Sup Forums is an echo chamber of being anti-everything. Prove me wrong

Sup Forums is an echo chamber of being anti-everything. Prove me wrong.

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Im prolife xD

Sup Forums is far from an echo chamber

It's constantly bombarded with every opinion under the sun

I am pro-white.

Echo chamber requires dissenting opinions to be disallowed, Sup Forums allows all opinions, including yours, which is dicks.

The slide threads alone make up a good 60% (if not more) of all threads. Any newcomer would more than likely think that Sup Forums was a left-leaning board based on those alone.

Seems to be that every 2nd person is Anti-jew, anti-arab though. If you're pro-jew or pro-arab, you get brigaded.

Any pro-jews here?

Sup Forums is pro-contrarian, pro-memes, and pro-edginess. It's basically Sup Forums with flags, IDs, and less porn.

Oh, and Sup Forums has more Redditors naturally. Sup Forums is easily the most Reddit board on Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums allows all opinions
Comedy gold

Pro white
Pro tradition
Pro self improvement
Anti faggotry (you)

your opinions aren't censored here, only thoroughly mocked

how can mentaly healthy person be pro-jew or pro-arab?

you don't see people running to live in middle east

youre part right. Sup Forums is contrarian. consider what that means when contrarians agree daily on things like decency and heritage.

I agree with you, therefore you are wrong
take that

Wow I never knew Sup Forums was this tolerant

Being "brigaded" does not mean you cannot voice your opinion. In fact you still face 0 consequences beyond anonymous people REEEEEing at you over the internet. If you can't handle that then perhaps it is you needing the echo chamber just to speak in the first place.

When everybody gangs up to create a contrarian environment it pretty much becomes law without any established regulations. Your argument is kind of hollow.

The board is called "politically incorrect" you fucking retard. It's purpose is to house contrarian viewpoints, by design.

You treat this as a joke, but have you ever been censored? Breaking Sup Forums rules aside have you ever been denied the ability to voice your opinion on Sup Forums? The answer is obviously no, but you mock it anyways because in your pathetic mind people will agree with your non-argument if you just mock the premise instead of adding value to the conversation
This is the stupidest thing I've heard yet, there are no consequences on Sup Forums, get a thicker fucking skin if you want to defend your beliefs. You aren't denied the opportunity to voice them but you actually are demanding other voices be silenced to prevent your own from getting drown out when you fail to make compelling arguments.
You want an actual echo chamber to fight your imagined echo chamber.

I'm pro colonialism

> calls only board that allows for each and every person's opinion to be heard an echo chamber

Hard to be an echo chamber if you have to be compulsively countering arguments.

Unfortunately the shills are a necessary evil, otherwise then it would be more like an echo chamber of sane ideas and thinking.

Shecklesteins and shitskins are 2 of the 3 biggest problems in this world (the 3rd being niggers). Why would anyone side with them?

>shills are a necessary evil,
True. But if the normie libtard wouldn't be able to post their idiotoc crap we've read 30 times already they wouldn't show up here and wouldn't become redpilled

Why are burgers always so literal. I'm not particularly concerned about anything, I don't really care, but saying that someone on this board can voice any opinion without being systematically raped by the predetermined mindset of the horde that is Sup Forumstards is evidently false. You don't need functioning penalties to get penalised, just like a faggot doesn't need shariah law to get the shit kicked out of him in some middle eastern shithole.

This. Everyone who calls one of the few places where you can actually voice your opinion without being censored or shadowbanned an echo chamber should fuck off.

What op wants is an echo chamber he likes, with everyone sharing his views and sucking his cock - nothing more.

Sup Forums requires you to make a point, not just have it.



Definitely not underagefag

you're comparing not having your opinion well received to a faggot getting beaten to death simply for being a faggot.

>Sup Forums is a echo chamber
>the same bait posts that get posted every day get 300+ replies

There's only like a dozen people who's actually pro-jew. Most of the time they don't exist. That's the reality. Now go cry to your rabbi, kike.

>Wow I never knew Sup Forums was this tolerant
Who said we were tolerant?

I am pro-Sup Forums so by definition i am not anti-everything.

Oh look, I wasn’t banned.

Isn't that the standard view of Sup Forums?


Don't forget to Sage Sage Sage

If any of you LARPs actually acted on your "opinions" it would be pretty close to a faggot getting smacked around in public.

I would have that thumb looked it.

never once have i seen people getting censored for having different opinion, only time you get in trouble here is by breaking the rules

> prove me wrong
you are wrong

>shills in natsoc

Yes unfortunately

>anti-everything. Prove me wrong.

Who approves of this image?
If you like this, you aren't anti-everything... OP BTFO


>Reddit , facebook, twitter and all major socail media sites ban right wing opinios while unironic communists are allowed
>Sup Forums , the best place with maximum free speech is the echo chamber

All sites that allow full free speech become naturally right wing . Even /leftypol/ faggots have to censor right wingers or otherwise it would become like Sup Forums

I'm positive that OP is a fag. There you go.

