WTF is this bitch doing? In the past week she has retweeted vaguely anti-Semitic videos and has been a demoralizing voice. Reminder that Trump follows this stupid cunt on twitter and she is intentionally trying to stress him out. How do we end her /pol?
Ann Coulter shilling against Trump
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Wow, it's almost like she supports policies and doesn't blindly follow someone.
>In the past week she has retweeted vaguely anti-Semitic videos
It's almost like she doesn't favour Trump supporting another botched Middle Eastern "regime change" in the name of Greater Israel.
This. OP is just a (((brainlet)))
Wtf I’m devided now and want to eat my own!
Drumphf is clearly a Hillary plant, I love Islam and Iran now. Err wtf op you made me think.
Like clockwork, Shareblue working overtime.
at least somebody has the balls to hold him accountable to America First
Wtf I love this heartless cunt now
Good keep posting updates from your job.
You nerd virgins need more overtime, you literallly have no lives.
>video of dancing jews
is Ann Coulter /our girl/?
Everything she said is true and you have no arguments.
It's called keeping Trump in line. Trump can't forget that he got elected on noninterventionism and kicking every beaner out.
>tfw you look back to all the things Ann Coulter has said, and realize that in a sea of delusion and idiocy, she is one of so very few sane voices
I'm sorry I ever doubted you Ann, even though you let Bill Maher fuck you with ten inches of jew cock.
I wanna tongue-punch her dirt-box.
back to r/t_d
based ann
would bang
Nice filenames and reddit spacing David.
based mummy ann
Ann Coulter burned get "neocon whore" card a long time ago. That's commendable, she learned from her horrible mistake of supporting the Iraq War.
Trump on the other hand hasn't learned shit, or is at least using neocon talking points to pretend like he hasn't. He ran against middle East intervention, yet here he is shilling for regime change in Iran. Why? Probably to please his many Jewish advisors.
There will be no wall we got cucked hard famalam
She was hawkish back in the iraq war days, but she admittedly learned her lesson and is against neocons now. She's still retweeting Nehlen after he went full red pill, so you know she's legit.
>trusting the gender jew
Based Ann
Honestly, I think that's giving Trump too much credit. I think Trump is an just an old boomer that has no deep understanding of his own political positions, but he generally has good instincts, which leads to weird instances of him being hawkish for no reason.
>started saying this shit since one month after taking office
>still saying it
>doesnt realize a huge engineering project doesnt happen instantly
Maybe it's shit like this is why no man would marry her.
She's great, brilliant writer, and has been one of the biggest Trump supporters from day one. Her tone is comical, not antagonistic- there's nothing wrong with holding his feet to the fire and reminding people about what is important, especially as the Iran distraction threatens to take attention away from the wall.
I think it's more than she realizes 98% of the political establishment, including Reoublicans, are against the wall, and the chance of it actually getting built gets slimmer every day. Voters are allowed to demand what they were promised and what they voted for. I see it as an affectionate nagging by Trump's biggest fan.
Literally two days ago Trump said dreamers would get fucked if he didn’t get a wall. You people are pathetic. He’s been trying to get Congress to fund the fucking thing since day one.
I'd marry her, but that mole on her foot has GOT to go.
I think about this tweet daily. Well-memed, Ann.
Isn't she like 60?
ann coulter is /pol queen. back to the oven, kike
TIP: Once you befriend the jew, nothing you do counts as a war crime anymore.
shes got a point.
we support trump to save the west, not to expand jrwish power.
>WTF is this bitch doing?
Regime change in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Yemen have produced nothing but rapefugees from civil war, and Iran is planned to go the same way.
Doesn’t she burn the coal? Tolls must be paid!
>Isn't she like 60?
>Tolls must be paid!
Presidents have basically 1 year to push through their pet project or it dies.
Donald spent his political capital shilling for Jews and giving himself a massive tax cut.
Extra points for shareblue calling you shareblue.
Why should I trust a coalburner over a multibillionaire POTUS that has a track record of outmaneuvering his enemies and being extremely intelligent? Who is this bitch to incessantly slander someone that's clearly out of her league?
