WTF I love antinatavism now.
The reasons why millenials refuse to have kids
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The most convincing parts of the article.
wow i want to kill every single person quoted in this article with a rock
>by (((Isabelle Kohn)))
Wew, shocking.
This just made me mad at how childish Western millenials are behaving,I have to friends one that is 24 and the other is 20 and both have 2 kids even though they are dead tired from work everything they do is for their own children including their wives aswell.
>"I'm just not one of those people that thinks pregnancy is a beautiful. I see pregnant women and my eye bulges and I feel grossed out by the whole thing. There's like, a person inside them. The only thing I want inside me is a vibrator or 26 burritos." - Zara, 26
I actually have a hard time believing actually somebody sad that. Maybe the article (((author))) got creative.
Same, their childish ignorance is infuriating. Even right off the bat they trash Grandmothers for warning young girls not to go childless, cause after all it's not like those grandmothers have life experience and seen some shit.
They sound like weak women.
white male millennial here , to poor to raise a kid and the media made white male undesirable
>be an average american retarded millenial
>take out loans to study some irrelevant bullshit at college
>can't find a job outside of retail or serving coffee
>barely paying off loan
How are you supposed to provide for your kids?
Dude once children are like 12 it's fucking easy. Just stop coddling the little shits.
>hurr the world sucks...
>because of le TRUMP xD xD
I think the prospect of raising a family is splendid. The women on the other hand want to put it off until later.
>not practicing the 14 words
I shiggy diggy
because over 60% of the country is horribly poor?
Because the country and the world in general is already overpopulated?
What I want to know is what the fuck is Sup Forums's obsession with wanting everybody to have kids?
With the wealth gap growing wider every year why fucking have a child if you're going to be forced to raise that child in a shit tier trailer or apartment and they're going to have a shitty life being raised near drug addicts and crime?
What is wrong with wanting to avoid that and simply have a better standard of life for you and the person you love?
Have 20 and claim welfare. Seriously. all whites need to pop out babies like crazy and go on the welfare dole right fucking now. Force out the negresses and beaners through a demographic boom and force the kike government to subsidize it. What are they gonna do? cut off all welfare? if so then the niggers and spics starve and whites will be able to network to feed each other. If they only cut the welfare for whites and leave it on the mongrels then that redpills millions of white people who turn 1488 and they have an insurgency on their hands.
Seriously I would rather have a single white mother with 10 white kids collecting welfare in a trailer park than a childless cat lady or worse a coal burning whore with mongrel halfbreeds any day of the week. ANY FUCKING DAY OF THE WEEK.
Reason why I never had kids: I never had sex.
This, use the kikes weapons against their system. It is whites money afterall...
I bailed on the idea of having kids years ago. It's the worst possible financial decision a man can make. First off you need to assume one of the trash bag women out there would make a good wife and mother. A wrong choice means being monetarily cucked for a large portion of your life. Not to mention the fact that a child anchors you to that broad for life. Even when the kid is grown you're still gonna have to see the cunt.
Be smart anons, if your thinking about starting a family with a woman, start with buying her a puppy. When I saw my ex wife fail at that I knew it would be irresponsible to give her a child.
I’m glad these people are not reproducing.
it's another episode of nu/pol/ falls for the bankster's birthrate psyop
Going to hav kids after we buy our house. We are 26 and 27 need just got approved for 500k mortgage tops. Prolly will spend around 140 on a starter home though
>What I want to know is what the fuck is Sup Forums's obsession with wanting everybody to have kids?
economic interests in alignment with female interests are a force to be reckoned with. See: feminism, lgbt, etc.
My girl can't have kids
Pretty much this. The people that complain about kids would make shit parents.
>anti-trumpers are removing themselves from the genepool
I don't "refuse" to have kids, it's just incredibly hard to find a decent woman who's actually motherly material.
Mazel tov, goy! Glad to hear you'll be paying your future ex wifes mortgage for years to come!
>The reasons why millenials refuse to have kids
There is but one reason.
Pre-industrial society: Family and kids are economic nessesity
Post-industrial society: Family and kids is economic expense and risk.
Here you go.
Liberals are seriously gonna need some form of re-edjucation, their minds are so out of wack, and function so far from logic that I am truely worried about the future of the world. Liberalism is a form of 'soft' mind control, this type of mind control can be used easily on the masses and even affects those that don't accept it. This is why the liberals control the narrative so well, the constant barrage of soft suggestion in all media constantly day in and day out, on the drug, chemical, and nutrient deprived minds of the masses.
This is pretty funny
>Abolish feminism
>Problem solved
Oh Yah Hahaha,
The immature millennial mind does NOT comprehend the ticking of the female biological clock.
I've seen it in real time.
