ok i really dont understand
what is this "erase time" bullshit? isnt this just stop time?
how is king crimson different from Dio's The World?
also Eternal Jojo General I guess
ok i really dont understand
what is this "erase time" bullshit? isnt this just stop time?
how is king crimson different from Dio's The World?
also Eternal Jojo General I guess
The translation does't help you understand his ability.
You have to understand it like this: he can see the cause and effect of everything, from this 2 points (start and finish, cause and effect) he has the ability to erase the cause.
What's there to understand?
>step 1: create a crazy stand
>step 2: claim that its undefeatable
>step 3: defeat it
araki is a hack
>this will be animated in your lifetime
basically what king crimson does is and that's what king crimson does
>4 / 0 / 2 / 3
What are you doing, OP?
Now that I think about it, the flimsy translation is probably why the fandom got so confused over King Crimson's power.
Diavolo has 2 powers:
Epitaph lets him see the future
King Crimson lets him "delete" a span of time, which results basically in people forgetting what happened in that span of deleted time.
Only he remembers what happened
He looks 10 seconds into the future with Epitaph, creates a period of time where everyone and everything is on auto pilot, and during that time he's completely intangible and able to move around whereever.
It's basically like lag in a video game. Diavolo has a great and clear connection while everyone else is on McDonald's wifi. Also, I hope you're reading the new translations and not the old one like in your pic.
Reminder that Star Platinum and The World are the ultimate unevolved Stands
No Acts, no Requiems, no whatever the fuck Made in Heaven is. These Stands would be unbeatable if their users were competent
>be purple haze
>see ugly punch ghost
>pop capsules in area around yourself
>dumbass stops time and punches you
>poison gas infects stardust
>dies within 20 seconds
>laugh and drool over yourself
>that nerf to star plat out of nowhere
>can't even take a hit, or stop time for a long time.
I understood king crimson power even with the flimsy translation
Well that just means you're smarter than all of us
This. Read the new pages. Also, think of it as he can see every possibility and he chooses which one to move to.
Doppio only has Epitaph in this fight. Though he can see the future, he is unable to avoid whatever happens to him. King Crimson's full power allows him to erase the effects of Risotto Nero's attacks while also allowing Doppio to move in position.
holy fuck thank you!
where can i get the new translations?
It's on bato.to and there's only 2 volumes left that needs to be retranslated. Make an account and look for the chapters done by Jojo's Colored Adventure.
The reason Star Plat and The World are so OP is because they're the epitome of *teleports behind you*
But Araki doesn't do that because he has class, and that's boring. So he makes the users retards
Why are you reading shitty scans?
Anyway think of it like this: DIO stops time, Diavolo skips it forward
The new translation almost reads like diavlo is proposing
>The reason Star Plat and The World are so OP is because they're the epitome of *teleports behind you*
>But Araki doesn't do that
>mfw Mista vs Giacchio animated
Probably one of the best straight Jojo fightsa ever
but the old translation is...awkward. i prefer the new one. the old one is way too literal with the japanese words
This will degenerate to a SP vs KC thread yet again, won't it?
He skips it forward but how does he know what happens in between?
There's always a 8-12 month break - it's going to happen. Would you rather it being rushed
Because only he can move freely in the skipped time but he can't interact with anyone in the skipped time
I love White Album but The Train Fight is the best arc in VA
Is the re-translation done yet?
They just got to the start of Chariot Requiem. Won't be long now.
Well technically he can, but that interaction would be erased so it's pointless.
Not yet but we are right at the start of Silver Chariot Requiem so not too much to go plus they are retranslating at a faster rate
>VA's best arc is way before the middle of it.
I agree btw
I am predicting an August Announcement at a January release for VA. I think they have learned their lesson and there will be a break but VA will still end in 2018 most likely December
Honestly most of the arcs in VA are really strong post Soft Machine until SCR
The good parts of Part 5 are done
SCR and GER will likely hold up better with the restranslations
Fuck the cause and effect explanations, they only complicate shit.
All you need to know is that his little head Epitaph can predict 10 seconds into the future and mentally create a movie reel out of it.
Then KC has the scissors and glue, he can cut away any part from the reel he doesn't like and glue the rest together.
>Le my Stand is stronger than your Stand getting better
You can't fix the core concept of what's wrong with Requiems with a new translation
Honestly if Part 5 had a better finale i would say it's up there as the second or third best part
Yeah I really didn't get how they defeated SCR
there's no need for that son,
star platinum would win obviously, time stop is far more powerful than deleting time
He doesn't literally "skip time"
Epitaph makes a prediction for a 10 second time frame. When KC activates his ability, everyone except Diavolo repeats the actions that Epitaph shows, while Diavolo is free to change his actions. Everyone else is not aware that this 10 second time frame has happened.
During this 10 second time frame, Diavolo cannot physically interact with other people, because he only sees their spiritual projections ( is clearly a speedreader, ignore him). Diavolo is still able to interact with himself, which is why he is able to spray his blood in Polnareff's eyes.
I guess that's true but SCR will certainty make more sense/be more interesting with better scans and translations
>Would you rather it being rushed
>implying David didn't deliver DIU rushed and behind schedule
oh boy, didnt you see the QUALITY ?