>He thinks Obamacare passed in 2009
Israel is easy. Moving the embassy took basically no effort. The wall will take a lot of work and cost him a lot of political capital. They aren't comparable.
>Donald spent his political capital shilling for Jews and giving himself a massive tax cut.
It's the stupidity of it that pisses me off the most.
That image is kike v kike m8.
She has no children and is blackpilled beyond belief. She >>NEEDS
Donald Trump is the only person in Washington who actually wants a wall and secure borders. Nobody was even talking about a wall before he started his campaign. Why would anyone who supports Trump's policies blame the one man who is on their side, and not all the Congressmen and judges who are against the wall and doing everything they can to stop it. Unfortunately our government doesn't allow the President to unilaterally do something as major as building a border wall, it has to be approved by Congress. So ask why Congress is so opposed to American citizens having secure borders? You should be furious but get mad at the right people, all the people opposed to these policies, not the only man advocating for them.
Glad to see this as the first three posts. Mindless worship is not we need.
imagine being this dumb
every other jew puppet talked about securing our border with mexico.
it's not going to happen
based white conservative strong womyn!! MAGA XD)))
Fuck jews)))
>tear down that wall, mr. next president
das gonna be embarrassing, and media make sure to meme the wall, built and then taken down, into a symbol
unlike (You) she has the balls to admit she got raped
Good insight. It was still the lesser evil. The only argument for Hilary is that if the full force of the evil were to be unleashed the effort to remove it would, at least, be sincere.
She is calling out Trump for O e of his major lies to his constituents.
gas the kikes
Trump doesn't want a border wall you braindead goblin. He's there to serve your Jewish ruling class. Period. All those promises of border walls, factories, chinese currency manipulation, and deportations were just election fodder for the goyim.
>Reminder that Trump follows this stupid cunt on twitter and she is intentionally trying to stress him out. How do we end her /pol?
This is not how politics work anymore ShareBlue. If anything, I want her talking louder, possibly on her own tv show next to Micheal Savage, who is also "stressing" Trump out, I suppose.
There are literally demos of walls being built in San Deigo, and legislation being drafted by California to prevent pension help to those companies.
Not only are you spreading disinformation, the truthth is now that the tax plan is passed DACA and the Wall will be the Main Event fight of 2018.
If you keep insisting on a border wall, you are an anti-Trump traitor and shariablue. What is more important - our God Emperor or the country? Probably you also put America before Israel you 1488 larpers. Fuck off, shills!
Fuck off shareblue we don't need legislation, we must support our globalist and nationalist god emperor TRUMP
Ann is holding Trumps feet to the fire.
Something that his cult on reddit won't ever do.
>on reddit
kek, you mean Sup Forums
>Criticizing is somehow shilling
That's not how this works.
I think the people that are pissed because they can't catch a flight here are a little more important to worry about than small time cartel criminals that feel the need to have their unborn children on American soil, call me crazy but the chances of those rats making something of themselves is not likely, but at least they can join our military when they're older. We can afford to have more bricklayers but no goddamn radicals that bring their toilet of a culture and rape games here
Literally all Coulter cares about is the wall. "She" won't be satisfied short of a 1000ft wall with armed guards every 100 yards
Miles of wall completed 0
you cannot dispute her logic
Why do people even like her? She comes off as a frigid cunt.
Ann Coulter is a stupid cunt. But I have to admit, she was really good in that Close Encounters movie.
Goddamn I love this circular logic
>Trump is a racist Nazi
>he's going to build walls
>but first he has to ask Congress
>Hahah Nazi Trump can't build walls without congress
>take that you NAZI racist, facist trump can't do what he wants
>but how is he a dictator if he can't rule unilaterally?
So what you are all saying is Trump SHOULD go around Congress and build that wall then? SHOULD HE RESPECT THE POLITICAL PROCESS OR SHOULDN'T HE, SHARIA BLU'?
She's absolutely right to hold him to his promises. At the end of the day, all that matters is on how many promises does he deliver.