About 39-42 these females figure the cock carousel sucks and NOW want a baby,
But guess what
All they'll get is old dried up unusable ovaries and cats until the therapy no longer works and it's time for the rope.
Ignorant cunts
Simple world eco math
Have kids
Import niggers
You future your choice
And? Why does that matter to me? Why should I downgrade the lifestyle of me and my spouse to have a kid we don't want?
Is it morally right to have a child knowing you will be unable to provide it with a good life? What is your obsession with forcing people to have kids?
Now that's a slippery " slope"
Wow, and here I am thinking that I shouldn't have kids because I'd be a shit parent and provider.
Is this really why most people don't want kids?
Jesus Christ if I knew I could do a good job I would at least be open to it, here I am worried about my mental baggage and health problems and these faggots just care about whether they look hot when they are pregnant.
>I won't have babies because of Trump
Good, fucking morons.
They sound like the generation that comes before humanity is wiped out
>wahhh childbirth might hurt!
Pathetic. I'm scared too but every mother says you forget about the pain the instant you hold your baby.
because DIVORCE LAWS and """feminism""" killed the family
>people want kids for selfish reasons
>wanting to be a better person through parenting is selfish
>lol I dont want kids are you crazy
>100% selfless
Are mental gymnastics hereditary? I'm looking forward to the next generation that doesnt pull this dumb shit
Actually , if your not ready for kids it's best you don't have them.
What's your age user ?
Thanks for archiving. Happy newyear AldiAnon.
>because over 60% of the country is horribly poor?
This is complete bullshit
I can't afford to support myself - no one I know, early twenties, can afford to take care of themselves. Why would I have kids when o can't support myself?
>Hey dumb dumb support this economic system which has no long term benefit for anyone so that you can somehow claim that you're beating out niggers in terms of population despite the fact that your single contribution which heavily impacts your life is never going to change any natural statistic
Do you think when you write shit like this?
You sound like a fucking parrot
What if this is by design? What if (((they))) jacked up the price of living so if you did have children, you become dependent on social services like foodstamps and welfare and therefore your vote is bought and paid for.
>I can't afford to support myself
why cant you?
Hahaha, pain = horrifying
But really really weird thing 99.9999% women are like YUP let's do this again as their getting their Gina remounted like a flat tire.
>pregnancy is not hot
That's like, legitimately misogynistic.
Everyone I know in my 20's is either barely scraping by with no kids, living with their parents, a Chad/Stacy with a modelling gig getting by on looks, or they have kids and live in terrible neighborhoods where meth labs and gunshots and broken windows are common.
>Have 20 and claim welfare. Seriously. all whites need to pop out babies like crazy and go on the welfare dole right fucking now. Force out the negresses and beaners through a demographic boom and force the kike government to subsidize it. What are they gonna do? cut off all welfare? if so then the niggers and spics starve and whites will be able to network to feed each other. If they only cut the welfare for whites and leave it on the mongrels then that redpills millions of white people who turn 1488 and they have an insurgency on their hands.
>Seriously I would rather have a single white mother with 10 white kids collecting welfare in a trailer park than a childless cat lady or worse a coal burning whore with mongrel halfbreeds any day of the week. ANY FUCKING DAY OF THE WEEK.
>every mother says you forget about the pain the instant you hold your baby
That's actually not true, that's just another example of brainlet slags and their shitty verbaige.
When you hold your baby and you realize what you now have in your arms it makes it WORTH the pain, you do not just FORGET the pain.
You forget any pain eventually, but it sounds romantic and faggy as fuck to say "oh I just forgot all about when I held my baby!". If that were true then why do women need epidurals? Because it fucking hurts.
I bet if they had been shot in the chest they wouldn't forget jack shit, no matter how many babies I threw at them.
Know what you're getting into, don't be surprised and don't fall for the "just be urself" equivalent of advice from basic bitches who have no idea what they are talking about because they were fucking blazed out on pain meds when they gave birth.
>When you hold your baby and you realize what you now have in your arms it makes it WORTH the pain, you do not just FORGET the pain.
Yes, that's probably the most accurate statement. Perhaps I misspoke.
This. I want kids, but the gf is still finishing her
PhD dissertation that she’s been writing for the past six years. By the time she’s ready to have kids, she’ll be in menopause.
>because DIVORCE LAWS and """feminism""" killed the family
Where is 2?
No beta males did
>tfw 30
>tfw my biggest dream is to be a father
>mfw all the woman my age are just roasties or single mothers
Spent my whole life trying to be responsible and productive and it didn't get me shit
Should have just stayed a pot head.
Yeah liberals are dying out. The only whites above replacement levels are right wingers. It is rather funny.
