MC falls in love with the middle schooler

>MC falls in love with the middle schooler

Just why?

Middle schoolers are erotic

Because they're the best.

Imagine he'd impregnate the older sister after some courting and romancing and marrying. Nobody would want to see that. Absolutely nobody.


He has good taste.

Because Rei prefers delicious flat. He may also have an imouto complex due to losing his when he was young.

Because Hina is a miracle of the universe. That and Anija deserves Akari.

Atleast he's handling it in a relatively sensible manner, becoming the effective man of the house and sorting the entire family's problems out bit by bit (like working on getting the cake settled down before she passes her expiration date)

JCs are the best!

But if he doesn't confess to Hina soon, she'll keep on oniichan-zoning him and might get taken from him by one of her male classmates who have crushes on her.

In that scenario he'll just settle for Momo, obviously.

I think his main problem is that she's still a 10-year-old at heart and is more interested in hanging out with her new friend and making candy to think about boys.

Yeah. That's why he needs to hurry up and take her innocence before someone else does.

"Nobody." Nobody wants him to see raise that new-founded family either.

>she's still a 10-year-old

I wanna read the manga now.

Hina wins the MC bowl, yes.

Do it, it's great.

I would almost recommend you hold off and wait for the anime. The upcoming arcs are Kawamoto Family heavy and are super fucking amazing. Shaft's adaptation has been really great so far too. Also, the next volume of the manga won't be out until after the anime starts up again so it's not like you're falling too far behind.

I like how Japan has no problem depicting high school boys falling in love with middle school girls. I think that would be taboo at least in the US.

I'd bang Kana Hanazawa ngl

Isn't she in high school by the time he realizes he wants to mate her?

I see... I'll wait for the anime then. Thanks

Collette is gods gift to this sinful earth.

Why is she so autistic?

He must have already been in love with her a while before he made the proposal, because he told grandpa he had been thinking about it for a long time. I think when he made that vow to her in v05 that was his autistic way of confessing love to her.

First episode of next season is going to end with Hina coming home missing a shoe and I can't fucking wait.

Maids are old and busted.
Autistic girls are the new hotness.

I want her to play with my penis using her feet.

He clearly has the best taste.

Picked back up.

I will disagree with that user and say you should read the manga, familiarize yourself with shogi, then watch the anime