I just realized the Khazar Milkers meme is being pushed to blue pill /Pol towards merchant standards of Beauty.
Lets say no more milkers 2018 OK?
No more Milkies
Other urls found in this thread:
gib yiddie tiddies
She has an ugly face anyway so tits alone just doesn't cut it.
If someone likes this I am fine with it. But she looks pretty bad really.
>ugly face
Not to mention horrible body of just bones without any meat on it. But then again she's Mongol as Khazars got raped by the Golden Horde
let's balance it out
Idc if my kids turn kike, i just want those milkies
jewish women are the best in the world
Don't post perfect bodies like that, the Jews will start kvetching
Turn lights off. Ftfy.
nice try ben.
>Glorious pair of titties on a beautiful traditional woman are being "pushed by shills"
the absolute state of Sup Forums paranoia
she's a 10/10, bro
jew or not
Yeah spamming some ugly chick and calling for breastfedding is totally not shilling or pimping out your ugly sister. Look how she resembles this Asian
Literally Ben Shapiro with Tits.
>yiddie tiddies
I fail to see the problem
Breastfeeding is not for adults, Jews are sick. It's the same fetish as sucking blood for a baby's penis.
I literally just see Ben with tits whenever I see her.
Shut the fuck up you sexually inexperienced loser.
Why won't jewess wear any revealing clothing?
>money is Jewish, stop earning it
Fuck off, queer.
Jewish tits were made for Aryan cock
whoa good one dude
>Lets say no more milkers 2018 OK?
Jew propaganda? You don't say! C'est impossible!
Can your random gook slut even sing Opera? I'd highly doubt so considering she can't even dress like a proper lady.
Face it dude this girl is a proper milk truk coming straight to my mouth.
Good thinking Stony.
You can slap big jugs on a short, brown, hairy creature, but it doesn't make up for their centuries of inbreeding and inherent Jewish behaviour.
Khazar > Nipchongs
It’s not an opinion, it’s fact.
Them big tiddies came from Slava, they don't belong to the baby eating satanists
you stupid shit-eating satanist
White Women are dead, bury them.
Consider this mercy
smelly dumb retard
Nice try (((OP))).
You have to share those Jewish women for the sake of diversity!
daaamn nigga I can only nut so hard fucc
>No more Milkies
How about
>No, more Milkies!
this desu senpai
lmfao Lionel Hutz pls go
good thinking, goy. it's pretty disgusting watching you filthy goyim lusting over our pure jewish queens. it's best you stick to your own kind.
soon, your girls will be WHITE-d
your cunts already raped by arab and ethopian apes. So stay mad
Never been a fan of yiddie tiddies. Give proper nubile white ladies instead who aren't in constant danger of overbalancing...
>implying ashkenazi are not the best jews
ugly face, sorry
Best milkers by far
Other notable milkers
But I love jewbs
Fucking kikes.
That red hoe even has a freemason piece fuck outta here .
Oh well. Got plenty more here.
We must stop this milker epidemic
fuck off ben
and gib milkers
Notice how 99% of all the shill/bait posters are always amerimutts?
I grew up in a Jewish area. I went to many bar/bat mitzvahs, seders etc. I even lost my virginity to a Jewess.
Anyway, it wasn't until seeing this Khazar Milkers meme that I realized A LOT of Jewish girls I grew up with were stacked like this. Not only that, but they were often stoners, anti-Zionists or at least indifferent to Israel and the like. The stories I heard from friends who went to Jewish summer camps were wild too - drinking, smoking, banging like crazy.
Then they start getting to the age of 30 and it all changes. They become conservative, Judaism becomes more important (often when they start having families), they would never consider marrying a goy, and they basically turn into Jewish mothers. Their sexiness just goes right out the window.
I've been back home for several friends' weddings over the last few years and it was crazy seeing some of the Jewish girls I knew from high school. The transformation was remarkable.
That's a jewess, 100%
Or at least pretend to be.
jewesses are legendary for their poor aging
they go from hot sluts to screeching harpies in the span of like fifteen minutes after hitting age 28
Yeah, no shit. Can’t believe you’re just figuring that out. It’s just like the “cuties of the Israeli army” meme. The Jews know you’re all virgins who never touched a girl and are using that to get you to support them
Much better! I actually know a girl who looks quite similiar to her. Both definitely 10/10.
Who the fuck is this now again and what's so special about her anyway?
Ben Shapiro.
I-I mean his sister.
Fuck me I love jewish girls and IDK why they shouldn't be hot but they fucking are.
Don't be lured in by these degenerate milkers
Hahahaha fucking retard thats not a freemason piece, its her fucking initials: A.W.
Her face is just ok in some angles, but then looks really deformed in others. You can tap that sure, just make sure you don't put a ring on it.... just boobs alone don't cut it, it's the whole package.
I was at a wedding last year in a synagogue. My wife turned to me and whispers, "all the guys look the same". They were all short, stocky, prematurely balding, and basically looked like my friends' fathers did when I was a kid. They turned into their fathers really early on in life.
The sluttiest girls in my high school were invariably Jewish. They knew how to party and have a good time, but I think it was sort of like the Amish Rumspringa concept: they get it out of their system and turn back to their culture.
My good friend dated goy and Jews alike, but when he was 16 or 17 he told me he would only marry a Jewish girl. I was surprised because he didn't seem like he cared much about his religion, and I told him that was as racist as me saying I would never marry a Jew. But he just said he wouldn't. I realized later on that even the cool, open, free Jewish people I grew up with still had this strong core identity that they were raised with. They could play around with goy, but at the end of the day they would only marry one of their tribe.
Hahahaha fucking retard thats not a flag symbol its natural toilet paper.
chek'd btfo leafs
>just realized
fuck off low iq faggot we dont need your help
>Men willing to give up their race for milkers deserve neither
"A people that should dwell alone"
Listen, not my fault you Bulgarians have shit internet/shit porn. And let's not speak about flags Mr. Tri-colour
there is INTENSE pressure put on jewish kids from a very young age by their parents to marry within the tribe. it causes a lot of intrafamilal problems with parents forcing kids to end their relationships or essentially entering into arranged marrages
t. jew
>They could play around with goy, but at the end of the day they would only marry one of their tribe.
Just like God commanded
I'm fairly certain that friend I mentioned met his wife on JDate kek.
It's funny though, because Sup Forums hates Jews but in many ways they are doing it right. They have fun when young, don't get sexually hung-up or whatever, but when it counts they stay within their tribe. They favour their own people but don't make a big loud stink about it like the white supremacists.
>They are whores when young
> 1488
If I had to choose between two extremes, I would choose to be promiscuous when young, sow your wild oats, get some experience and learn what you like, then get married and settled down vs. be a bitter permavirgin who masturbates to hardcore porn while having delusions of being a monk or whatever.
>You can only drink the milk. You can never buy the cow :(
>Fuck me I love jewish girls and IDK why they shouldn't be hot but they fucking are.
Some are, others are inbreed monsters, go around 11 in the middle of the day, usually the daugther of some fabric store owners look like a shaved ALF, they usually don't go out to parties or other places outside their comunities, that's why you dont see them, also, many orphan kids with deformities, or deformed kids in the Garrraham hospital are jews
>usually the daugther of some fabric store owners look like a shaved ALF
>Literally Ben Shapiro with Tits.
Sounds like a good time to me.
I do not know :(
>demands no more abigal shapiro posts in 2018
>literally makes an abigal shapiro post on the first day of 2018
Hows the ride on the short bus?
You cannot fight the power of the milkies without seeing and knowing their power
Seriously, look at Barbra Streisand, and she had surgeries to hide her ALFness