You are just not looking hard enough
I know plenty of girls that are virgins
Wait till the ladies hit 30. Just a matter of time.
It will be kids, or a handful of xanex washed down with 2 bottles of wine for a loooooooong nap.
no girl over 16 is a virgin these days.
Democrats literally wanted you all to die off while minorities got handouts and thus could reproduce lmao. New Child tax will reverse that hopefully. Fuck Obama
Maybe in potato land
Smart move is, ONLY MOVE ,
In order to raise functional children you need to have financial shit together. Not zillionaire. Good job(S). Both of you,
No daycare, repeat no day care. To many people spit kid out then let fucked up strangers raise them. That means different shift. Your home while she works the visa versa . Benefits are you see less of each other, appreciate the time together instead of being Siamese twins.
Your young user, trust me , if your still with Mrs user in 10 years she will let you know her biologic clock is ticking like Big Ben. With age come maturity and shifting goals and values.
lol do you keep inspiration for your dream wedding in your hope chest too, you big fat lady?
How do you find these kinda women?
>Your home while she works the visa versa
Why dont you just work while she stays home?
[spoiler]she already got her tubes tied and says pregnancy is her #1 fear above even drowning and burning to death[/spoiler]
The first part actually makes sense, reproduction is not promoted but instead demonized. Just fuck anyone for fun! Screw commitment and responsibility Were becoming niggers.
>be my pseudo-intellectual friend
>decides he needs his PHd to prove he is smat
>He is 32 when he finishes, no GF ever
>we Joke he should find a 22yo college qt
>He finds one who meets is pseudo-intellectual reqs
>She is getting her PHD
>He turns 40 when she finishes
>They get married
>They get professor jobs at some university
>Tenure track! just 7 more years
Intellectual elitists, even actual educated ones, are far more worried with their elitism than kids. 30 years of educational indoctrination tells them that Kids kill the earth and are one of the most irresponsible things people do. His wife will be 39 before they even consider having a kid.
I want to know what kind of grown men play house on Sup Forums and then have the nerve to mock somebody for consuming soy.
Liberalism will never die out when the truth is being memory holed by the liberal media.
The kind that doesn't wonna go out side.
It's 6 out side.
I have to agree with the "feminist" remark. my Husband was the one who didn't want kids. He was an excellent step dad however. He did regret not being a natural father at about 35. I really knew he would have second thoughts later. I wish I would have talked him into it now.
Assuming your sole income is sufficient, that's great.
But most young people NEED 2 incomes.
Female home alone all day 24/7 with screaming wet diaper no adult to talk to , plus sore nipples kinda stresses them out. And ONLY thing to converse about is screaming wet diaper Chad jr .
Mental diversity.
She gets away from house, you,kid for few hours every day, you get to become ACTUAL father by spending alone bonding time with kid.
Life will be Alot easier this way, she misses and appreciates you and Chad jr while she's working. Plus plus for you
>But most young people NEED 2 incomes.
No you dont
Just dont waste money on stupid shit
And you people who say you can't afford it; how much crap does the average person buy that they don't need? Just bought for 2 grandchildren for Christmas; kids have way too much stuff these days.
People aren't having kids because life is too good, when society falls and peoples standards of living diminish they will start having kids again.
This is a standard of human society.
Sounds odd.
What age is Mrs user??
Dr. NEVER EVER EVER sterilize man or woman with zero children, under 40,
ONLY REASON is medical complications due to pregnancy OR high high risk of genetic birth defects
only a few years older than me
she was a preemie so she got off on birth defects excuse.
Stopped reading here
I hear you.
I'm boomer. Back in the day ( your age) owned 2 just built homes, my own business, nice cars, 2 kids, "The Dream"
And NOT a single credit card. Wouldn't let wife have one. If I wanted something I worked extra and paid cash.
Most credit cards these days get maxed out with stupid shit.huge debt for throw away toys.
Problem is ,these days most millennial don't know how to be frugal.
Mrs user is lucky girl if you bank good $$ and have a head on shoulders.
Having children is an act of faith.
In a faithless world having a child seems like an insurmountable obstacle.
The REAL answer is that the entitled little soulless cretins couldn't bare to have someone in the same house that is more needy that THEY are. Plus it would take away some of their Game playing Time.
ITT: men somehow mad women aren't going out and throwing themselves under fat IT nerds
Spite them by having white kids
Hmm. Sounds like I'm talking to my son in-laws. My oldest (30) was 2 months premature, 4lbs @birth, very very traumatic , for me , but all's fine no long term health issues.
Wish you well user
Perhaps medical science will improve over next 10-15 years.
Never say never
>act of faith
In what?
Holy shit thank God those utter morons won't reproduce
literally a soy shake
Because when white people go, so does the modern world