost 3am here and I'm pretty drunk, but I guess I'll have to be the one to do it:

>black people would name their kid after his father too if they actually knew who the father was

>like they don't be naming

It is painful to read this.

meh, don't care

You'd have a bunch of niggers with names like
Unknown Johnson
Don'tknow Washington
Whodat Jefferson

> Thinks we name our children Dick
> Not knowing 'Dick' is short for Richard

I guess naming your kid after his father is something the black man wouldn’t understand, since none of you even know who your father is. I mean honest to God, I thought blacks were supposed to be these big tough guys... why are you pussies so terrified of small children?


says the nigger named jojo

Naming children is about honoring ancestors and naming the kids after great people, not making a unique names just for them.

Your name doesn't happen to be "Airwrecka" or "La-a" (the dash ain't not silent) by any chance?

What about Peter, saw a crime report yesterday with perps name Shitavious

There is story about a guy named Shithead pronounced Sha-theed

He is right about the faggots who give their kids a diminutive name rather than the full one.

If your name is Dick you can go by Richard and other names. Latisha and Saquesha you are fucked.

because Brad is more professional than Ty-rell-quan-la-davis

>t. La-ah (pronounced luh-dash-uh)

Talking about another man's penis and giving him a nickname around it... Tell me again that the Army isn't full of fags.

that's a guy, guy

It seems American blacks like to do this to then add "senior" to their own name.

So "Steve Smith" names his son "Steve Smith Jr." and then in turn becomes "Steve Smith Sr." and it helps make him feel more important or something.

Worse yet, why did they examine it closely enough to see?

>Wow you named your kid Alexander?
>Why not give him a unique and interesting and exotic name, like Jayronquellius?


I haven't met a Richard who calls himself Dick that was less than 70 years old lately. The nickname was ruined by the slang. The nigger knows not of what it speaks.



How do you go from Richard to Dick?

yes, all those children named dick... oh wait, that's not a real fucking name

No one under the age of 60 goes by the name "Dick."