No it isn't.

All of Sup Forums is pro contrarian. All these cucks hate whats cool, popular, has fans and mainstream.


That's a strange echo

being brigaded is a sign of an echo chamber though, if you have brigades of people with the same line of thinking it just enforces that type of thinking whether it's false or true.

yeah I've been banned for posting projudaism threads

pretty much, if the alt right gains major traction pol will become leftist like Sup Forums was in the bush years

So you don't actually know what "echo chamber" means and you just want to slide decent threads. Got it.

>if the alt right gains major traction pol will become leftist
You guys are delusional
We won't stop until we are free

>he wasn't round for unironic pro anonymous posting against le ebil establishment
some day you'll grow up my son

I was here then and I'm here now.
Times changed and the Jew is being exposed, are you a naive weekender?

>You don't need functioning penalties to get penalised
Are you for real?

An echo chamber is a space where dissent isn't allowed to exist.
You are dissent, and you exist here, therefore this isn't an echo chamber.

nah I'm used to the currents of this shit hole, stopped caring a while ago I'm here for the memes mostly.



If I were to agree with you, wouldn't that technically prove you wrong?

No you don’t.

this is rich coming from a commie

Sup Forums is the antithesis of an echochamber.

>the antithesis of an echochamber.
a gas chamber?

got your finger on the pulse then

got me finger on ya mums cunt

I'm pro Hiter. Heil Hitler

>actually thinking that racial differences aren't real
>"muh worker's rights!" *proceeds to shoot workers that protest the miserable working conditions
>abolishing private property rather than regulating it
>causing mass famines
>opening the borders to niggers
>believes equality is a real thing
>calls others insane

Sure comrade...suuure.


Sup Forums is whatever you make of it.
If it were an echo chamber there would be no arguments and no opposing viewpoints. The fact that the ideas that you prefer are generally hated by the users here just means that there is a significant number of people in the world who think you're a fucking retard.
Echo chambers make unpopular opinions disappear. The fact that I have to be exposed to the kind of mainstream retardation on this site is proof that this is no echo chamber. It's closer to the thunder dome. Ideas clash against try to kill each other.

Sup Forums is pro freedom, the rest is up to you.

My Mums already in my Rape Dungeon back home ya fuckin Lebo I'll glass ya cunt

Pls don't use that word. There're Americans around.

I stand up for his right to call me a cunt
Fuck you poofta go be offended for some other faggot elsewhere

fuck up poofta

>tfw there will never be a 4th movie

Documentary son

I'm pro-brushing your teeth.

you're getting replies


No downvotes. No hidden point threshold. No shadowbanning.

big words from discount australia

>make thread asking why Jews are bad
>get nothing but sarcasm and scorn with no actual arguments

Umm no sweetie

I see pro-Israel all the time. Sometimes as a jew containment system though

>A fuckin Argie
I've met plenty of you faggots and not one was tall enough to hit me in the chest without jumping
You are to be pitied and your tactics in your last war were offensive to humankind
For shame

>tries to appropriate australian memes
>claims to be tall on the internet
ok frodo

wish my hands were like that

>6"0 is tall
Every Argie I've seen was 4-5ft tall and had the work ethic of Gollum

>t. brainlets don't understand that everything is anti-something

aussie jew , kek

No one is deleting your shitty opinions. So yes, you are allowed to yours.

and what exactly did you post that was "pro-judaism"? Lemme guess, BBC spam?

classic mum

your shitposting is weak especially for an aussie

Probably a Lebo

>can't hide unpopular opinions
>unpopular opinions get more replies than others, thus being more visible
>this is somehow an echo chamber

>"An echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a defined system. Inside a figurative echo chamber, official sources often go unquestioned and different or competing views are censored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented."

The only way it's an "echo chamber" is that leftists get butt hurt and leave when they aren't welcomed with whatever dumbass sacred cow they decided was important that day.

>Innews media, the termecho chamberisanalogousto an acousticecho chamberwhere soundsreverberatein a hollow enclosure. An echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a defined system. Inside a figurative echo chamber, official sources often go unquestioned and different or competing views arecensored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented.
> An echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a defined system.
>Inside a figurative echo chamber, official sources often go unquestioned and different or competing views arecensored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented.
>amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition
>censored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented
>amplified or reinforced
beat it argie

Underrepresented ideas exist in literally every discussion that doesn't require equal representation. If a lack of perfect representation constituted an echo chamber, there would be nothing but echo chambers entirely.

You are here to challenge my beliefs.
Continue as per normal, you dont need to go back.
Some Beliefs that I have and need challenging are as follows:
Fascism is great
NatSoc is also great
A fetus is a term to dehumanize a living unborn baby
Immigration is bad, any benefits of immigration could easily be surpassed by allowing the would be aborted babies the right to live.
Christians are not kikr worshippers