Can you name all the Crimson Demons from memory, Sup Forums?
> Yunyun
> Megumin
> Funifura
> Dodonko?
> Hioizaburo?
yeah i'll be her friend
heh heh heh...
I think you're missing
friends with benefits?
I'd make hera single mother
just joking, she'll miscarry anyway
I'll be her friend and kill any anons who try to abuse her.
i'll fuck yunyun and ntr this guy
But wait a moment, don't just kill them for being bad. Kill them if it was them or her.
Don't associate blood with her name needlessly, or risk being seen as a monster by her.
I would do it if I had the chance, though, we wouldn't always get along I know. I'm ready for that though.
I just hope her need to lead the clan wouldn't lead to the friendship being thrown away ;_;
>The fetus would rather die than live in Yunyun's womb
Her baby will leave her right after the birth anyway
Isn't that what birth is?
Just try to kill me you little bitch.
This anons up to something guys do not trust him
>roleplaying on Sup Forums
I'm glad I never reached this point in my life
Daily Reminder
Yunyun is my friend and I'm going to fuck her!
>those trips
I saw some funyuns at the store the other day and it reminded me of YunYun.
What is the origin of these meme?
Stop shitposting on Sup Forums, yunyun.
Yunyun deserves hugs.
Nah. Once one or two people exclude someone the only course is to follow the hivemind and ostracize them entirely.
This isn't your ordinary bullying, this is.... advanced bullying
No, the drawfag who 4koma'd it is doing the advanced bullying
Got an archive link to the actual thread, instead of some shitty shooped screenshot?
Its in the fucking post number numnuts
Some kind user drew it up. Dont have time so i cant post it though, sorry~
She should talk to her doctor about venlafaxine
Why? What god(dess) would allow this?
This bullying is off the charts.
This one
>yfw Kazuma was the father
>yfw Kazuma used "steal" on the nutrients for the baby
I'd eat snacks with Yunyun. Heck, I'd grow the crops the snack are made out of with her.
Aqua that's "ISIS" not "AXIS" you fucking retard
Kuzuma strikes again.
The actual reason was that she made a pact with the devil for her firstborn, then got rejected.
Steal nutrients? I think you're trying to hard there.
Or I just don't want to think about what that looks like.
I think Yunyun tried a bit too hard with that contest if ya know what I mean
I fucking kill you mate
A curse be upon the artist.
S- something slight I mean.
Nothing like this kind of pain.
I want to curse you for bringing this back to mind, but it's so applicable I see why you did.
This has gone too far.
That was incredibly lame, user.
But I'd rather you not apply yourself.
We've clearly gone past the line. Let's keep going and see what happens.
The only way to do that would be to make a loss.jpg in the same style as the final page.
I'm watching a horrid lilithsoft adaptation right now, but this makes me feel a lot worse.
Hey with Yunyun emotional burden may last a lifetime but for him.... might take more time.
Right on the dime user
All pain aside, it'd be an interesting story for an 'actual demon' to suffer miscarriage, but due to enemies casting a curse and then she finds out a goddess has saved the soul but will not give the child back until the mother reaches them and redeems themselves along the way.
And of course a potential paranoia factor if she was supremely evil is that her child could be turned into a hero to fight her one day if she stay evil
A curse be upon you.
>Has no friends, no suitors, and everyone ignores her
I can only suspend my disbelief for so long.
That wouldn't work. Nobody would rush to the hospital to see Yunyun.
I'm going to marry Yunyun because she's the cutest girl of all time.
I got this skin from hextech, needs recall someday
Okay, now this is getting far too bully.
Right, you'd probably end up like Kurt Cobain before you kill anyone with that dumbass goddess
>steal takes what the other person finds most valuable
>the baby was important to yunyun even though it was a rapebaby
I knew kazuma was a dick but this is going too far
>In the dark of the night Yunyun from learning the truth grips her stomach and screams out into the abyss, "KAZUMA!"
The abyss looks back and says... "Hai Kazuma desu"
at least I have friends
You sure about that?
>other person finds most valuable
I thought it was random item
pretty sure
>Middle aged Yunyun was walking down the street when she saw a horse being whipped
>she frantically hugged the horse and cried as she begged the man to stop
>the horse looked at her disgustingly and told her to fuck off
>aqua fag
>has friends
Why do you go on the internet and tell lies?
At least I'm not delusional, none of them probably give a shit about you.
I'll be her boyfriend, I'll go ahead and be her husband too and make her a happy mother.
oh boy i can't wait to fuck some dodonkos!
Mr. Ed is a cunt
And extreme motorboating
I'd watch that
This is evil.
Yunyun deserves a little happiness.
Because I can?
What is she saying?
Murdered by his wife? That doesn't make any sense
"No way fag"
n-no! they are caring about me!
Provoking kazuma's carnal desires with her tits and stating she'll have his child.
So why can't Yunyun get friends? I know she has none from her clan because she isn't chuuni, but why not anyone else? She's hot and capable. Surely someone at least tried to use her as a fighter, then fuck her.
Kill yourself Sup Forums
Can anyone give me 10 reasons why Yunyun shouldn't be bullied???
No you can't, well of course not she deserves everything she gets.
She's overleveled to the people she's around. Also, she's seen as a lone wolf type.
Because if that were to happen, she'd lose her only character trait.
That sums up all the characters in this show, just one-joke gimmicks, Darkness with masochism, Meg with explosions, Aqua with being a retard, and Kazuma... well is he really that interesting to begin with?
Well she's also a counterpart to Megameme. Their rivalry can be emphasized
when she was a child nobody wants to be her friend and now it's too late to adapt to society and too hard to overcome her social awkwardness
Axis is about hedonism and endulgence, which is always enhanced by groups. Axis would have more and stronger friendships than No Fun Allowed Ever For Any Reason Eris cultists.