I know barely any of you and have interacted with you all for some time...

I know barely any of you and have interacted with you all for some time. Yet somehow I feel as if I’ve known y’all all my life. Thank you for the laughs and providing a place for me when there was no one else.

Happy New Year my friends

>providing a place for me when there was no one else
>wrong the gaybar

happy new year fren

May the bobs be open and the vagene shown to you in 2018 bitch lasagna.


Cheers cunt
Looking forward to shit ramping up in 2018, see you when you get here faggot
Eat your onions

Happy New Year, faggot. Remember, you're here forever.

Happy new year m8

The future is ours. Be well my kin.

cheers mate, and happy new year

be good to yourself

happy new year faggot 2018 is a great year to kys