Ann knows what's up.
this aint the donald propaganda sub you stupid fucking nigger gtfo
she is a smart woman
named the jew
Ann Coulter is very fuckable
trump supporters slobber his dick so hard they cant see his short comings, 4d chess right?
fucking Israeli pawn, im not voting in 2020 fuck him.
How about he deport ALL of them AND build the fucking wall and not buckle like a little bitch, just like you, weak willed faggot.
draining that swamp right bruh?
She is a perfect example of why we complain about the e-thots not having kids. Ann Coulter should have 7-10 Ann's and Andy's to carry on her legacy, instead her voice goes quiet once she does.
Hah, what more evidence do you need.
Fuck this kike lover,
paul nehlen 2020
Bestiality is illegal mate
>Leave my daddy alone!!!!
Fuck off r/td
>jus build thousands of miles of wall and deport tens of millions of people brah don't be a little bitch
Goddamn we are really lucky we didn't elect a dunce with no negotiation skills (like you)
Based Jews
>I wonder why every bill regarding Israel gets passed 100% by both republicans and democrats, but democrats cock block every other bill for the US people to benefit from, even tax breaks.
I would prefer a civil war, fuck trump at this point. He ran his ENTIRE FUCKING CAMPAIGN bitching how his opponents accepted special interest.
I guess israel isnt a special interest... their money is ok.
quit blindly kissing his ass
I dont want fucking excuses i want results.
If there is no wall by next election, im not voting for his ass.
This times a million
>user turns to his right and asks his fellow ShareBlue to bump his post
The most obvious tell about you all is your lack of political tact. You guys legitimately believe a president is a king.
Btw updoat me bitches
can someone expalin to me who this retarded boomer is arguing with?
we dont need negotiation jack ass, we need the rule of law enforced. we need equality under the law, and we need to stop having our wages stolen to fund this stupid war bullshit in sand nigger land. fuck negotiations. our politicians want to replace us with low wage spic niggers because they make more money with lower wages. we need a day of the rope.
if you cant see what is going on just keep sticking your head in the sand until paco and jamal rape your dumb ass to death, and your children.
dear God....netanyahu's wife actually looks like a bridge troll.
He's lost my support over israel.
>Sholom Rubashkin
>Rub a SKin
>Rub a dick
>Eat foreskin
Hey faggot you sure are bitching a lot. Care to debate any of the point I've presented, or you gonna keep circle jerking with your slave- wage cuckboi friends?
>Wants rule of law enforced
>Yet Wants Trump to circumvent legal process
Can't have it both ways faggot. What about the fact the demo walls are being built RIGHT NOW in San Diego, with many states issuing legislation to block business with all companies involved? What about Trumps last executive order, which was aimed squarely at politicians trafficking humans?
I would say "pay attention", but you probably didn't even read this post.
you have no argument, your argument is trust trump because he is a good goy.
everyone knows the senate is corrupt, which is why we need a civil war. end of that part.
>circumvent legal process
You stupid fucking brainlet. Do we or do we not have immigration laws already that make DACA FUCKING ILLEGAL?
How about we enforce that via the DEPT OF JUSTICE MAYBE?
Fuck you guy, get raped by niggers.
>mfw that jew retweet
She's not even hiding she supported a kike lover like Trump.
Not in the way DACA is written, you uneducated swine. Civil War would never work in your favor, it would only serve to tear the American ideal apart. And if you are a savvy negotiator, war is unnecessary. But then again, you are an imp-minded peon, so violence seems like the only answer to you, whether it be insulting the only (real) person interested in your thread, or burning down a whole country to spite its dregs.
My argument is a President is not a ;) , and must obey the law. I have also presented the fact the the wall is already in the test phase, and the tax plan was the one major legislation hurdle to pass before it could become the main issue. But again, your imp mind prevents you from planning further that your next bowel movement.
Nazis and white supremacists who claim to support the blue collar, working class white man support a New York City real estate billionaire with a jewish daughter and son in law. Welcome to of the idiots.